Faculty of Science & Engineering

Department of Mathematics

The Department came into existence in 1967 with a major objective to serve as a center of academic excellence in the area of Post Graduate education in Mathematics and to provide research facilities for teaching, training and research in this area. Apart from regular courses like M.A. /M.Sc., Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph. D./ M. Phil. Programmes, M. Phil. and Ph. D., presently the department is offering classes/guidance to the students preparing for NET and GATE Examinations also. The Department since its inception has organized various Seminars, Workshops, Refresher Courses and Summer Institutes to train the teachers of the region. In 1992 the department was selected under COSIST by UGC. The Department is receiving NBHM Book Grants since 1992 – 93 till to-day. The Department got financial support from FIST for infrastructure developments. In 2007, the Department was awarded financial assistance under Special Assistance Program (SAP) of UGC for a period of 5 years with Mathematical Modeling as the thrust area. The Department has successfully completed the SAP (DRS-I). The UGC has further approved the department for continuation from DRS(I) to DRS(II) for a period of 5 years (01.04.2013 to 31.03.2018). The Department has completed two minor research projects under UGC; six major research projects, four of which were funded by UGC and one each funded by DST and DAE. Further one major research project under UGC is presently running in the department. Publications of the Faculty Members during 2015-2016: 41 (International).

Programmes and Curriculam


Programmes offered

  • M.A./ M.Sc. in Mathematics
  • M.Phil. in Mathematics
  • Ph. D. in Mathematics
  • D.Sc. in Mathemtics

M.A. (Mathematics) and M. Sc. (Mathematics) are one and the same Programme. If the student has taken B.A. degree, he/she is given M.A; if he/she has taken B. Sc., he/she is given M. Sc. Thus, there is no separate reservation for M. A. or M. Sc. in Mathematics.

Duration of the Programmes

  • M.A./ M.Sc.    : 2 years (4 Semesters)
  • M. Phil.        : 1 year
  • Ph.D.        : 2 to 5 years

Intake Capacity

M.A./M.Sc. : 44 (40 merit basis + 4 Endowment),
Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D./ M.Phil.  Programme : Depends on availability of Ph.D. / M.Phil supervisor.

Eligibility for Admission

  • M.A./M.Sc. : Graduates of  any UGC recognized University in Arts/Science securing (a) At least 45% marks in Major(Mathematics) or  (b) At least 50% marks in the subject (Mathematics) and 45% marks in aggregate in case of general course students.
  • Post-Graduates with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and qualified in DURAT.
  • Ph.D./ M. Phil : Passed Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D./ M. Phil. Programme.

Structure of the Existing Programmes

M.A./M.Sc :
Compulsory: Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Tensor Analysis, Differential Equations and Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis, Classical Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Numerical Methods and Computer Programming, General Topology, Mathematical Methods, Measure Theory, Nonlinear Dynamical systems and Chaos, Discrete Structures and Graph Theory.
Optional : Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Probability Theory and Statistics, Fuzzy Mathematics and its Applications, Optimization Theory, Operations Research, Magnetohydrodynamics, Mathematical Modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Graph Theory, Theory of Modules, Algebraic Number Theory, Fields and Galois Theory.

Six-Monthly Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D. Programme :
Compulsory : Research Methodology (Basic Aspects, Computer Applications)
Optional : Fundamentals of Game Theory, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis, Scientific and Engineering Computations,  Advanced Fluid Dynamics, Cooperative Games and its Applications to Networks, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Plasma Dynamics, Traffic Theory and Graph Measures.
ASSIGNMENT  : (Under guidance of the prospective Supervisor concerned)

