Faculty of Humanities and Law

Department of English


Established in 1967, with specific purpose of imparting post-graduate studies in English literature leading to M.A., M. Phil, Ph. D degrees and to chart the courses at the Major and General Degree level of the affiliated colleges, the Department of English has related itself to the social needs of this region right from the beginning. While imparting studies in English literature and language, the Department intends to give the students a broad cultural background which is necessary for the students to become concerned and well-informed citizens and to enrich their personal lives. Studies in English literature is not confined to the literature of the British Tales written in the English language. It includes select European, American, African and Indian Writing in English. The Department of English, since its inception, has functioned not just as a conveyor of established knowledge and accepted ideas but also as a centre of research. The goals and objectives of the Department of English are in full consonance with those of Dibrugarh University. The Department has been constantly defining and reviewing its objectives through regular meetings of the DMC, DRC and Board of Studies in English.

Programmes Offered


  • Ph. D. in English
  • M.A. in English
  • Post-Doctoral in English

Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies

ISSN 0975-5659

Website of the Journal:

About the Journal


Since its inception in 1976-77, the Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES) (ISSN 0975- 5659) has been providing a space for analysis, intervention and research across a wide range of areas related to English Studies. It is an annual peer-reviewed journal which publishes full-length articles on all aspects of English Studies. The journal invites relevant contributions in areas such as Literature(s) in English as well as articles related to translation studies, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology, linguistics, ELT, and related fields of study.  The journal also publishes reviews of texts, reference books and scholarly work related to the discipline. It is a peer-reviewed journal and all contributions are sent out anonymously to the Board of Reviewers for evaluation. As of August, 2018, DUJES is published both in Hardcopy as well as Online (PDF/HTML) format. A concerted effort has been launched to fully digitise the back issues in PDF/HTML formats for ease of accessibility as well archiving the same. The online version of the journal is The hardcopy version is printed on behalf of the Department of English, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam – 786004 by The Registrar, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam – 786004.


DUJES (Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies, ISSN 0975-5659) invites on an annual basis original, unpublished, scholarly and relevant research articles in areas such as literature(s) in English as well as English translations, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology, linguistics, ELT, and related fields of study. The journal also publishes reviews of texts, reference books, and scholarly contributions related to the discipline. The journal invites well-researched papers, articles and book reviews on an annual basis, the announcement of which may be accessed at and
It is highly recommended that the stipulated submission guidelines are followed before sending in the articles/papers/reviews, and the submitters are requested to bear in mind the following:
  • The submission implies that the work submitted is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and cannot be withdrawn until the publication of the specified journal issue.
  • It is assumed that the author(s) has consented to the publication process, subject to evaluation and approval by a blind peer review mechanism.
  • The work must not have been published previously either in electronic or hardcopy formats.


Established in 1967, with specific purpose of imparting post-graduate studies in English literature leading to M.A., M. Phil, Ph. D degrees and to chart the courses at the Major and General Degree level of the affiliated colleges, the Department of English has related itself to the social needs of this region right from the beginning. While imparting studies in English literature and language, the Department intends to give the students a broad cultural background which is necessary for the students to become concerned and well-informed citizens and to enrich their personal lives. Studies in English literature is not confined to the literature of the British Tales written in the English language. It includes select European, American, African and Indian Writing in English. The Department of English, since its inception, has functioned not just as a conveyor of established knowledge and accepted ideas but also as a centre of research. The goals and objectives of the Department of English are in full consonance with those of Dibrugarh University. The Department has been constantly defining and reviewing its objectives through regular meetings of the DMC, DRC and Board of Studies in English.

Faculty Members
Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes Offered


  • Ph. D. in English
  • M.A. in English
  • Post-Doctoral in English

Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies

ISSN 0975-5659

Website of the Journal:

About the Journal


Since its inception in 1976-77, the Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES) (ISSN 0975- 5659) has been providing a space for analysis, intervention and research across a wide range of areas related to English Studies. It is an annual peer-reviewed journal which publishes full-length articles on all aspects of English Studies. The journal invites relevant contributions in areas such as Literature(s) in English as well as articles related to translation studies, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology, linguistics, ELT, and related fields of study.  The journal also publishes reviews of texts, reference books and scholarly work related to the discipline. It is a peer-reviewed journal and all contributions are sent out anonymously to the Board of Reviewers for evaluation. As of August, 2018, DUJES is published both in Hardcopy as well as Online (PDF/HTML) format. A concerted effort has been launched to fully digitise the back issues in PDF/HTML formats for ease of accessibility as well archiving the same. The online version of the journal is The hardcopy version is printed on behalf of the Department of English, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam – 786004 by The Registrar, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam – 786004.


DUJES (Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies, ISSN 0975-5659) invites on an annual basis original, unpublished, scholarly and relevant research articles in areas such as literature(s) in English as well as English translations, literary criticism and theory, issues related to research and research methodology, linguistics, ELT, and related fields of study. The journal also publishes reviews of texts, reference books, and scholarly contributions related to the discipline. The journal invites well-researched papers, articles and book reviews on an annual basis, the announcement of which may be accessed at and
It is highly recommended that the stipulated submission guidelines are followed before sending in the articles/papers/reviews, and the submitters are requested to bear in mind the following:
  • The submission implies that the work submitted is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and cannot be withdrawn until the publication of the specified journal issue.
  • It is assumed that the author(s) has consented to the publication process, subject to evaluation and approval by a blind peer review mechanism.
  • The work must not have been published previously either in electronic or hardcopy formats.

Contact Info

Department of English

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory