Faculty of Humanities and Law

Department of Assamese


The Department of Assamese of Dibrugarh University (Established 1967) is one of the leading departments in Dibrugarh University. This is a Department with a proud heritage and strong set-up and is ever ready to facilitate the students and scholars.

Apart from the traditional areas of studies, the Department always welcomes new emerging areas of Teaching, Learning and Research, related to Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies like Assamology, Indology, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, Indian Literature, Sociology of Literature etc.

The faculty members of the Department have been continuing research works towards different research sectors from regional to international level.

Under the patronization of different eminent forums of the country and also by itself, the Department has been organizing different seminars and workshops on some important issues since its inception.

The Department has a unique identity with the following:

1. UGC Recognition as Centre for Advanced Studies:

The Department has successfully completed four UGC-SAP Programmes. Two phases of DSA Programme, One ASIHSS Programme and one CAS Programme, i.e, Centre of Advanced Study, Phase-I. It is the only Department in the stream of Humanities and Social Science in all over North-East India who has been recognized as Centre of Advanced Study by the University Grants Commission. The UGC has awarded the Phase-II CAS Programme to this Department again in 2015.

2.Departmental Library:

Approx. 11,000 books and 1900 journals in the Departmental Library.
There is a reference section in the Library in the name of Prof. Mahendra bora with approx. 3,200 numbers of rare books and approx. 441 numbers of periodicals.
There is a special corner in the name of Prof. Kabin Phukon donated by his family which contains around 511 books.

3.Manuscript Archive:

At the enterprise of the faculties of the Department, almost 800 valuable manuscripts belonging to 17th to 19th century have been preserved in the Departmental Archive.

4.Cultural Museum:

The Department also owns a Cultural Museum containing various art and artifices from different tribes and communities of the whole North-Eastern region.

5.Bezbaroa Chair:

The Department also owns the prestigious SahityaratheeLakshminathBezbaroa Chair since 1969, and this Chair has been established to promote research activities and academic practices in Ancient and Modern Assamese literature.

6.Language Laboratory:

A Language Laboratory with the software Multi Speech 3700 and CSL – 4500 installed in 15 computers sets for the study of language and Sound analysis.

Programmes and Curriculam


The Department offers Ph.D., M.Phil. and two year Post Graduate Programmes. The Department has designed the whole course structure by incorporating the contemporary trend and tendencies of the global literary and linguistic scenario. The Department has also emphasized on strengthening the basic concept of the students to make the students acquainted with the latest areas of research.



a) ‘Anviksha’, a refereed journal (ISSN 2348-067X) has regularly been published from the Department.
b) At the enterprise of the LakshminathBezbaroa Chair in the Department, a refereed journal, ‘Kenchason’ (ISSN: 2231-2080) has regularly been published under the editorship of Prof. K. D. Hazarika, LakshminathBezbaroa Chair Professor.
c) Several Research Projects to achieve the objectives under its thrust area have been undertaken.

i. The following Three Projects under CAS-II Programme are going on:

  • Preparation of history of Assamese Literature
  • Preparation of Encyclopaedia
  • Preparation of Assamese Grammar

ii. The following three UGC sponsored Major Research Projectsunder three Professors are going on:

  • Practical Effects of Literature on Youth – Principal Investigator: Prof. NirajanaMahantaBezborah.
  • The Nocte Language: A Descriptive Approach – Principal Investigator: Prof. ArpanaKonwar
  • A Study on the History of Assamese Poetry (Charyapada to Arunodoi) :Principal Investigator: Prof. Satyakam. Borthakur


A.General Activities:

  1. National Seminar on Towards Composing History of Literature: The Indian Scenario has been organized by the Department of Assamese under the special assistance program of UGC on March15-16, 2016.
  2. A two day workshop on The Framework for Preparation of an Encyclopedia of the Languages of North East India was held on 3rd – 4th March, 2016.
  3. The Department organizes a lecture program in memory of former professors, Late Dr. Mahendra Bora and Late Dr. Lila Gogoi every alternate year. The last Late Dr. Mahendra Bora Memorial Lecture was delivered by MalineeGoswami, and the last Dr. Lila Gogoi Memorial Lecture was delivered by HarekrishnaDeka.

B.Students’ activities:

  1. An educational tour was made with 10 nos. of research scholars to the Indian National Museum, RabindraBharati University, Jadavpur University, Asiatic Society, Kolkata and VisvaBharati, Shantiniketan, West Bengal under the guidance of Professor SubasanaMahantaChoudhuri and Professor PallaviDekaBuzarboruah (from 31st December, 2015 to 9th January, 2016).
  2. An interactive session with Professor IndranathChoudhuri and Professor UshaChoudhuri with the PG students and Research Scholars was held on 23rd February, 2016.
  3. An interactive session with Professor KailashPattanayak, VisvaBharati with the PG students and Research Scholars was held.
  4. An interactive session with Professor PrakhashPattanayak, Delhi University with the PG students and Research Scholars was held on 9th June,2016.
  5. An invited lecture by Prof. B. Pattanaik, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, was organized by Assamese Department Research Scholars Association.
  6. Prof. SaugataBhaduri, Department of English Studies, JNU; Prof. AsimSiddique, Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University; and Prof. Dilip Bora, Department of MIL, Gauhati University were invited during the last academic year to deliver lectures as Visiting Fellows.
  7. The students of the Department regularly publish two wall-magazines, Sateertha and Samalaya.
  8. The students also bring out two other special publications, SwagataSateertha and Abhigyan.
  9. BibhagiyaChora (Student’s forum) regularly organizes different Literary and Cultural Programs.
  10. The research scholar forum arranges scholarly lectures as well as discussions from time to time.



The Department has already published 69 valuable books through its various schemes.

Click here to view the list of books



The Department of Assamese of Dibrugarh University (Established 1967) is one of the leading departments in Dibrugarh University. This is a Department with a proud heritage and strong set-up and is ever ready to facilitate the students and scholars.

Apart from the traditional areas of studies, the Department always welcomes new emerging areas of Teaching, Learning and Research, related to Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies like Assamology, Indology, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, Indian Literature, Sociology of Literature etc.

The faculty members of the Department have been continuing research works towards different research sectors from regional to international level.

Under the patronization of different eminent forums of the country and also by itself, the Department has been organizing different seminars and workshops on some important issues since its inception.

The Department has a unique identity with the following:

1. UGC Recognition as Centre for Advanced Studies:

The Department has successfully completed four UGC-SAP Programmes. Two phases of DSA Programme, One ASIHSS Programme and one CAS Programme, i.e, Centre of Advanced Study, Phase-I. It is the only Department in the stream of Humanities and Social Science in all over North-East India who has been recognized as Centre of Advanced Study by the University Grants Commission. The UGC has awarded the Phase-II CAS Programme to this Department again in 2015.

2.Departmental Library:

Approx. 11,000 books and 1900 journals in the Departmental Library.
There is a reference section in the Library in the name of Prof. Mahendra bora with approx. 3,200 numbers of rare books and approx. 441 numbers of periodicals.
There is a special corner in the name of Prof. Kabin Phukon donated by his family which contains around 511 books.

3.Manuscript Archive:

At the enterprise of the faculties of the Department, almost 800 valuable manuscripts belonging to 17th to 19th century have been preserved in the Departmental Archive.

4.Cultural Museum:

The Department also owns a Cultural Museum containing various art and artifices from different tribes and communities of the whole North-Eastern region.

5.Bezbaroa Chair:

The Department also owns the prestigious SahityaratheeLakshminathBezbaroa Chair since 1969, and this Chair has been established to promote research activities and academic practices in Ancient and Modern Assamese literature.

6.Language Laboratory:

A Language Laboratory with the software Multi Speech 3700 and CSL – 4500 installed in 15 computers sets for the study of language and Sound analysis.

Faculty Members
Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes and Curriculam


The Department offers Ph.D., M.Phil. and two year Post Graduate Programmes. The Department has designed the whole course structure by incorporating the contemporary trend and tendencies of the global literary and linguistic scenario. The Department has also emphasized on strengthening the basic concept of the students to make the students acquainted with the latest areas of research.




a) ‘Anviksha’, a refereed journal (ISSN 2348-067X) has regularly been published from the Department.
b) At the enterprise of the LakshminathBezbaroa Chair in the Department, a refereed journal, ‘Kenchason’ (ISSN: 2231-2080) has regularly been published under the editorship of Prof. K. D. Hazarika, LakshminathBezbaroa Chair Professor.
c) Several Research Projects to achieve the objectives under its thrust area have been undertaken.

i. The following Three Projects under CAS-II Programme are going on:

  • Preparation of history of Assamese Literature
  • Preparation of Encyclopaedia
  • Preparation of Assamese Grammar

ii. The following three UGC sponsored Major Research Projectsunder three Professors are going on:

  • Practical Effects of Literature on Youth – Principal Investigator: Prof. NirajanaMahantaBezborah.
  • The Nocte Language: A Descriptive Approach – Principal Investigator: Prof. ArpanaKonwar
  • A Study on the History of Assamese Poetry (Charyapada to Arunodoi) :Principal Investigator: Prof. Satyakam. Borthakur


A.General Activities:

  1. National Seminar on Towards Composing History of Literature: The Indian Scenario has been organized by the Department of Assamese under the special assistance program of UGC on March15-16, 2016.
  2. A two day workshop on The Framework for Preparation of an Encyclopedia of the Languages of North East India was held on 3rd – 4th March, 2016.
  3. The Department organizes a lecture program in memory of former professors, Late Dr. Mahendra Bora and Late Dr. Lila Gogoi every alternate year. The last Late Dr. Mahendra Bora Memorial Lecture was delivered by MalineeGoswami, and the last Dr. Lila Gogoi Memorial Lecture was delivered by HarekrishnaDeka.

B.Students’ activities:

  1. An educational tour was made with 10 nos. of research scholars to the Indian National Museum, RabindraBharati University, Jadavpur University, Asiatic Society, Kolkata and VisvaBharati, Shantiniketan, West Bengal under the guidance of Professor SubasanaMahantaChoudhuri and Professor PallaviDekaBuzarboruah (from 31st December, 2015 to 9th January, 2016).
  2. An interactive session with Professor IndranathChoudhuri and Professor UshaChoudhuri with the PG students and Research Scholars was held on 23rd February, 2016.
  3. An interactive session with Professor KailashPattanayak, VisvaBharati with the PG students and Research Scholars was held.
  4. An interactive session with Professor PrakhashPattanayak, Delhi University with the PG students and Research Scholars was held on 9th June,2016.
  5. An invited lecture by Prof. B. Pattanaik, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, was organized by Assamese Department Research Scholars Association.
  6. Prof. SaugataBhaduri, Department of English Studies, JNU; Prof. AsimSiddique, Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University; and Prof. Dilip Bora, Department of MIL, Gauhati University were invited during the last academic year to deliver lectures as Visiting Fellows.
  7. The students of the Department regularly publish two wall-magazines, Sateertha and Samalaya.
  8. The students also bring out two other special publications, SwagataSateertha and Abhigyan.
  9. BibhagiyaChora (Student’s forum) regularly organizes different Literary and Cultural Programs.
  10. The research scholar forum arranges scholarly lectures as well as discussions from time to time.



The Department has already published 69 valuable books through its various schemes.

Click here to view the list of books