M.Phil Programme :
Compulsory : Research Methodology (Basic Aspects, Computer Applications) Optional (Any one of the following, to be offered by the prospective Supervisor concerned)
(1) Fundamentals of Game Theory, (2) Linear Algebra and Real Analysis,              (3) Scientific and Engineering Computations, (4) Advanced Fluid Dynamics,          (5) Fuzzy Sets and Fyzzy Logic, (6) Mathematical Theory of Evidence, (7) Plasma Dynamics, (8) Complex Networks and Graph Measures
DISSERTATION:(Under guidance of the  Supervisor concerned)and VIVA-VOCE

  1. The department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University organized a National Conference on MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY sponsored by DST, Government of India from 23rd to 25th May, 2013. The programmes were co-ordinated by Dr. Tazid Ali, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Prof. Kripasindhu Chaudhuri, Jadavpur University, Prof. Dulal Chandra Sanyal, Kalyani University,   Prof. Rabi Nanda Bhaumik, Tripura University and Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dibrugarh University served as resource persons. Scholars from various parts of North-East participated in the conference.
  2. Prof. Garson Damiani, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil visited the Department during     22-24 November 2014 under the UGC SAP (DRS II) visiting faculty programme and gave a series of lectures on Game Theory and its Applications to International Policy.
  3. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organised an International Seminar on Game Theory and its Applications to social and Economic Networks during 10-12 December, 2014. Prof. Sandipta Sarangi  of Department of Economics, Louisiana State University, USA gave the Key-note address while 35 participants including renowered Game Theorists and Network Analysts  from IIT-Bombay and Ropar, ISI- Kolkata, IISc. – Bangalore, Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K., IFM, Chennai etc. took part in the 3 day seminar. The seminar was funded by NBHM, Government of India and Dibrugarh University.
  4. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organised a series of Lectures on Mathematical Finance, during February 17-20 2015 under SAP DRS-II programme. The lectures were delivered by Prof. M.K. Ghosh, I.I.Sc., Bangalore.
  5. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organized a National Seminar (1) on Mathematical Modelling with Fluid and Plasma during 19-20 March, 2015.                 Dr. Devajyoti Biswas, former Professor, Depratment of Mathematics, Assam University and Dr. Susmita Sarkar, Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta delivered talk during the seminar. 14 papers were presented by various participants from different institues. The seminar was sponsored by UGC SAP (DRS – II).
  6. A Mathematical event: celebrate National Mathematics Day on 22 December, 2016, Dr. Dipak Sarma,  Retd. Principal, Kakojan College Dr. Mukunda Rajbonshi, Retd. Principal, Lakhimpur Girls’ College delivered talk during the programme.



Ongoing and Completed Projects

Sl. No. Project Title P.I. Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Completed/ ongoing
1 Major Research Project on ‘Effects of Pressure Gradient and Temperature gradient on separation of Binary Fluid Mixture’. Dr. B.R. Sharma Funded by UGC 8,45,800/- Completed
2 Major Research Project on Study on Graph Theoretic Modeling in Traffic Control Problem’s. Dr. A.K. Baruah Funded by UGC 8,45,800/- Completed
3 Analysis of Liquid Metal MHD flow through a duct in presence of strong transverse magnetic field Dr. P.N. Deka Funded by UGC 5,42,800/- Completed
4 A Study on Some Aspects of Topological Dynamics in Fuzzy Setting (F. No. 32-180/2006(SR) dated 26.04.2007) Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by UGC 1,00,000/- Completed


5 Major Research Project on Modeling of Uncertainty and Variability in Radiological risk assessment Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by DAE 20,17,050/- Completed


6 Mathematical Modeling of Evolutionary Biology (No.SR/S4/MS:686/10 dated 29th August 2011) Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by DST 10,81,000/- 2011-2014


7 IUSSTF Post Doc project LSU, USA, on ‘Mathematical Models on Networks’. Dr. S. Borkotokey Funded by IUSSTF Fellowship 2800 $ Completed (2011-12)
8 Major Research Project on ‘A Study on Cooperative Games and its Application to Networks under Crisp and Fuzzy Environment’. Dr. S. Borkotokey Funded by UGC, India 10.53 Lacs On going from April 2013
9 Bio-cooperative Network Games and Its Applications to Networks Dr. S. Borkotokey UKIERI-UGC 52 Lacs Completed


