Faculty of Social Sciences

UGC’s Centre for Women’s Studies


The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, is one of the UGC approved Women’s Studies Centres in the country and second such Centre in the North East region of India. It was established as a Centre (Project) in 1998 with a UGC grant under the IX Plan and received the approval of UGC in November 2004. Since its inception, the Centre has been diligently working in varied aspects of women’s studies and women and gender issues- violence against women, oral history, gender sensitization, advocating women’s issues, archiving and documenting varied experiences of women. The Centre has been engaged in research, training, documentation and dissemination and extension work on issues relating to women and women’s empowerment both among the academic community and also in the wider society. The centre offered the course- Post Graduate Certificate Course in Women’s Studies for the period from 2005 to 2015, a first course of this kind in the region. It was upgraded to the Post Graduate Diploma Course in Women’s Studies during the academic sessions 2016-17 to 2018-19. The Centre started M.A. Programme in Women’s Studies in CBCS mode from the academic session 2019-20.

The Centre has also facilitated the setting up of 43 Women’s Studies Cells in various colleges affiliated to Dibrugarh University. The Centre envisages its role as a catalyst of social change with its focus on academics, teaching, training and advocacy, dissemination of knowledge and thereby bringing about awareness on persisting feminist concerns such as sexism, racism and classism. In addition to its academic programme and research projects, the Centre provides services to the broader community both on and off the campus by organising lectures, conferences and gender sensitisation programmes.

The Centre has collaborated with Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, National Commission for Women, State Commission for Women, Indian Association for Women’s Studies, UNICEF, and various NGOs for various endeavors of the Centre. The Centre completed a major and minor research project during the period of 2015-2020. The major research project was sponsored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development entitled ‘Stories Behind a Hot Cup of Assam Tea: Listening to the Voices of Women Labourers in the Tea Garden’ which was completed in the year 2017 and the minor research project was sponsored by the Centre for Research and Documentation (A Premiere CSR undertaking of AMA ABA MPCS, Ltd, Zero, Arunachal Pradesh) entitled ‘Re-interpreting Cultural Identity: A study of Tattoos among the Women Tea Garden Workers of Assam’ in the year 2019.


  • To propagate the cause of gender friendly environment and gender-inclusive society through a proper understanding of the issues influencing the status of women especially those of North East India
  • To promote gender equality through teaching, research, seminars, workshops, and community outreach activities
  • To document the voices of women at the periphery of the society: elderly women, victims of sexual harassment, physically challenged women, women victims of war, natural calamities etc.
  • To develop and disseminate knowledge about women’s role in the society, so as to more effectively address the issues concerning women of the North East India
  • To contribute to the effective policy making and its implementation in favour of economic, social empowerment of women.


  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Extension and Outreach Activities
  • Documentation


  • Analysis of academic and policy debates on women.
  • Tracing the oral history of women in Assam and North East India.
  • Undertaking research in working conditions and experience of women involved in the industries located in the vicinity of the university like the Tea Industry, OIL, ONGC, BCPL.
  • Documenting the unheard voices of elderly women, women in prison, trafficked women and women and conflict.


  1. The innovative pedagogical approach of the faculty members is the merging of the theory and praxis by applying field and theory based class room teaching.
  2. The students are engaged with active field based research to understand the basic concepts of women’s studies to learn and unlearn gendered social realities.
  3. The Centre regularly holds screening and reviewing of movies, documentaries, and short films and subsequently holds debates and discussions on the same incorporating gender perspectives.
  4. The Centre attempts to document unheard voices of women in N.E India into feminist epistemology and discuss these narratives in classrooms as well.
  5. The Centre tries to facilitate economic empowerment of women in nearby areas by giving them a platform to sell their products at various events and programmes organised by the Centre.

Centre In charge

Assistant Professor

Research Associate

Research Assistant


  • Post Graduate Certificate Course in Women’s Studies (2005-2015)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Studies (2015-2018)
  • Masters in Women’s Studies (Since the Academic Session 2019-20)


  • Masters in Women’s Studies: A Bachelor’s Degree under the 10+2+3 pattern from a recognized University, securing a minimum of 45% marks in Major or in aggregate (40% for candidates from the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes). Candidates whose results for the qualifying examination are not yet declared may also apply, provided that she / he is confident of fulfilling all the Criteria for admission and is able to submit the original marks sheets before the admission process is completed.


  • Master Degree Programme in Women’s Studies – Two Years (Four semesters, CBCS)


  • Master Degree Programme in Women’s Studies – 30 regular + 2 endowment


  • The Master Degree programme in Women’s Studies consists of four semesters in two years. The First and Third Semester comprises of three Core Courses of 100 marks (4 Credits) each and one Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course of 100 marks (4 Credits), and the students will have to opt for one Ability Enhancement Course (2 Credits) which will be Inter- Disciplinary/ Inter- Departmental in nature. The Second and Fourth Semester have three Core Courses of 100 marks (4 Credits) each and one Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course of 100 marks (4 credits) and the students will have to opt for one Generic Elective Course (4 Credits) which will be Inter- Disciplinary/ Inter- Departmental in nature.


  • Provide students the knowledge, skills, expertise in the field of Women and Gender Studies.
  • Familiarize the students in concepts related to women and gender studies and their relevance in the field of academics, media and other spaces of work where the lens through women and gender studies play a vital role.
  • Engage in research in women and gender studies at the levels of policy and practice.


  • Create a gender sensitive approach amongst learners.
  • Map and to analyze perspectives, issues and debates in the field of development from gender perspectives.
  • Examine through a gender lens, the inter-linkages between cultural practices, social processes and development approaches.
  • Understand feminisms in global and local contexts and to map feminist interventions in knowledge.
  • Assist in the process of gender inclusive policy formulation.


  • As per rules and regulations prescribed by Dibrugarh University for selection into its M.A. Programme.


  1. Library: The Library at the Centre is equipped with more than 1200 books on women’s and gender issues.
  2. Classroom: The Centre has two classrooms
  3. Conference Hall: The Conference Hall at the Centre is well furnished with a capacity of seating arrangements for 200 people.
  4. Students’ Feedback: Feedbacks from the students are taken on a regular basis

Research Activities of the Centre

  • Gender and Migration: Negotiating Rights: Women’s Movement Perspective. A Project from Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi.
  • Impact of Displacement on Women: With Special Reference to Natural and Development Induced Displacement : A Study of Dibrugarh District of Assam, sponsored by National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi, India.
  • A baseline survey on Social, Political and Economic Empowerment of Women in Assam, A report Submitted to National Commission for Women, India by Assam State Commission for Women, March 2016
  • Stories behind a Hot Cup of Assam Tea: Listening to the Voices of Women Labourers in the Tea Gardens, funded by Ministry of Women and Child Development (2015-2017). The report is available at –
  • Her Story Her Voice: Oral Narratives of Women Achievers of Assam – Part –I (2018)
  • Her Story Her Voice: Oral Narratives of Women Achievers of Assam – Part –II (an ongoing project)
  • “Re-interpreting Cultural Identity: A study of Tattoos among the Women Tea Garden Workers of Assam” 2019


  • The students of the Centre perform a skit titled ‘The Process of Making performed’ from time to time for gender sensitisation and awareness generation.
  • The Centre has continued its initiative to support economic empowerment of women by promoting small scale women entrepreneur. The Centre provides a platform to sell their hand made products in various programmes organized by the Centre.
  • The Centre organized a ‘Poster cum Signature Campaign’ on 8th March, 2020 on gender discrimination. The students took a pledge to raise their voices against all forms of gender based violence.
  • Dr. Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Chiarperson, Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University delivered a talk on ‘Role of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development’ on 6th March, 2020 organized by All India Radio, Dibrugarh. The talk was later broadcasted by AIR Dibrugarh in a programme ‘University Broadcast’ at 8.30 p.m. on 6th March, 2020.
  • Debajanee Bora, Research Assistant, Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University participated as the Resource Person in a phone-in programme on ‘Gender discrimination’ organized by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh on the 5th of March, 2020. It was broadcasted live by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 5th of March, 2020 in the programme ‘Ghar Jeuti’ at 12:30 p.m.
  • The Centre organized a talk on “Risk, Resistance, Censorship, Pleasure: Notes on Gender/Sexuality Studies in India” by Dr. Brinda Bose, Associate Professor, Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 5th March, 2020. Faculty members and students from various Departments and Centre for Studies, Dibrugarh University attended the programme.
  • The Centre organized a programme on ‘Gender Sensitization’ on the 4th March, 2020. Students from Junior Colleges and women from various Self Help Groups of nearby areas of Dibrugarh University were invited as participants for this programme. The programme started with a talk on various gender issues followed by screening of short movies on the same topic. The participants also shared their experiences.
  • On the 3rd of March, 2020, the Centre organized an exhibition of posters prepared by students of various Departments and Centre for Studies, Dibrugarh University and students from different colleges affiliated to Dibrugarh University on gender issues.
  • On the 2nd of March, 2020, the students of the Centre have performed a skit titled ‘The Process of Making’. The skit addressed the gender socialization process and attempted to express the way gender discrimination is being shaped by the society.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University organised the mass movement ‘One Billion Rising’ on 14th February, 2020. The programme was aimed at spreading awareness about gender based violence and gender sensitisation. The main target groups for this programme were the youth starting from the students from the higher secondary schools level to the local women groups.
  • The Centre organized a talk on ‘Gender Sensitization’ by Ms. Kamla Bhasin on 15th October, 2019.
  • A public lecture was organised by the Centre on ‘Women’s Lives: Patriarchy, Gender, Masculinity’ on 14th October, 2019. Ms. Kamla Bhasin, a renowned feminist activist, poet and author.
  • The first Alumni Meet was organised on 16th March, 2019. The alumni shared their experiences at CWS and talked about how pursuing a course in Women’s Studies contributed in their overall outlook towards gender biases and other gender related issues in the society.
  • The Centre organized another programme at Bogibeel High School, Dibrugarh on 8th March, 2019. The programme started with the significance of international women’s and followed by a session conducted on gender sensitization that focused on gender socialization, gender discrimination, other basic concepts of gender, sexual harassment and women’s health and hygiene
  • On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University conducted a poster cum signature campaign against ‘Gender Based Violence’ in the premises of Dibrugarh University on 8th March, 2019
  • The Centre organized ‘An idea exchanging and interactive programme’ with the students of the Department of Women’s Studies, Gauhati University on 14th February, 2019
  • Faculty members of the Centre deliver various talks on various gender related issues from time to time which are being broadcasted by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh.
  • ‘Gender Sensitisation and Menstrual Health Awareness Programme’ on 16th December, 2018 at the Staff Club, Mancotta Tea Garden, Dibrugarh
  • A Gender Sensitisation and Menstrual Health Awareness Programme was organized by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University at the ‘Prerona Children’s Home, Dibrugarh’ on 12th December, 2018.
  • A talk was organised on ‘Origin and Significance of Women’s Studies as an Academic Discipline’5th September, 2018.
  • A Gender Sensitization Programme & Awareness Campaign against Sexual Harassment was organised by the Centre at the Office of the District Commissioner, Dibrugarh, 4th of August, 2018.
  • Priyanka Sharma participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Barnali Das participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Debajanee Bora participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • A Seminar on “Women Empowerment” was organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University in collaboration with All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 6th March, 2018.
  • The Centre organised a lecture by Dr. Sawmya Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati on ‘Sexual Assault, Gender and the Culture of Impunity’ on the 17th of November, 2017.
  • A panel discussion amongst prominent women involved in different professional activities across the state was organised on the 8th March, 2017 in connection with the theme of International Women’s Day 2017 of “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
  • The faculty members participated as resource persons in a gender sensitization and awareness campaign organised by Duliajan College on 28th January, 2017.
  • Lonee Dowerah delivered a lecture on the ‘Importance of Women in Nation Building’ at Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) Dibrugarh, on 24th November, 2016.
  • Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Chairperson, CWS was invited to deliver a lecture on ‘The Role of Women in Society and Nation Building’ by the Women in Public Sector (WIPS) OIL Duliajan Chapter on the occasion of Quami Ekta Divas on 24th November, 2016.
  • Two faculty members of the Centre – Barnali Das, Assistant Professor and Debajanee Bora, Research Assistant, conducted ‘Gender Sensitization and Awarenes Programme Against Sexual Harassment’ in various Departments and Centre for Studies of Dibrugarh University under the aegis of then Gender Sensitisation and Complaint Committee for Sexual Harassment (GSCCSH) of Dibrugarh University.
  • Lecture and an interactive session with Dr. Anima Guha and Sudakshina Sarma on ‘Issues and Challenges of Women and its Solution’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies on 9th , December, 2015
  • Lecture on ‘Women and Law: Issues and Challenges’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University on 8th December, 2015.


  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS) hosted two technical sessions on ‘Women and Health’ and ‘Gender and Education’ on 26 August 2020 as part of the three-day IAWS North East Regional E-Conference on ‘Gender during COVID-19: Perspectives from North East India’. Participants from various higher educational institutions presented research papers in these sessions.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with the Indian Association for Women’s Studies organised a Panel Discussion on “Status and Future Prospects of the Women’s Studies Centres in North East India” on the 28th of July, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. through the online platform of Google Meet. The panelists of the discussion comprised of Directors/ Heads of the Women’s Studies Centres and Departments of North East India as well as other parts of the country, and members from various civil society organisations which have been part of women’s movements. The President, Joint Secretary, and other esteemed members of Indian Associations for Women’s Studies (IAWS), Registrar of Dibrugarh University, veterans of Women’s Studies and women’s movement, Directors and Heads, faculty members, research scholars and students of different Women Studies Centres (WSCs) and Departments across the country, and members from various non-governmental organizations attended the panel discussion. A total number of 575 participants registered for the panel discussion and participated through Google Meet and YouTube live.
  • A Seven Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Gender Concerns in Education’ was organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies in Online Mode for University and College Teachers from the 26th of May to the 1st of June, 2020. A total number of 226 participants from across the country registered for the Course. The programme was spread across 18 sessions engaged by 12 resource persons from JNU, New Delhi, Hyderabad Central University TISS Mumbai, IGNOU, Delhi, CWDS, Delhi and Delhi University. The sessions of the programme problematised the gendered language of the Covid19 pandemic. It questioned the gendered approach to the new normal of the pandemic. The programme discussed the socio- economic inequalities that have been surcharged with the pandemic of Covid19. The predicament of Covid19 has aggravated the various forms of gender based violence and also with the interlinked boundaries of private and public has further created complex situations for women.
  • On 25th February, 2020, the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) organised a one-day seminar titled “Prevention and Abolition of the Practice of Witch Hunting”. The seminar was attended by academicians, students, research scholars, officials from government institutions, and members of various organisations.
  • The Centre organized a special talk on ‘Gender Sensitization’ by a renowned feminist activist, poet and author Kamla Bhasin on 15th October, 2019.
  • A public lecture was organised by the Centre on ‘Women’s Lives: Patriarchy, Gender, Masculinity’ on 14th October, 2019. Ms. Kamla Bhasin, a renowned feminist activist, poet and author.
  • A Seminar on “Women Empowerment” was organised by the Centre for Women’s in collaboration with All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 6th March, 2018. Presentations were made on various issues related to women i.e. ‘Women Empowerment’, ‘Portrayal of Women in Assamese, ‘Women and Public Policy’, ‘Women and Stress Management’, ‘Sexual Harassment’, ‘Women and Environment’, ‘Violence against Women’, Women and Health’
  • The Centre organised a lecture by Dr. Sawmya Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati on ‘Sexual Assault, Gender and the Culture of Impunity’ on the 17th of November, 2017.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University organized a Programme ‘Asmita’ in collaboration with Sahitya Akademi on the 7th of August, 2017.
  • A panel discussion amongst prominent women involved in different professional activities across the state was organised on the 8th March, 2017 in connection with the theme of International Women’s Day 2017 of “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
  • The Assam State Commission for Protection of Child Rights organised a two-day State Level Conclave on ‘Discourse on Duties and Responsibilities towards Protection of Child Rights’, in collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University and District Child Protection Unit Dibrugarh, on the 3rd and 4th March, 2017, at the Conference Hall of the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • A seven day national level workshop on ‘Feminist Research Methodology’ was organized by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University from 29th August, 2016 to 4th September, 2016. Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhari of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and scholars from Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Hyderabad, Ambedkar University, Jadavpur University, Assam University, Gauhati University, Dibrugarh University, Assam Women’s University, Cotton College State University and from various colleges affiliated to Gauhati University and Dibrugarh University participated in the workshop.
  • Lecture and an interactive session with Dr. Anima Guha and Sudakshina Sarma on ‘Issues and Challenges of Women and its Solution’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies on 9th , December, 2015
Training Year
Gender Sensitization Programme Ongoing and organised regularly from time to time
Faculty Development Programme in Online Mode 2020
Orientation Training to Women Workers from Small Tea Gardens on ‘Fair Wages and Labor Conditions’ 2019
Women, Sanitation and Menstrual Hygiene 2018
Capacity Building Training Programme of Women Workers in the Tea Gardens 2018
Feminist Research Methodology 2016
Adolescent Girls, Situational Analysis of Children and Women in Assam 2016
Oral History and Visual History 2015

Publications of the Centre

  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University publishes the Centre’s Newsletter annually.
  • The Centre published the proceedings of the Feminist Research Methodology workshop held from 29th August – 4th September, 2016

Documentation and Dissemination (Print and Audio-visual)

  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming for Climate Resilient Development: A Training Module was published by ACT CCIP (Action on Climate Today) in partnership with National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj and Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Documentation of newspaper cuttings on Women’s issues.
  • Collection and preservation (through transcript) of Oral Histories collected during extension works from eminent women entrepreneurs, freedom fighters etc.
  • Collection of CDs of various Women related Documentaries and Films.
  • Documentation of Newspaper cuttings on witch hunting in North East India from 1980s to the present times.


