“Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE)” is one of the top infrastructure development programs of Department of Science and Technology (DST), India. This was started in 2009 exclusively for Indian Universities. The core objectives of this program is to strengthen the research capacity of the active R&D based Indian Universities and to provide financial support for nurturing the research ecosystem in the country. Department of Science & Technology, India has restructured and re-oriented PURSE in the year 2020. A dedicated Program Management Board comprising eminent academicians is involved in the process of evaluation of fresh proposals, reviews the technical progress, etc. A cumulative weightages of i10 index of faculty members, H index of the University along with NIRF Ranking are considered for selection of Universities under PURSE program. Department of Science and Technology, India has encouraged the Universities to carry out their research activities in Mission mode focusing on thrust areas closely aligned with national priorities such as start-up India, Make in India, Atmanirbhar India etc. Money was also allocated for developing startup and industry collaboration, to train manpower, internships, etc.
For more information’s please visit:
Dibrugarh University PURSE details:
The Dibrugarh University, Assam has been awarded the DST-PURSE project
in the year 2023.
Title of the Project: Designing multifunctional nanostructured materials
for catalysis, energy and biological applications
Total amount: INR 10.76 Crore
Duration: 2023-2027.
In this DST-PURSE program Dibrugarh University has under taken several multi-disciplinary research objectives aligned to National Missions/ priorities. Under this program, the university is going to develop various instrumental infrastructures viz: High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM), High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC), Electrochemical workstation, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GCMS), Liquid -Nitrogen plant.
Project Implementation group (PIG) |
S. No. | Name and Designation | Affiliation & Email IDs | DST-PURSE role |
1 | Prof. J. Hazarika, | Vice-Chancellor, Dibrugarh University (D.U.), Email: vc@dibru.ac.in | Chairperson |
2 | Prof. Pankaj Das, FRSC | Department ofChemistry, D.U., Email: pankajdas@dibru.ac.in | PURSE COORDINATOR; |
3 | Prof. D. Chetia | Dean, R & D, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences D.U., Email: dchetia@dibru.ac.in | Member |
4 | Prof. L. R. Saikia | Professor & Dean, School of Biological Sciences, Dept.ofLife Sciences, D.U., Email: lrsdueco@rediffmail.com | Member |
5 | Prof. K. Bhuyan | Professor & IQAC Director, Dept. ofPhysics, D.U., Email: kalyanbhuyan@dibru.ac.in | Member |
6 | Prof. (Mrs) G. Borah | Professor & Head, Dept. ofChemistry, D.U., Email: geetikachem@yahoo.co.in | Member |
7 | Prof. P. Saikia | Professor & Head, Dept ofPhysics, D.U., Email: saikiapk@dibru.ac.in | Member |
8 | Prof. S. Borkotokey | Dean Student and Affairs, Dept ofMathematics, D.U., Email:sborkotokey@dibru.ac.in | Member |
9 | Prof. D. Sarma | Professor, Dept. ofChemistry, D.U., Email: dsarma22@dibru.ac.in | Member |
10 | Prof.(Mrs) S. Borgohain Gogoi | Professor, Department ofPetroleum Technology D.U. Email ID : subrata@dibru.ac.in | Member |
11 | Prof. M. Das | Professor & Head, Dept ofPharmaceutical Sciences, D.U., Email: mkdps@dibru.ac.in | Member |
12 | Prof. B. Mazumdar | Professor, Dept ofPharmaceutical Sciences, D.U. Email: bhmaz@dibru.ac.in | Member |
13 | Prof. B. Kakoti | Director, Centre forBiotechnology and Bioinformatics, D.U., Email: bibhutikakoti@dibru.ac.in | Member |
14 | Dr. R. Kar | Associate Professor, Dept of Chemistry, D.U., Email: rahul.kar.dib@gmail.com | Member |
15 | Dr. P. Chetia | Associate Professor, Dept.ofLife Sciences, D.U., Email: chetiapankaj@dibru.ac.in | Member |
16 | Dr. A. Baruah | Assistant Professor, Dept. ofChemistry, D.U., Email: anupaulbaruah@dibru.ac.in | Member |
17 | Dr. A.T.T. Mostako | Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics, D.U., Email: mostako@dibru.ac.in | Member |
The Project Working Committee (PWC) is constituted with the following faculty members. The faculty members from various departments will actively participate to realize the research objectives of DST PURSE Project at the host institute/organization.
S. No | Name | Affiliation |
1 | Prof. Pankaj Das, FRSC | Dept. of Chemistry, DST-PURSE Coordinator |
2 | Prof. (Mrs) G. Borah | Head, Dept. of Chemistry |
3 | Prof. P. Saikia | Head, Dept of Physics |
4 | Prof. S. Borkotokey | Dept of Mathematics |
5 | Prof. D. Sarma | Dept. of Chemistry |
6 | Prof.(Mrs) S. Borgohain Gogoi | Head, Department of Petroleum Technology |
7 | Prof. B. Mazumdar | Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
8 | Prof. B. Kakoti | Director, Centre for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics |
9 | Prof. A. Bharali | Dept of Mathematics |
10 | Dr. R. Kar | Dept of Chemistry |
11 | Dr. P. Chetia | Dept. of Life Sciences |
12 | Dr. B. Chetia | Dept of Chemistry |
13 | Dr. S. Konwar | Dept of Chemistry |
14 | Dr. P Dutta | Dept of Physics |
15 | Dr. G. S. Das | Dept of Physics |
16 | Dr. P. Dutta | Dept of Mathematics |
17 | Dr (Mrs). B. Kalita | Dept of Physics |
18 | Dr. (Mrs) B. Pathak | Dept of Physics |
19 | Dr. J. Saikia | Dept of Chemistry |
20 | Dr. P. Khakhlary | Dept of Chemistry |
21 | Dr. K. Deori | Dept of Chemistry |
22 | Dr. A. Baruah | Dept of Chemistry |
23 | Dr. B. Mesh | Department of Petroleum Technology |
24 | Dr. P. Mudoi | Dept. of Chemistry |
25 | Dr. H. R. Bhat | Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
26 | Dr. B. Bhuyan | Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
27 | Dr. G. Sarmah | Dept of Chemistry, DUIET |
28 | Dr. R. Nath | Dept. of Life Sciences |
29 | Dr. S. Rajkhowa | Centre for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics |
30 | Dr. K.Goswami | Dept of Statistics |
31 | Dr. A.T.T. Mostako | Dept of Physics, Convener |
Project Staff:
Name of Project Staff and Designation |
Dept. |
Objectives |
Group leaders |
Email id. |
Jyotishma Boruah Project Associate 2 (SRF) |
Chemistry |
Nanomaterials for hydrogen evolution and dehydrogenative coupling reactions (P-04) |
Prof. Pankaj Das Prof. G. Borah |
jbaruah95.20@gmail.com |
Jyotismita Bora Project Associate 2 (SRF) |
Chemistry |
Transition metal oxides/sulphides based materials for water splitting, energy device and sensor application. (P-05) |
Dr. Bolin Chetia Dr. Prithiviraj Khakhlary |
borajyotismita90@gmail.com |
Madhusmita Baruah Project Associate 2 (SRF) |
Chemistry |
Application of nanomaterials in biology/drug deliver/enhance oil recovery (P-06) |
Dr. Jiban saikia Prof. Diganta Sarma |
madhusmitabaruah1996@gmail.com |
Sumon Boro Project Associate 1 (JRF) |
Physics |
Perovskite based materials for catalysis and solar cell application (P-01) |
Dr. A.T.T. Mostako Dr. P. P. Mudoi |
sumonboro899@gmail.com |
Masshuda Madni khatun Project Associate 1 (JRF) |
Chemistry |
Metal organic frameworks, layer double hydroxide or graphene based materials for catalysis, energy device and environmental application. (P-02) |
Dr. Kalyanjyoti Deori Dr. Surajit Konwar |
masshuda95@gmail.com |
Ms. Rituparna Hazarica Project Associate 1 (JRF) |
Physics |
Computational Study (P-03) |
Dr. Bulumoni Kalita Dr. Anupaul Baruah |
rituparnahazarika277@gmail.com |
Brief description about infrastructure to be created:
More details about the equipments will be updated soon.
Title of the Project: Designing multifunctional nanostructured materials for catalysis, energy and biological applications
The broad objectives of the project are as follows:
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
Prof. Pankaj Das
Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University,
Email: pankajdas@dibru.ac.in