10 Probabilistic Network Programming: Analysis and Application Dr. S. Borkotokey ASTEC, DST 5.5. Lacs Ongoing from October 2020
11 A Study of Randić Matrix and ABC Matrix of Graphs Dr. Ankur Bharali SERB, DST 18.3 Lacs Ongoing since 21st Dec 2021

Students’ Activities

  1. A Summer Camp was organized by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during the month of July, 2011 in Dhemaji district and the post graduate students were taking part in the camp as mentors.
  2. A Summer Camp was organised by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh for the High School students of Azad and its peripheral areas in Lakhimpur in collaboration with Lakhimpur Telahi Kamalaboria College, Lakhimpur during 7th July to 13th July, 2014. The students of the department took part in the programme as instructors, where the participants were exposed to various popular aspects of Mathematics in addition to the regular courses.
  3. Two Summer Camps on Mathematics were organized by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during the summer vacation. The first camp was held in collaboration with Barekuri Anchalik Yuva Sangha and Jatiya Vidyalay, Barekur from 30th June, 2015 to 7th July, 2015 at Jatiya Vidyalaya, Barekuri, Makum, Tinsukia. Some of the students from the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University were assigned as Mentors in the Camp which was well attended by 60 students of class IX and X from schools of Barekuri and nearby areas. The second Camp was organized in Bazalani Jatiya Vidyalaya, Bazalani about 25 km away from Makum from 13th July to 22nd  July 2015. The Camp was attended by 55 students from Bazalani and its nearby remote areas.
  4. A summer camp on Mathematics was held at Konwarpur Higher Secondary School, Sivsagar during 2nd to 11th July, 2016 by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University. The department has been organizing such type of summer camps for popularization of Mathematics in the rural areas of upper Assam since 2002 for class VIII to class X students. In the summer camp held at Konwarpur a total of 250 students participated from nearby schools of Konwarpur area. The aim and objective of this summer camp was to remove the fear of Mathematics and to attract the students towards the subject. The inaugural function of the program was attended by some of the faculty members of Department of Mathematics, Prof. G. C Hazarika, Prof. Biswaram Sharma, Prof. Arun Kr. Baruah, Prof. Surajit Borkotokey, Dr Palash Dutta, Mr Dhrubajit Choudhury and Mr Amir Barhoi. The inaugural function also attended by Dr Dipak Sarma, former Principal of Kakojan College and a number of students of the department of Mathematics who also participated as resource persons.  Besides Mathematics the participants also performed Drama, Bihu Dance etc. and exhibited their extra curriculum activities during the programme. Thirty students are selected from the participants and they were given an opportunity to visit Dibrugarh University. The selected participants visited Dibrugarh University on 23rd August, 2016. The program ended on 11th July, 2016 with a cultural program performed by the participants. In the closing ceremony the emblem of “Dibrugarh University Mathematics Alumni Association (DUMAA)” was inaugurated by Dr Dipak Sarma. A number of faculty members of the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University were present in the ceremony.
  • Prof. M.S. Saroa
  • Prof. A.C. Srivastava
  • Prof. R.C. Bhattachargee
  • Prof. A.K. Borkakoti
  • Prof. S.K. Bhowmick
  • Prof. B. Banerjee
  • Prof. G.C. Sarma
  • Prof. T.K. Dutta
  • Prof. B.N. Mena
  • Prof. K.C. Choudhury
  • Dr. A.K. Ray
  • Dr. J. Dutta
  • Nabajit Talukdar
  • Dr. G. C. Hazarika
  • Dr. Arun Kr. Baruah
  • Dr. Bishwaram Sharma
The Department came into existence in 1967 with a major objective to serve as a center of academic excellence in the area of Post Graduate education in Mathematics and to provide research facilities for teaching, training and research in this area. Apart from regular courses like M.A. /M.Sc., Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph. D./ M. Phil. Programmes, M. Phil. and Ph. D., presently the department is offering classes/guidance to the students preparing for NET and GATE Examinations also. The Department since its inception has organized various Seminars, Workshops, Refresher Courses and Summer Institutes to train the teachers of the region. In 1992 the department was selected under COSIST by UGC. The Department is receiving NBHM Book Grants since 1992 – 93 till to-day. The Department got financial support from FIST for infrastructure developments. In 2007, the Department was awarded financial assistance under Special Assistance Program (SAP) of UGC for a period of 5 years with Mathematical Modeling as the thrust area. The Department has successfully completed the SAP (DRS-I). The UGC has further approved the department for continuation from DRS(I) to DRS(II) for a period of 5 years (01.04.2013 to 31.03.2018). The Department has completed two minor research projects under UGC; six major research projects, four of which were funded by UGC and one each funded by DST and DAE. Further one major research project under UGC is presently running in the department. Publications of the Faculty Members during 2015-2016: 41 (International).
Faculty Members
Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes and Curriculam