The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, is one of the UGC approved Women’s Studies Centres in the country and second such Centre in the North East region of India. It was established as a Centre (Project) in 1998 with a UGC grant under the IX Plan and received the approval of UGC in November 2004. Since its inception, the Centre has been diligently working in varied aspects of women’s studies and women and gender issues- violence against women, oral history, gender sensitization, advocating women’s issues, archiving and documenting varied experiences of women. The Centre has been engaged in research, training, documentation and dissemination and extension work on issues relating to women and women’s empowerment both among the academic community and also in the wider society. The centre offered the course- Post Graduate Certificate Course in Women’s Studies for the period from 2005 to 2015, a first course of this kind in the region. It was upgraded to the Post Graduate Diploma Course in Women’s Studies during the academic sessions 2016-17 to 2018-19. The Centre started M.A. Programme in Women’s Studies in CBCS mode from the academic session 2019-20.

The Centre has also facilitated the setting up of 43 Women’s Studies Cells in various colleges affiliated to Dibrugarh University. The Centre envisages its role as a catalyst of social change with its focus on academics, teaching, training and advocacy, dissemination of knowledge and thereby bringing about awareness on persisting feminist concerns such as sexism, racism and classism. In addition to its academic programme and research projects, the Centre provides services to the broader community both on and off the campus by organising lectures, conferences and gender sensitisation programmes.

The Centre has collaborated with Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, National Commission for Women, State Commission for Women, Indian Association for Women’s Studies, UNICEF, and various NGOs for various endeavors of the Centre. The Centre completed a major and minor research project during the period of 2015-2020. The major research project was sponsored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development entitled ‘Stories Behind a Hot Cup of Assam Tea: Listening to the Voices of Women Labourers in the Tea Garden’ which was completed in the year 2017 and the minor research project was sponsored by the Centre for Research and Documentation (A Premiere CSR undertaking of AMA ABA MPCS, Ltd, Zero, Arunachal Pradesh) entitled ‘Re-interpreting Cultural Identity: A study of Tattoos among the Women Tea Garden Workers of Assam’ in the year 2019.


  • To propagate the cause of gender friendly environment and gender-inclusive society through a proper understanding of the issues influencing the status of women especially those of North East India
  • To promote gender equality through teaching, research, seminars, workshops, and community outreach activities
  • To document the voices of women at the periphery of the society: elderly women, victims of sexual harassment, physically challenged women, women victims of war, natural calamities etc.
  • To develop and disseminate knowledge about women’s role in the society, so as to more effectively address the issues concerning women of the North East India
  • To contribute to the effective policy making and its implementation in favour of economic, social empowerment of women.


  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Extension and Outreach Activities
  • Documentation


  • Analysis of academic and policy debates on women.
  • Tracing the oral history of women in Assam and North East India.
  • Undertaking research in working conditions and experience of women involved in the industries located in the vicinity of the university like the Tea Industry, OIL, ONGC, BCPL.
  • Documenting the unheard voices of elderly women, women in prison, trafficked women and women and conflict.


  1. The innovative pedagogical approach of the faculty members is the merging of the theory and praxis by applying field and theory based class room teaching.
  2. The students are engaged with active field based research to understand the basic concepts of women’s studies to learn and unlearn gendered social realities.
  3. The Centre regularly holds screening and reviewing of movies, documentaries, and short films and subsequently holds debates and discussions on the same incorporating gender perspectives.
  4. The Centre attempts to document unheard voices of women in N.E India into feminist epistemology and discuss these narratives in classrooms as well.
  5. The Centre tries to facilitate economic empowerment of women in nearby areas by giving them a platform to sell their products at various events and programmes organised by the Centre.
Faculty Members

Centre In charge

Assistant Professor

Research Associate

Research Assistant

Programmes & Curriculum


  • Post Graduate Certificate Course in Women’s Studies (2005-2015)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Studies (2015-2018)
  • Masters in Women’s Studies (Since the Academic Session 2019-20)


  • Masters in Women’s Studies: A Bachelor’s Degree under the 10+2+3 pattern from a recognized University, securing a minimum of 45% marks in Major or in aggregate (40% for candidates from the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes). Candidates whose results for the qualifying examination are not yet declared may also apply, provided that she / he is confident of fulfilling all the Criteria for admission and is able to submit the original marks sheets before the admission process is completed.


  • Master Degree Programme in Women’s Studies – Two Years (Four semesters, CBCS)


  • Master Degree Programme in Women’s Studies – 30 regular + 2 endowment


  • The Master Degree programme in Women’s Studies consists of four semesters in two years. The First and Third Semester comprises of three Core Courses of 100 marks (4 Credits) each and one Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course of 100 marks (4 Credits), and the students will have to opt for one Ability Enhancement Course (2 Credits) which will be Inter- Disciplinary/ Inter- Departmental in nature. The Second and Fourth Semester have three Core Courses of 100 marks (4 Credits) each and one Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course of 100 marks (4 credits) and the students will have to opt for one Generic Elective Course (4 Credits) which will be Inter- Disciplinary/ Inter- Departmental in nature.


  • Provide students the knowledge, skills, expertise in the field of Women and Gender Studies.
  • Familiarize the students in concepts related to women and gender studies and their relevance in the field of academics, media and other spaces of work where the lens through women and gender studies play a vital role.
  • Engage in research in women and gender studies at the levels of policy and practice.


  • Create a gender sensitive approach amongst learners.
  • Map and to analyze perspectives, issues and debates in the field of development from gender perspectives.
  • Examine through a gender lens, the inter-linkages between cultural practices, social processes and development approaches.
  • Understand feminisms in global and local contexts and to map feminist interventions in knowledge.
  • Assist in the process of gender inclusive policy formulation.


  • As per rules and regulations prescribed by Dibrugarh University for selection into its M.A. Programme.


  1. Library: The Library at the Centre is equipped with more than 1200 books on women’s and gender issues.
  2. Classroom: The Centre has two classrooms
  3. Conference Hall: The Conference Hall at the Centre is well furnished with a capacity of seating arrangements for 200 people.
  4. Students’ Feedback: Feedbacks from the students are taken on a regular basis

Research Activities of the Centre

  • Gender and Migration: Negotiating Rights: Women’s Movement Perspective. A Project from Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi.
  • Impact of Displacement on Women: With Special Reference to Natural and Development Induced Displacement : A Study of Dibrugarh District of Assam, sponsored by National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi, India.
  • A baseline survey on Social, Political and Economic Empowerment of Women in Assam, A report Submitted to National Commission for Women, India by Assam State Commission for Women, March 2016
  • Stories behind a Hot Cup of Assam Tea: Listening to the Voices of Women Labourers in the Tea Gardens, funded by Ministry of Women and Child Development (2015-2017). The report is available at –
  • Her Story Her Voice: Oral Narratives of Women Achievers of Assam – Part –I (2018)
  • Her Story Her Voice: Oral Narratives of Women Achievers of Assam – Part –II (an ongoing project)
  • “Re-interpreting Cultural Identity: A study of Tattoos among the Women Tea Garden Workers of Assam” 2019


  • The students of the Centre perform a skit titled ‘The Process of Making performed’ from time to time for gender sensitisation and awareness generation.
  • The Centre has continued its initiative to support economic empowerment of women by promoting small scale women entrepreneur. The Centre provides a platform to sell their hand made products in various programmes organized by the Centre.
  • The Centre organized a ‘Poster cum Signature Campaign’ on 8th March, 2020 on gender discrimination. The students took a pledge to raise their voices against all forms of gender based violence.
  • Dr. Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Chiarperson, Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University delivered a talk on ‘Role of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development’ on 6th March, 2020 organized by All India Radio, Dibrugarh. The talk was later broadcasted by AIR Dibrugarh in a programme ‘University Broadcast’ at 8.30 p.m. on 6th March, 2020.
  • Debajanee Bora, Research Assistant, Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University participated as the Resource Person in a phone-in programme on ‘Gender discrimination’ organized by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh on the 5th of March, 2020. It was broadcasted live by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 5th of March, 2020 in the programme ‘Ghar Jeuti’ at 12:30 p.m.
  • The Centre organized a talk on “Risk, Resistance, Censorship, Pleasure: Notes on Gender/Sexuality Studies in India” by Dr. Brinda Bose, Associate Professor, Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 5th March, 2020. Faculty members and students from various Departments and Centre for Studies, Dibrugarh University attended the programme.
  • The Centre organized a programme on ‘Gender Sensitization’ on the 4th March, 2020. Students from Junior Colleges and women from various Self Help Groups of nearby areas of Dibrugarh University were invited as participants for this programme. The programme started with a talk on various gender issues followed by screening of short movies on the same topic. The participants also shared their experiences.
  • On the 3rd of March, 2020, the Centre organized an exhibition of posters prepared by students of various Departments and Centre for Studies, Dibrugarh University and students from different colleges affiliated to Dibrugarh University on gender issues.
  • On the 2nd of March, 2020, the students of the Centre have performed a skit titled ‘The Process of Making’. The skit addressed the gender socialization process and attempted to express the way gender discrimination is being shaped by the society.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University organised the mass movement ‘One Billion Rising’ on 14th February, 2020. The programme was aimed at spreading awareness about gender based violence and gender sensitisation. The main target groups for this programme were the youth starting from the students from the higher secondary schools level to the local women groups.
  • The Centre organized a talk on ‘Gender Sensitization’ by Ms. Kamla Bhasin on 15th October, 2019.
  • A public lecture was organised by the Centre on ‘Women’s Lives: Patriarchy, Gender, Masculinity’ on 14th October, 2019. Ms. Kamla Bhasin, a renowned feminist activist, poet and author.
  • The first Alumni Meet was organised on 16th March, 2019. The alumni shared their experiences at CWS and talked about how pursuing a course in Women’s Studies contributed in their overall outlook towards gender biases and other gender related issues in the society.
  • The Centre organized another programme at Bogibeel High School, Dibrugarh on 8th March, 2019. The programme started with the significance of international women’s and followed by a session conducted on gender sensitization that focused on gender socialization, gender discrimination, other basic concepts of gender, sexual harassment and women’s health and hygiene
  • On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University conducted a poster cum signature campaign against ‘Gender Based Violence’ in the premises of Dibrugarh University on 8th March, 2019
  • The Centre organized ‘An idea exchanging and interactive programme’ with the students of the Department of Women’s Studies, Gauhati University on 14th February, 2019
  • Faculty members of the Centre deliver various talks on various gender related issues from time to time which are being broadcasted by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh.
  • ‘Gender Sensitisation and Menstrual Health Awareness Programme’ on 16th December, 2018 at the Staff Club, Mancotta Tea Garden, Dibrugarh
  • A Gender Sensitisation and Menstrual Health Awareness Programme was organized by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University at the ‘Prerona Children’s Home, Dibrugarh’ on 12th December, 2018.
  • A talk was organised on ‘Origin and Significance of Women’s Studies as an Academic Discipline’5th September, 2018.
  • A Gender Sensitization Programme & Awareness Campaign against Sexual Harassment was organised by the Centre at the Office of the District Commissioner, Dibrugarh, 4th of August, 2018.
  • Priyanka Sharma participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Barnali Das participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Debajanee Bora participated as a Resource Persons in the ‘Capacity Building Prorgramme to Women Workers of Tea Estates’ on 16th & 17th March, 2018 organized by Socio Educational Welfare Association in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • A Seminar on “Women Empowerment” was organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University in collaboration with All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 6th March, 2018.
  • The Centre organised a lecture by Dr. Sawmya Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati on ‘Sexual Assault, Gender and the Culture of Impunity’ on the 17th of November, 2017.
  • A panel discussion amongst prominent women involved in different professional activities across the state was organised on the 8th March, 2017 in connection with the theme of International Women’s Day 2017 of “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
  • The faculty members participated as resource persons in a gender sensitization and awareness campaign organised by Duliajan College on 28th January, 2017.
  • Lonee Dowerah delivered a lecture on the ‘Importance of Women in Nation Building’ at Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) Dibrugarh, on 24th November, 2016.
  • Nasmeem F. Akhtar, Chairperson, CWS was invited to deliver a lecture on ‘The Role of Women in Society and Nation Building’ by the Women in Public Sector (WIPS) OIL Duliajan Chapter on the occasion of Quami Ekta Divas on 24th November, 2016.
  • Two faculty members of the Centre – Barnali Das, Assistant Professor and Debajanee Bora, Research Assistant, conducted ‘Gender Sensitization and Awarenes Programme Against Sexual Harassment’ in various Departments and Centre for Studies of Dibrugarh University under the aegis of then Gender Sensitisation and Complaint Committee for Sexual Harassment (GSCCSH) of Dibrugarh University.
  • Lecture and an interactive session with Dr. Anima Guha and Sudakshina Sarma on ‘Issues and Challenges of Women and its Solution’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies on 9th , December, 2015
  • Lecture on ‘Women and Law: Issues and Challenges’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University on 8th December, 2015.


