नियतं कुरु कर्म

Perform Your Duties, For Action is Superior to Inaction


To develop human resource by integrating knowledge and skill, human values and compassion for a better world.


To impart value oriented education and skill based training that foster leadership traits of the learners, thus generating sustainable development, social harmony and peace.


  • To inculcate the spirit of enquiry in the teaching learning process through appropriate pedagogy and ICT
  • To provide the students with an environment for critical thinking, for negotiating multiple perspectives and for creative problem solving
  • To promote teaching, learning and research with multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches in the existing courses and to explore for offering new programmes with such perspectives
  • To enable the students in appreciating and understanding the social perspectives through engagement in extension services, cultural activities and action research.
  • To forge alliance with the industries for enhancing Industry Academia interfacing.
  • To undertake such programmes and activities which instil in the young minds deep sense of respect for the national heritage, culture and humanism .
  • To promote women education and women studies.
  • To consolidate the collegial structure for effective imparting of higher education in the upper Assam through dialogue and consultative process with the stake holders.
  • To attract international students and to promote international collaborations for teaching, learning and research.
  • To promote innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the students.