Programmes offered

  • M.A./ M.Sc. in Mathematics
  • M.Phil. in Mathematics
  • Ph. D. in Mathematics
  • D.Sc. in Mathemtics

M.A. (Mathematics) and M. Sc. (Mathematics) are one and the same Programme. If the student has taken B.A. degree, he/she is given M.A; if he/she has taken B. Sc., he/she is given M. Sc. Thus, there is no separate reservation for M. A. or M. Sc. in Mathematics.

Duration of the Programmes

  • M.A./ M.Sc.    : 2 years (4 Semesters)
  • M. Phil.        : 1 year
  • Ph.D.        : 2 to 5 years

Intake Capacity

M.A./M.Sc. : 44 (40 merit basis + 4 Endowment),
Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D./ M.Phil.  Programme : Depends on availability of Ph.D. / M.Phil supervisor.

Eligibility for Admission

  • M.A./M.Sc. : Graduates of  any UGC recognized University in Arts/Science securing (a) At least 45% marks in Major(Mathematics) or  (b) At least 50% marks in the subject (Mathematics) and 45% marks in aggregate in case of general course students.
  • Post-Graduates with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and qualified in DURAT.
  • Ph.D./ M. Phil : Passed Six-Month Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D./ M. Phil. Programme.

Structure of the Existing Programmes

M.A./M.Sc :
Compulsory: Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Tensor Analysis, Differential Equations and Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis, Classical Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Numerical Methods and Computer Programming, General Topology, Mathematical Methods, Measure Theory, Nonlinear Dynamical systems and Chaos, Discrete Structures and Graph Theory.
Optional : Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Probability Theory and Statistics, Fuzzy Mathematics and its Applications, Optimization Theory, Operations Research, Magnetohydrodynamics, Mathematical Modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Graph Theory, Theory of Modules, Algebraic Number Theory, Fields and Galois Theory.

Six-Monthly Pre-Registration Course Work of the Ph.D. Programme :
Compulsory : Research Methodology (Basic Aspects, Computer Applications)
Optional : Fundamentals of Game Theory, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis, Scientific and Engineering Computations,  Advanced Fluid Dynamics, Cooperative Games and its Applications to Networks, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Plasma Dynamics, Traffic Theory and Graph Measures.
ASSIGNMENT  : (Under guidance of the prospective Supervisor concerned)

M.Phil Programme :
Compulsory : Research Methodology (Basic Aspects, Computer Applications) Optional (Any one of the following, to be offered by the prospective Supervisor concerned)
(1) Fundamentals of Game Theory, (2) Linear Algebra and Real Analysis,              (3) Scientific and Engineering Computations, (4) Advanced Fluid Dynamics,          (5) Fuzzy Sets and Fyzzy Logic, (6) Mathematical Theory of Evidence, (7) Plasma Dynamics, (8) Complex Networks and Graph Measures
DISSERTATION:(Under guidance of the  Supervisor concerned)and VIVA-VOCE