  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS) hosted two technical sessions on ‘Women and Health’ and ‘Gender and Education’ on 26 August 2020 as part of the three-day IAWS North East Regional E-Conference on ‘Gender during COVID-19: Perspectives from North East India’. Participants from various higher educational institutions presented research papers in these sessions.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with the Indian Association for Women’s Studies organised a Panel Discussion on “Status and Future Prospects of the Women’s Studies Centres in North East India” on the 28th of July, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. through the online platform of Google Meet. The panelists of the discussion comprised of Directors/ Heads of the Women’s Studies Centres and Departments of North East India as well as other parts of the country, and members from various civil society organisations which have been part of women’s movements. The President, Joint Secretary, and other esteemed members of Indian Associations for Women’s Studies (IAWS), Registrar of Dibrugarh University, veterans of Women’s Studies and women’s movement, Directors and Heads, faculty members, research scholars and students of different Women Studies Centres (WSCs) and Departments across the country, and members from various non-governmental organizations attended the panel discussion. A total number of 575 participants registered for the panel discussion and participated through Google Meet and YouTube live.
  • A Seven Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Gender Concerns in Education’ was organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies in Online Mode for University and College Teachers from the 26th of May to the 1st of June, 2020. A total number of 226 participants from across the country registered for the Course. The programme was spread across 18 sessions engaged by 12 resource persons from JNU, New Delhi, Hyderabad Central University TISS Mumbai, IGNOU, Delhi, CWDS, Delhi and Delhi University. The sessions of the programme problematised the gendered language of the Covid19 pandemic. It questioned the gendered approach to the new normal of the pandemic. The programme discussed the socio- economic inequalities that have been surcharged with the pandemic of Covid19. The predicament of Covid19 has aggravated the various forms of gender based violence and also with the interlinked boundaries of private and public has further created complex situations for women.
  • On 25th February, 2020, the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) organised a one-day seminar titled “Prevention and Abolition of the Practice of Witch Hunting”. The seminar was attended by academicians, students, research scholars, officials from government institutions, and members of various organisations.
  • The Centre organized a special talk on ‘Gender Sensitization’ by a renowned feminist activist, poet and author Kamla Bhasin on 15th October, 2019.
  • A public lecture was organised by the Centre on ‘Women’s Lives: Patriarchy, Gender, Masculinity’ on 14th October, 2019. Ms. Kamla Bhasin, a renowned feminist activist, poet and author.
  • A Seminar on “Women Empowerment” was organised by the Centre for Women’s in collaboration with All India Radio, Dibrugarh on 6th March, 2018. Presentations were made on various issues related to women i.e. ‘Women Empowerment’, ‘Portrayal of Women in Assamese, ‘Women and Public Policy’, ‘Women and Stress Management’, ‘Sexual Harassment’, ‘Women and Environment’, ‘Violence against Women’, Women and Health’
  • The Centre organised a lecture by Dr. Sawmya Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati on ‘Sexual Assault, Gender and the Culture of Impunity’ on the 17th of November, 2017.
  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University organized a Programme ‘Asmita’ in collaboration with Sahitya Akademi on the 7th of August, 2017.
  • A panel discussion amongst prominent women involved in different professional activities across the state was organised on the 8th March, 2017 in connection with the theme of International Women’s Day 2017 of “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”
  • The Assam State Commission for Protection of Child Rights organised a two-day State Level Conclave on ‘Discourse on Duties and Responsibilities towards Protection of Child Rights’, in collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University and District Child Protection Unit Dibrugarh, on the 3rd and 4th March, 2017, at the Conference Hall of the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • A seven day national level workshop on ‘Feminist Research Methodology’ was organized by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University from 29th August, 2016 to 4th September, 2016. Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhari of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and scholars from Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Hyderabad, Ambedkar University, Jadavpur University, Assam University, Gauhati University, Dibrugarh University, Assam Women’s University, Cotton College State University and from various colleges affiliated to Gauhati University and Dibrugarh University participated in the workshop.
  • Lecture and an interactive session with Dr. Anima Guha and Sudakshina Sarma on ‘Issues and Challenges of Women and its Solution’ held at the Centre for Women’s Studies on 9th , December, 2015
Training Year
Gender Sensitization Programme Ongoing and organised regularly from time to time
Faculty Development Programme in Online Mode 2020
Orientation Training to Women Workers from Small Tea Gardens on ‘Fair Wages and Labor Conditions’ 2019
Women, Sanitation and Menstrual Hygiene 2018
Capacity Building Training Programme of Women Workers in the Tea Gardens 2018
Feminist Research Methodology 2016
Adolescent Girls, Situational Analysis of Children and Women in Assam 2016
Oral History and Visual History 2015

Publications of the Centre

  • The Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University publishes the Centre’s Newsletter annually.
  • The Centre published the proceedings of the Feminist Research Methodology workshop held from 29th August – 4th September, 2016

Documentation and Dissemination (Print and Audio-visual)

  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming for Climate Resilient Development: A Training Module was published by ACT CCIP (Action on Climate Today) in partnership with National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj and Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • Documentation of newspaper cuttings on Women’s issues.
  • Collection and preservation (through transcript) of Oral Histories collected during extension works from eminent women entrepreneurs, freedom fighters etc.
  • Collection of CDs of various Women related Documentaries and Films.
  • Documentation of Newspaper cuttings on witch hunting in North East India from 1980s to the present times.

Contact Info

Centre for Women’s Studies

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory