Former Vice Chancellors

Dr. B.R. Seth, D.Sc.

Term of Office : 19.07.1966 - 10.05.1971

Mr. M.N. Phukan, M.A., I.A.S.

Term of Office : 15.05.1971-10.09.1971

Mr. J.N. Das, M.A., I.A.S.

Term of Office : 10.09.1971-05.03.1977

Dr. S.D. Gogoi, B.E., Ph.D.

Term of Office : 05.03.1977-13.7.1987

Mr. K. Bora, M.A., I.A.S.

Term of Office : 13.07.1987-12.07.1992

Prof. M.M. Sharma, M.A. Ph.D., D.Litt

Term of Office : 12.07.1992-12.07.1997

Prof. D.Das Kakati, M.Sc, Ph.D.

Term of Office : 12.07.1997-07.08.2002

Prof. K. Pathak, M.Sc, Ph.D.

Term of Office : 07.08.2002-31.03.2008

Prof. K.K. Deka, M.Sc., M.Ed, Ph.D., "Stazorovka"(USSR)

Term of Office : 01.04.2008-09.06.2013

Prof. A. K. Buragohain, M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC

Term of Office : 10.06.2013-17.07.2018

Prof. Ranjit Tamuli, Ph.D.

Term of Office: 18.07.2018-11.02.2021

Prof. R. N. S. Yadav, Ph. D.

Term of Office : 11.02.2021-01.03.2021

Prof. L. K. Nath, Ph. D.

Term of Office : 01.03.2021-12.08.2022