News and Events
  1. The department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University organized a National Conference on MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY sponsored by DST, Government of India from 23rd to 25th May, 2013. The programmes were co-ordinated by Dr. Tazid Ali, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Prof. Kripasindhu Chaudhuri, Jadavpur University, Prof. Dulal Chandra Sanyal, Kalyani University,   Prof. Rabi Nanda Bhaumik, Tripura University and Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dibrugarh University served as resource persons. Scholars from various parts of North-East participated in the conference.
  2. Prof. Garson Damiani, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil visited the Department during     22-24 November 2014 under the UGC SAP (DRS II) visiting faculty programme and gave a series of lectures on Game Theory and its Applications to International Policy.
  3. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organised an International Seminar on Game Theory and its Applications to social and Economic Networks during 10-12 December, 2014. Prof. Sandipta Sarangi  of Department of Economics, Louisiana State University, USA gave the Key-note address while 35 participants including renowered Game Theorists and Network Analysts  from IIT-Bombay and Ropar, ISI- Kolkata, IISc. – Bangalore, Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K., IFM, Chennai etc. took part in the 3 day seminar. The seminar was funded by NBHM, Government of India and Dibrugarh University.
  4. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organised a series of Lectures on Mathematical Finance, during February 17-20 2015 under SAP DRS-II programme. The lectures were delivered by Prof. M.K. Ghosh, I.I.Sc., Bangalore.
  5. The Department of Mathematics, D.U., organized a National Seminar (1) on Mathematical Modelling with Fluid and Plasma during 19-20 March, 2015.                 Dr. Devajyoti Biswas, former Professor, Depratment of Mathematics, Assam University and Dr. Susmita Sarkar, Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta delivered talk during the seminar. 14 papers were presented by various participants from different institues. The seminar was sponsored by UGC SAP (DRS – II).
  6. A Mathematical event: celebrate National Mathematics Day on 22 December, 2016, Dr. Dipak Sarma,  Retd. Principal, Kakojan College Dr. Mukunda Rajbonshi, Retd. Principal, Lakhimpur Girls’ College delivered talk during the programme.



Ongoing and Completed Projects

Sl. No. Project Title P.I. Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Completed/ ongoing
1 Major Research Project on ‘Effects of Pressure Gradient and Temperature gradient on separation of Binary Fluid Mixture’. Dr. B.R. Sharma Funded by UGC 8,45,800/- Completed
2 Major Research Project on Study on Graph Theoretic Modeling in Traffic Control Problem’s. Dr. A.K. Baruah Funded by UGC 8,45,800/- Completed
3 Analysis of Liquid Metal MHD flow through a duct in presence of strong transverse magnetic field Dr. P.N. Deka Funded by UGC 5,42,800/- Completed
4 A Study on Some Aspects of Topological Dynamics in Fuzzy Setting (F. No. 32-180/2006(SR) dated 26.04.2007) Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by UGC 1,00,000/- Completed


5 Major Research Project on Modeling of Uncertainty and Variability in Radiological risk assessment Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by DAE 20,17,050/- Completed


6 Mathematical Modeling of Evolutionary Biology (No.SR/S4/MS:686/10 dated 29th August 2011) Dr. Tazid Ali Funded by DST 10,81,000/- 2011-2014


7 IUSSTF Post Doc project LSU, USA, on ‘Mathematical Models on Networks’. Dr. S. Borkotokey Funded by IUSSTF Fellowship 2800 $ Completed (2011-12)
8 Major Research Project on ‘A Study on Cooperative Games and its Application to Networks under Crisp and Fuzzy Environment’. Dr. S. Borkotokey Funded by UGC, India 10.53 Lacs On going from April 2013
9 Bio-cooperative Network Games and Its Applications to Networks Dr. S. Borkotokey UKIERI-UGC 52 Lacs Completed


10 Probabilistic Network Programming: Analysis and Application Dr. S. Borkotokey ASTEC, DST 5.5. Lacs Ongoing from October 2020
11 A Study of Randić Matrix and ABC Matrix of Graphs Dr. Ankur Bharali SERB, DST 18.3 Lacs Ongoing since 21st Dec 2021

Students’ Activities

  1. A Summer Camp was organized by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during the month of July, 2011 in Dhemaji district and the post graduate students were taking part in the camp as mentors.
  2. A Summer Camp was organised by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh for the High School students of Azad and its peripheral areas in Lakhimpur in collaboration with Lakhimpur Telahi Kamalaboria College, Lakhimpur during 7th July to 13th July, 2014. The students of the department took part in the programme as instructors, where the participants were exposed to various popular aspects of Mathematics in addition to the regular courses.
  3. Two Summer Camps on Mathematics were organized by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during the summer vacation. The first camp was held in collaboration with Barekuri Anchalik Yuva Sangha and Jatiya Vidyalay, Barekur from 30th June, 2015 to 7th July, 2015 at Jatiya Vidyalaya, Barekuri, Makum, Tinsukia. Some of the students from the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University were assigned as Mentors in the Camp which was well attended by 60 students of class IX and X from schools of Barekuri and nearby areas. The second Camp was organized in Bazalani Jatiya Vidyalaya, Bazalani about 25 km away from Makum from 13th July to 22nd  July 2015. The Camp was attended by 55 students from Bazalani and its nearby remote areas.
  4. A summer camp on Mathematics was held at Konwarpur Higher Secondary School, Sivsagar during 2nd to 11th July, 2016 by the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University. The department has been organizing such type of summer camps for popularization of Mathematics in the rural areas of upper Assam since 2002 for class VIII to class X students. In the summer camp held at Konwarpur a total of 250 students participated from nearby schools of Konwarpur area. The aim and objective of this summer camp was to remove the fear of Mathematics and to attract the students towards the subject. The inaugural function of the program was attended by some of the faculty members of Department of Mathematics, Prof. G. C Hazarika, Prof. Biswaram Sharma, Prof. Arun Kr. Baruah, Prof. Surajit Borkotokey, Dr Palash Dutta, Mr Dhrubajit Choudhury and Mr Amir Barhoi. The inaugural function also attended by Dr Dipak Sarma, former Principal of Kakojan College and a number of students of the department of Mathematics who also participated as resource persons.  Besides Mathematics the participants also performed Drama, Bihu Dance etc. and exhibited their extra curriculum activities during the programme. Thirty students are selected from the participants and they were given an opportunity to visit Dibrugarh University. The selected participants visited Dibrugarh University on 23rd August, 2016. The program ended on 11th July, 2016 with a cultural program performed by the participants. In the closing ceremony the emblem of “Dibrugarh University Mathematics Alumni Association (DUMAA)” was inaugurated by Dr Dipak Sarma. A number of faculty members of the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University were present in the ceremony.
Former Faculty Members
  • Prof. M.S. Saroa
  • Prof. A.C. Srivastava
  • Prof. R.C. Bhattachargee
  • Prof. A.K. Borkakoti
  • Prof. S.K. Bhowmick
  • Prof. B. Banerjee
  • Prof. G.C. Sarma
  • Prof. T.K. Dutta
  • Prof. B.N. Mena
  • Prof. K.C. Choudhury
  • Dr. A.K. Ray
  • Dr. J. Dutta
  • Nabajit Talukdar
  • Dr. G. C. Hazarika
  • Dr. Arun Kr. Baruah
  • Dr. Bishwaram Sharma

Contact Info

Department of Mathematics

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory