Faculty of Science & Engineering

Centre for Atmospheric Studies


Welcome to the Centre for Atmospheric Studies (CAS). CAS was established in the year 2006 to carry forward the decades-long space science research program in this university with newer initiatives and now is one of the constituents of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Our primary focus is research in the area of climate change and climate variability and its impact on the Environment (or Biosphere and Geosphere). We have a robust observational program of aerosol and trace gas thanks to generous support from the Indian Space Research Organisation, the DST and the University Grants Commission.
Space weather is another area of prime focus in the Centre and we currently operate a chain of GNSS receivers in NE India and the only Ionosonde now operational since 2010 in the whole of east and northeast India. The ISRO and the DST support space research in CAS. We have also undertaken the task of the development of an Indigenous Ionosonde in collaboration with SAMEER, IIT Mumbai with financial support from DEITY.
CAS, Dibrugarh University is one of the eight participating Centres /institutions in India for implementation of ISRO’s Space Science Promotion Scheme for 2009-2019. Student fellowships are awarded to two selected M. Sc. Physics students each year under this program. The majority of the student fellows have opted to pursue research in Atmospheric Science in the Centre and are either pursuing or have graduated with Ph. D degrees.
Recently the Centre has participated in the Human and Institutional Capacity Building (HICAB) Network Programmes as part of the National Mission on Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) Strategic Programmes, Large Initiatives and Coordinated Action Enabler (SPLICE), CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME (CCP), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India (

We undertake collaborative research programs with national and international institutions and faculties from these institutions are supervising Ph. D students in the Centre. We offer Research fellowships to the students under the ongoing funded projects.
Students get an exposure to International courses like Advanced Post Graduate diploma courses in Space and Atmospheric Sciences offered by the United Nations and organised by Centre for Space Science & Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP) in Physical Research Laboratory, and in the Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad followed by M.Tech. from Andhra University. A number of students have completed this course successfully. Further, couple of students have obtained Diploma in ‘European Research Course on Atmospheres’, from the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France in recent years.

We publish in all prestigious atmospheric and space science journals and the total citation index has crossed the 2K mark.
Numbers of alumni working in the field of Space and Atmospheric Sciences have now occupied senior scientist positions in ISRO and CSIR laboratories. The two recent alumni are currently working at the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa as Post Doctoral fellows. One of them was awarded the Fulbright-Kalam Climate research fellowship in the inaugural year. Another student has completed a tenure at the ICIMOD, Kathmandu. An Adjunct Faculty has been selected as the ‘Associate’ of the Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore in 2020 and was also awarded the Junior Associateship of the ICTP, Italy for the period 2015-2021.


Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral Research

  • Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate Science; Aeronomy, Ionospheric Instrumentation

Postgraduate Course

  • DSE papers to M.Sc. Physics 3rd and 4th semesters in Atmospheric and Space Physics respectively
  • GE and AEC papers in Meteorology to 2nd and 3rd semester M.Sc. Physics students (Multidisciplinary)
  • Theme Based Multidisciplinary Course on ‘Climate Change, Adaptation and Prediction’ to M.Sc. Physics 1st -3rd semester students comprising of two AEC and two GE papers.

Ongoing Research Projects

Sl No Title of the Project Funded by Date of


Amount Name of PI/Co PI Date of completion proposed
1 Aerosol Radiative forcing over India (ARFI) ISRO 1999 >2 Cr P K Bhuyan (PI)

B Pathak (Co-PI)

2 Environmental Observatoty Project (Formerly, Atmospheric Trace gases,  Chemistry, Transport & Modelling) ISRO Mar 2011 ~1Cr P K Bhuyan (PI)

B Pathak (Co-PI)

3 Observational and modeling study of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) along 95ºE meridian ISRO RESPOND Mar 2019 26.12 Lacs B R Kalita (PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)

4 Modeling the impact of aerosols/gases on regional climate and weather extremes over Sub Himalayan North East Region DST-HICAB Mar 2019 75 Lakhs B Pathak (PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)



Research Projects(Recently Completed)

1 Characterization of biological aerosols in north-east India with reference to the overall atmospheric environment and possible impact on microclimate and human health DST-ECR January 2017 44 Lacs B Pathak (PI)

Debajit Borah (Co-PI)

A K Buragohain (Co-PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)


2 Design and Development of Digital Ionosonde Radar with Ionospheric data analysis software and collection and analysis of Ionospheric data in NE region of India for Ionospheric studies MeitY, Govt. of India, Jointly with SAMEER, IIT, Mumbai Mar 2013 128.27 Lacs

Dib Unv


18.6 Lacs

P K Bhuyan (PI)

B R Kalita (Co-PI)

3 Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the equatorial ionization anomaly along 95⁰ E through a network of GNSS receivers DST-SERB Apr 2014 98.64 Lacs P K Bhuyan (PI)

B R Kalita (Co-PI)

B Dutta  (Co-PI)


Students’ Activities


  1. Rimpy Kakoty, Tamanna Subba, Geetashree Kakoti, Lakhima Chutia, Ajay Parottil, and Prantika Nath participated in NSSS 2019, during 29- 31 Jan, 2019 at SPPU-Pune, India.
  2. Barsha Dutta, Rimpy Kakoty, Papori Dahutia and Angita Hazarika participated in URSI AP-RASC, 9-15 march, 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India.
  3. Arshini Saikia, Participated in IGAC-MANGO training school on atmospheric chemistry, 28-30 Nov, 2019, ARIES, Nainital, India.
  4. Lakhima Chutia participated and presented paper in “Earth System Modelling (ESM) summer school 2019, held at Bad Aibling, Germany, 9-19 September 2019.
  5. Lakhima Chutia participated and presented paper in INAC-4 (4th ISSE National conference) held at SAC, Ahmedabad, 26-27 September, 2019.
  6. Lakhima Chutia and Papori Dohutia participated and presented paper in ACAM 2019, held at UKM, Malaysia, 26-28 June, 2019.


  1. Lakhima Chutia and Ajay Parottil participated and presented papers in IASTA-2018, held at IIT Delhi, 26th to 29th Nov, 2018
  2. L. Chutia and A. Saikia participated and presented papers in TROPMET-2018 held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 24th- 27th Oct, 2018
  3. R. Kakoty, G. Kakoti, A. Hazarika, P. Nath participated and presented papers at15th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-15) at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India held from 2226 October 2018
  4. Ajay P. participated in ninth ICTP workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy from 28 may-8June, 2018
  5. T. Subba Completed Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral Research Fellow at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA on 28 May 2018.
  6. L. Chutia participated in the European Research Course on Atmosphere (ERCA) 2018 organized by the Joseph Fourier University and CNRS, Grenoble, France, in January -February 2018.
  7. Ajay P. participated in the Joint NESAC-Dibrugarh University campaign mode observation of atmospheric aerosols over the Arunachal sub Himalayan region from 30th Jan- 21st Feb, 2018.


  1. G. Kakoti participated in URSI-RCRS 2017 Tirupati, India from 1-4 March
  2. S. Nath participated in URSI-ICTP School on Radio Physics at ICTP, Trieste,Italy from 27 -31 Mar 2017.
  3. T. Subba attended Aethalometer Inter-Comparison Experiment, IISc, Bengaluru, 3-4 april, 2017.
  4. A. Saikia and T. Subba visited Divecha centre for Climate change, IISC, Bangalore during June- July, 2017
  5. L. Chutia visited Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, Trivandrum during May-October, 2017
  6. Ajay P. visited North East Space Application Centre (NESAC), Shillong during 18-24 June 2017
  7. T. Subba joined as 2017 Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral Research Fellow at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA on 21 August 2017
  8. G. Kakoti participated in the International Reference Ionosphere 2017 Workshop at National Central University (NCU), Taiwan, from 6 -17 November 2017
  9. A. Saikia participated in the Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution, Climate, and Health in South Asia and the Hindu Kush Himalaya, taking place at ICIMOD Headquarters in Kathmandu, Nepal from 27-30 November 2017


  1. T. Subba participated in ERCA 2016, Grenoble, France.
  2. Ajay P., B. Kakoty, G. Kakoti, L. Chutia, P. Dahutia, R. Hazarika and T. Subba participated in NSSS 2016, SPL-VSSC, Trivandrum, India.
  3. Regular (every Friday) Dr. Pisharoty Sonde (Radiosonde) launches was initiated on 18th March 2016 for the upper layer meteorological study under ISRO-GBP-ARFI.
  4. L. Chutia participated in short course on weather forecasting using numerical prediction models, 2016, IIRS, Dehradun, India.
  5. P. Dahutia participated in course on Remote Sensing 2016, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India.
  6. Ajay P participated in the IIRC CORDEX 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.
  7. G. Kakoti participated in the short course on space weather Course 2016, PRL Ahmedabad, India.
  8. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in IC3MTA 2016, Meghalaya, India.
  9. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in NESAC- Academia and Students Interaction Meet, 2016, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, India.
  10. R. Hazarika and G. Kakoti participated in International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2016, ICTP, Italy.
  11. G. Kakoti participated in the International Workshop on Use of Ionospheric GNSS Satellite Derived TEC Data for Navigation, 2016, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
  12. P. Dahutia participated in remote sensing and GIS course, USTM, 2016, Meghalaya, India.
  13. A. Saikia (PhD Scholar; presently) participated in Generation of Regional Climate Data derived from Statistical Downscaling Techniques, APEC Climate Center from Aug 21 to Aug 27,2016 and 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference 2016 at Busan,South Korea.
  14. Ajay P. and L.Chutia visited SPL-VSSC (2016) for training under ARFI group.
  15. G. Kakoti, P. Dahutia, R. Kakoty and T. Subba participated in PANE 2016, Shillong Meghalaya, India.
  16. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in IASTA-2016, PRL, Ahmedabad, India.


Papers in Referred Journals


  1. Lakhima Chutia; Narendra Ojha; Imran Girach; Binita Pathak; Lokesh K. Sahu; Chandan Sarangi; Johannes Flemming; Arlindo da Silva; Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Trends in sulfur dioxide over the Indian subcontinent during 2003–2019, ATMENV-D-21-01961R2, Atmospheric Environment.
  2. Tamanna Subba, Mukunda M. Gogoi, K. Krishna Moorthy, Pradip K. Bhuyan, Binita Pathak, Anirban Guha, Manoj Kumar Srivastava, B.M. Vyas, Karamjit Singh, Jayabala Krishnan, T.V. Lakshmikumar, S. Suresh Babu, New Estimates of Aerosol Radiative Effects over India from Surface and Satellite Observations, Atmospheric Research,
  3. Binita Pathak, Ankita Khataniar, Barlin Das, Sristisri Upadhyaya, Ankita Medhi, P K Bhuyan, A K Buragohain, and Debajit Borah (2022), Spatio‑temporal diversity of biological aerosols over Northeast India: a metagenomic approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
  4. Binita Pathak and P K Bhuyna, Characteristic of atmospheric pollutants over the northeastern region of India, Asian Atmospheric Pollution, 367-392, ISBN: 9780128166932.


  1. Geetashree Kakoti,Bitap Raj Kalita, P. K. Bhuyan, S. Baruah and K. Wang (2020), Longitudinal and Interhemispheric Ionospheric Response to 2009 and 2013 SSW Events in the African‐European and Indian‐East Asian Sectors, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 112169-9380, 10.1029/2020JA028570
  2. PATHAK B, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Arshini Saikia, Kalyan Bhuyan, Ajay P., Shankar Jyoti Nath, Shyam Luchan Bora (2021), Impact of lockdown due to COVID 19 outbreak on O3 and its precursor gases, PM and BC over North-East India, Current Science (special issue: Environmental impact of COVID-19), Vol: 120(2) (IF: 1.102).
  3. Mukunda M Gogoi, .Binita Pathak et al., (2021), Response of ambient BC concentration across the Indian region to the nation-wide lockdown: results from the ARFINET measurements of ISRO-GBP, Current Science (special issue: Environmental impact of COVID-19), Vol: 120(2) (IF: 1.102).
  4. Ajay P., Binita Pathak, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Fabien Solmon, Filippo Giorgi (2021), Sectoral emissions contributions to anthropogenic aerosol scenarios over the Indian subcontinent and effects of mitigation on air quality, climate, and health, 85: 21–33, 2021 Climate Research (IF: 1.972).


  1. Borgohain A, S S Kundu, N Barman, P L N Raju, R Roy, B Saha, P Ajay, B PATHAK, P K Bhuyan (2020), Investigation of physical and optical properties of aerosol over high altitude stations along the sub-Himalayan region of North-Eastern India, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(2),383-392 (IF:4.352).
  2. T Subba, MM Gogoi, B Pathak, PK Bhuyan, SS Babu, Recent trend in the global distribution of aerosol direct radiative forcing from satellite measurements, Atmospheric Science Letters, (IF:2.415).
  3. PATHAK B., Borah, D., Khataniar, A., Bhuyan, P.K., Buragohain, A. K. (2020), Characterization of bioaerosols in Northeast India in terms of culturable biological entities along with inhalable, thoracic and alveolar particles, Journal of Earth System Science, J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020) 129:141, (IF: 1.371).
  4. Chutia L, Narendra Ojha, Imran A. Girach, Binita Pathak, Lokesh K. Sahu, and Pradip K. Bhuyan (2020), Seasonal evolution of sulfur dioxide over the Indian subcontinent, Ursi Radio Science Letters, VOL. 2, 2020, DOI: 10.46620/20-0046.


  1. J Gogoi, K Bhuyan (2019), Spectral analysis on the solar parameters and empirical orthogonal functions of foF2 data obtained by singular value decomposition, Advances in Space Research 64 (9), 1712-1731.
  2. B R Kalita, S J Nath, P K Bhuyan, A Khandare, A Kulkarni, (2019) SAMEERDU‐digital ionosonde: Brief system description and initial results from a low latitude location Dibrugarh, Radio Science, 54, 10.1029/2019RS006813.
  3. B. R. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, P. Nath, A. Hazarika, K. Wang, (2019) The longitudinal and hemispherical variation of the IRI’s foF2 estimates at ±40° dip angle around 95°E and 130°E sector under fluctuating solar flux conditions, Advances in Space Research, 63(6), 1914-1925,ISSN 0273-1177,
  4. Arshini Saikia, Binita Pathak, Prashant Singh, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Bhupesh Adhikary (2019), Multi-model evaluation of meteorological drivers, air pollutants and quantification of emission sources over the Upper Brahmaputra basin, Atmosphere, 10(11), 703;
  5. Ajay P, B Pathak, F Solmon, P K Bhuyan, F Giorgi (2019). Obtaining best parameterization scheme of RegCM 4.4 for aerosols and chemistry simulations over the CORDEX South Asia. Climate Dynamics,


  1. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Bianchi I and V cosmologies with Hu-Sawicki f (R) gravity in Palatini formalism, Journal of Physics Communication, 2(2018)115017.
  2. Debika K. Banik, Sebika K. Banik, and Kalyan Bhuyan (2018), Dynamical System Approach to Born-Infeld f (R) gravity in Palatini Formalism, Physical Review D, P. R. D. – 97,124041(2018) DOI: -10.1103/PhysRevD.97.124041
  3. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), A dynamical system approach to Bianchi III cosmology for Hu-Sawicki type f(R) gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation, 50:24, DOI: 10.1007/s10714-017-2345-9.
  4. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan ((2018)), Bianchi V Cosmological model in Palatini f(R) gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation, 50:13, DOI: 10.1007/s10714-017-2334-4.
  5. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Phase portraits of Higher Dimensional FRW Cosmology in Rp exp(fR) Gravity filled with Non-perfect fluid, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 203, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73171-1_76.
  6. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Bianchi III Cosmologies for the form using the Palatini formalism, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 203, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73171-1_160.
  7. Lakhima Chutia, Binita Pathak, Ajay P, P. K. Bhuyan (2018). Impact of microphysics parameterizations and horizontal resolutions on simulation of “MORA” tropical cyclone over Bay of Bengal using Numerical Weather Prediction Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,
  8. B. Dutta, B. R. Kalita, P. K. Bhuyan, S Sarmah, R C Tiwari, K Wang, et al. (2018), Spatial features of L-band equinoctial scintillations from equator to low midlatitude at around 95°E during 2015–2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.
  9. Subba, T., Gogoi, M.M., Pathak, B., Ajay P., Bhuyan, P.K., Solmon F. (2018), Assessment of 1D and 3D model simulated radiation flux based on surface measurements and estimation of aerosol forcing and their climatological aspects,Atmospheric Research, 204, Pages 110-127, ISSN 0169-8095,
  10. Kakoti, G., Kalita, B.R., Hazarika, R., Bhuyan, P.K., Sharma, S., Tiwari, R., (2018), Temporal evolution of the EIA along 95_E as obtained from GNSS TEC measurements and SAMI3 model. Adv. Space Res.
  11. Dahutia, P., Pathak, B., Bhuyan, P. K. (2018). Aerosols characteristics, trends and their climatic implications over North-East India and adjoining South-Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 1234-1256. doi: 10.1002/joc5240
  12. Kalita, B.R., Das, S.K., Neog, P., Bhuyan, P.K., Kulkarni, A., Khandare A. (2018) Software for Autoscaling Ionograms: Preliminary Results, International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, ISSN 2394-3386
  13. Rimpy Kakoty, Saradi Bora, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan (2018). Spatial asymmetry in topside ion density and vertical E x B plasma drift velocity within 75°E–95°E. Adv. Space Res.


  1. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan, Anisotropic Bianchi type III model in Palatini f(R) gravity, Astrophysics and Space Science 362:51, DOI: 10.1007/s10509-017-3031-1.
  2. Dynamics of Higher Dimensional FRW Cosmology in Rp exp(R) Gravity S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan Pramana-Journal of Physics, DOI 10.1007/x12043-016-1335-2.
  3. Kalita, B.R., Nath, S., Bhuyan, P.K., Kulkarni, A., Khandare, A. (2017) Automatic extraction of profile from an ionogram using digital image processing, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XI, Issue XII, Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469.
  4. Kalita, B.R. and Bhuyan P.K. (2017) Vertical Electron Density Profile Estimation using Ground based Ionosonde and in-situ Density Measurement over Dibrugarh, International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, Volume XI, Issue XII, Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469.
  5. Barsha Dutta, Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan (2017), L-band nighttime scintillations at the northern edge of the EIA along 95°E during the ascending half of the solar cycle 24, Advances in Space Research, Volume 61, Issue 7,2018, Pages 1744-1760, ISSN 0273-1177,
  6. Mukunda M. Gogoi , S. Suresh Babu , K. Krishna Moorthy , Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Binita Pathak , Tamanna Subba , Lakhima Chutia, Shyam Sundar Kundu , Chandrakala Bharali , Arup Borgohain , Anirban Guha , Barin Kumar De , Brajamani Singh and Mian Chin (2017), Radiative effects of absorbing aerosols over Northeastern India: Observations and model simulations Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025592, Volume 122, Issue 227.
  7. Biswas J, B Pathak, F Patadia, P K Bhuyan, M M Gogoi, S Suresh Babu (2017), Satellite retrieved direct radiative forcing of aerosols over North-East India and adjoining areas: climatology and impact assessment, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5004.
  8. G Kakoti, P K Bhuyan, Rumajyoti Hazarika (2016), Seasonal and solar cycle effects on TEC at 95°E in the ascending half (2009–2014) of the subdued solar cycle 24: Consistent underestimation by IRI 2012, Advances in Space Research, ISSN 0273-1177,
  9. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan and Akimasa Yoshikawa (2015), NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014, 67:186, DOI 10.1186/s40623-015-0355-3.


  1. D.K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2016), Dynamics of Bianchi I cosmology in f(R) gravity in Palatini formalism, Indian Journal of Physics, DOI 10.1007/s12648-016-0898-6.
  2. S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2016), Dynamics of Bianchi I Cosmology in exp(fR) gravity, Indian Journal of Physics, November 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12648-015-0697-5.
  3. J Biswas, B Pathak, F Patadia, P K Bhuyan, M M Gogoi, S Suresh Babu, Satellite retrieved direct radiative forcing of aerosols over North-East India and adjoining areas: climatology and impact assessment, International Journal of Climatology, (Accepted for Publication) (IF-3.609).
  4. B.R. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Variations of the ionospheric parameters and vertical electron density distribution at the northern edge of the EIA from 2010 to 2015 along 95_E and comparison with the IRI-2012. Advances in Space Research (2016), (IF -1.409).
  5. Hazarika, B R Kalita and P.K. Bhuyan; Ionospheric response to X-class solar flares in the ascending half of the subdued solar cycle 24; Journal of Earth System Science, 125(6), 1235-1244, (IF- 0.85).
  6. G Kakoti, P K Bhuyan, Rumajyoti Hazarika (2016), Seasonal and solar cycle effects on TEC at 95°E in the ascending half (2009–2014) of the subdued solar cycle 24: Consistent underestimation by IRI 2012, Advances in Space Research, ISSN 0273-1177, -1.409).
  7. B R Kalita, R. Hazarika, G Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan, Chakrabarty, D, G. K. Seemala, K. Wang, S. Sharma, T. Yokoyama, P. Supnithi, T. Komolmis, C. Y. Yatini, M. Le Huy, P. Roy (2016), Conjugate hemisphere ionospheric response to the St. Patrick’s Day storms of 2013 and 2015 in the 100°E longitude sector, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA023119 (IF -3.44).
  8. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan and Akimasa Yoshikawa (2015), NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014, 67:186, DOI 10.1186/s40623-015-0355-3 (IF: 1.38).
  9. Aerosol characteristics in north-east India using ARFINET spectral optical depth measurements, Pathak B., T. Subba, P. Dahutia, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishna Moorthy, M.M. Gogoi, S. Suresh Babu, L. Chutia, P. Ajay, J. Biswas, C. Bharali, A. Borgohain, P. Dhar, A. Guha, B.K. De, T. Banik, M. Chakraborty, S.S. Kundu, S. Sudhakar, S.B. Singh, Atmospheric Environment, 125B, 461–473, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.07.038 (IF-3.78).
  10. Continental export efficiencies and delineation of sources for trace gases and black carbon in North-East India: Seasonal variability, Pathak B., L Chutia, C Bharali, P K Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, 125B, 474–485, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.09.020 (IF-3.78).


  1. Climatology of columnar aerosol properties at a continental location in the upper Brahmaputra basin of North East India: diurnal asymmetry and association with meteorology, PATHAK B., P K Bhuyan, Advances in Space Research, 56(7), 1469-1484, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.07.004 (IF-1.358).
  2. NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Akimasa Yoshikawa. Earth Planets and Space, 67, 186, ISSN: 0022-1392, (IF 1.328).
  3. Spring and summer night-time high Ozone episodes in the upper Brahmaputra valley and their association with lightning, C Bharali, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, 109, 234-250 (IF 3.78).
  4. Short term introduction of pollutants into the atmosphere at a location in the Brahmaputra Basin: A case study, Pathak B., J Biswas, C Bharali, P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi: 10.5094/APR.2015.026. (IF: 1.371).


  1. Spatial heterogeneity in near surface aerosol characteristics across the Brahmaputra Valley, B Pathak, A Borgohain, P.K. Bhuyan, S S Kundu, S Sudhakar, M Gogoi, T Takemura, Journal of Earth System Science, 123, No. 4, pp. 651-663. (IF: 1.04).
  2. The role of precursor gases and meteorology on temporal evolution of O3 at a tropical location in North East India, P.K. Bhuyan, C Bharali, B Pathak, G Kalita,  Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-014-2587-3, pp-1-18. (IF: 2.85).
  3. Absorbing and scattering properties of boundary layer aerosols over Dibrugarh, North     East India, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Doi:10.1080/01431161.2014.926424. (IF: 1.652).
  4. Effects of prolonged southward IMF Bz on low latitude ionospheric electron density, Mala S. Bagiya, RumajyotiHazarika, Fazlul I. Laskar, Surendra Sunda, S. Gurubaran, D. Chakrabarty, P.K. Bhuyan, R. Sridharan, B. Veenadhari, D. Pallamraju, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2014JA020156, 2014. (IF=3.426).
  5. distribution of TEC across India in 2005, seasonal asymmetries and IRI prediction,  Rumajyoti Hazarika and P.K. Bhuyan, Advances in Space Research, 54 1751-1767. (IF=1.358).


  1. Solar cycle effect on temporal and spatial variation of topside ion density measured by SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 over the Indian longitude sector, P.K. Bhuyan, S Bora, Advances in Space Research, (IF=1.358).
  2. GPS TEC near the crest of the EIA at 95°E during the ascending half of solar cycle 24 and comparison with IRI simulations, P.K. Bhuyan, R. Hazarika, Advances in Space Research (IF=1.358).
  3. Long term climatology of Particulate Matter and associated microphysical and optical properties over Dibrugarh, North-East India and inter-comparison with SPRINTARS simulations, Pathak B., P.K. Bhuyan, J. Biswas, T. Takemura, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.12.032. (IF-3.78).
  4. Near Surface atmospheric response to the Total Solar Eclipse at Dibrugarh on 22 July,2009, K G Rao, N N Reddy, G Ramakrishna, P.K. Bhuyan, K Bhuyan, G Kalita, B Pathak, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 95-96, Pages 87–95. (IF-1.671).
  5. Firework Induced Large Increase in Trace Gases and Black Carbon at Dibrugarh, India, Pathak B., C K Bharali, J Biswas, P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No. 8, 2013. (Citation: 1).
  6. Trends in aerosol optical depth over Indian region: Potential causes and impact indicators, S. Suresh Babu, M. R. Manoj, K. Krishna Moorthy, Mukunda M Gogoi, Vijaya kumar S. Nair, Sobhan Kumar Kompalli, S.K. Satheesh, K. Niranjan, K. Ramagopal, P.K. Bhuyan, and Darshan Singh, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, VOL. 118, 1–13, doi:10.1002/2013JD020507. (IF=3.44).


  1. Seasonal heterogeneity in aerosol types over Dibrugarh-North-Eastern India, Pathak, B., P.K. Bhuyan, M.M. Gogoi, K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.10.061. (IF-3.78, citation-21).
  2. Effect of solar cycle on topside ion temperature measured by SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 over the Indian equatorial and low latitudes, Borgohain A., P.K. Bhuyan, Annales Geophysicae, doi: 10.5194/angeo-30-1645-2012. (IF 1.741)


  1. Multi-year investigations of near surface and columnar aerosols over Dibrugarh, northeastern location of India: Heterogeneity in source impacts, M M G ogoi, B Pathak, K Krishna Moorthy, P.K. Bhuyan, S Suresh Babu, K Bhuyan and G Kalita, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.12.056. (IF-3.78, citation-23).
  2. Impact of zonal wind on latitudinal variation of total columnar ozone over the Indian Peninsula, Kalita G., B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan and K Bhuyan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2011.564221. (IF=1.652).
  3. Aerosol optical properties in dynamic atmosphere in the northwestern part of the Indian Himalaya: A comparative study from ground and satellite based observations, R P Guleria, J C Kuniyal, P S Rawat, H K Thakur, M Sharma, N L Sharma, M Singh, K Chand, P Sharma, A K Thakur, P P Dhyani and P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Research, 101, 726-738, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.04.018. (IF= 2.872)
  4. Spatial heterogeneity in Tropospheric Ozone over the Indian Subcontinent: Long-term climatology and possible association with natural and anthropogenic activities, Kalita G., P.K. Bhuyan, Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 924516, doi:10.1155/2011/924516 (IF=0.946).


  1. Solar cycle variation of ion densities measured by the SROSS C2 and FORMOSAT 1 satellites over Indian low and equatorial latitudes, A. Borgohain, P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A04309, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014424. (IF-3.303).
  2. Aerosol temporal characteristics and its impact on radiative forcing at a location in the northeast India, B. Pathak, G. Kalita, K. Bhuyan, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishnamoorthy, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2009JD013462. (IF-3.303, citation-54).
  3. Variation of total columnar ozone characteristics over Dibrugarh and comparison with satellite observations over the Indian subcontinent, G. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan and K. Bhuyan, Indian Journal of Physics, 84(6), 635-639. (IF=0.291).


  1. An Investigation of Aerosol Size Distribution Properties at Dibrugarh: North-Eastern India, M. M. Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishnamoorthy, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 20(3), 521-533, doi:10.3319/TAO.2008.06.11.01. (IF=3.883).
  2. Climatology of Columnar Aerosol Properties and Influence of Synoptic Conditions-First Time results from the northeastern region of India, M M Gogoi, K Krishnamoorthy and S Sureshbabu P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 114, D08202, doi.10.1029/2008JD010765. (IF=3.082).



  1. T Subba, M M Gogoi, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Dynamics of aerosol radiative forcing over the Brahmaputra River Basin: synergy of model and ground based observation, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  2. C Bharali, L Chutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Temporal variation of trace gases over NE India, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  3. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Aerosols characteristics, periodicities and its regional climatic implication over the North-East India, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  4. T Subba, B. Pathak, M M Gogoi, Ajay P, P K Bhuyan. Long term climatology of aerosol radiative forcing in the Brahmaputra valley and its implications International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  5. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Long term study of absorbing aerosols over North East India and its association with Cloud Optical Depth and Net Shortwave Flux. International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  6. C Bharali, L Chutia, B. Pathak, G Kalita, P K Bhuyan. Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Implication on regional Climate. International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  7. T Subba, A Parottil, P Dahutia, B. Pathak, L Chutia, P K Bhuyan. Impacts of local boundary layer processes during premonsoon, North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) – Academia and Students Interaction Meet, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, 24 June 2016.
  8. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Aerosol climate interaction in pre-monsoon season over north-east India, North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) – Academia and Students Interaction Meet, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, 24 June 2016.
  9. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Precipitation and temperature anomaly in North East India: Role of aerosols and clouds, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  10. T Subba, B Pathak, M M Gogoi, P K Bhuyan. Climatic implications of aerosols over the Brahmaputra valley: a climatological (2000-2015) study from observational and modeling approach, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  11. B. Pathak , T. Subba, C. Bharali , L Chutia, J Biswas, P. K. Bhuyan, Recent trends in aerosols and trace gas environment over Dibrugarh, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  12. T Subba, B. Pathak, M.M. Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan. Implication of aerosols on the photosynthetically active radiation balance over north-east India, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.
  13. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Vertical distribution of aerosols over north east India: spatio-temporal variatibity, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.
  14. J Biswas, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Spatial-Temporal variability of aerosols and trace gases over north-east India by using remote sensing data, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.


  1. Total Electron Content perturbations during Solar Eclipses as observed from Dibrugarh, K Bhuyan, R Hazarika, P.K. Bhuyan, B R Kalita, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 23-28.
  2. Preliminary Results of ionospheric F-Region variability using CADI in Dibrugarh, B R Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Conference Proceeding, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 5-8.
  3. Temporal Characteristics of Boundary Layer Aerosols over Dibrugarh, B Pathak, J Biswas, P.K. Bhuyan, Conference Proceeding, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 29-33.
  4. Solar cycle variation of total ion density during solar cycle 23 over Indian low latitude topside ionosphere, S. Bora and P.K. Bhuyan, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 55-59
  5. Export efficiency of atmospheric black cabron and trace gases over North-East India, B Pathak, Lakhima Chutia, C Bharali, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 599-602.
  6. Extensive study of scattering properties of aerosols at a location in Brahmaputra basin, North East India, Tamanna Subba, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 219-223.
  7. Assessment of the impact of aerosols on shortwave radiation and rainfall in North-East India, B Pathak, P Dahutia, Geetashree kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 230-235.
  8. Temporal characterization of black carbon aerosols and theircontribution to radiative     forcing over Dibrugarh, J Biswas, T Subba, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 214-218.
  9. Studies of near surface atmospheric aerosols during the Diwali festival over Dibrugarh, North-East India, National Seminar on Recent Trends of Research in Science and Technology, Jhuma Biswas, Binita Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan, 59th Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society, ISBN: 13-978-81930041-2-8, Vol 15, Page No: 634-641.


  1. Heterogeneity in the vertical distribution of aerosols over Dibrugarh, Pathak B., P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, pp-273.
  2. Aerosol optical and radiative properties over north-east India derived from MODIS and CERES, Pathak B., J. Biswas and P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, 277.
  3. Temporal characteristics of particulates, black carbon and trace gases over Dibrugarh, north-east India, Bharali C., Pathak B., G. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, pp-117.


  1. Validation of Satellite Derived AOD by Ground Observation over Dibrugarh, Pathak, B., P.K. Bhuyan, M.M. Gogoi, G. Kalita, K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-219-222,
  2. Properties of near surface Black Carbon Aerosols in a Rural Tropical Location, Kalita G., B. Pathak, K. Bhuyan, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-444-447.
  3. Muliti-year Investigations of Near-surface and Columnar Aerosols over Dibrugarh, Northeastern Location of India, Gogoi M.M., K. K. Moorthy, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Bhuyan, B. Pathak, G. Kalita, S. S. Babu, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-191-193.
  1. Angkita Hazarika, Best Presentation Award, in NSSS 2022
    Presentation Title: Performance evaluation of IRPlas & SAMI2 model during solar minima around 100 degree East.
  2. Krishnanka Baishya, Best Presentation Award (group presentation), in 10th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models
    Presentation title: Demonstrating added value of high resolution Regional Climate Modeling in simulating Tropical Cyclones “Amphan”
  3. Lakhima Chutia, Young Scientists Award, URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS) 2020, Rome, Italy.
  4. Lakhima Chutia, Honorable Mention Award, URSI GASS 2020, Rome, Italy.
  5. Lakhima Chutia, 3rd position,Student Paper Competition (SPC) at URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science 2020 at the Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, India, 2020
  6. Geetashree Kakoti, Received Young Scientists Award, URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 2021, Rome, Italy.
  7. Dr. B. Pathak, Adjunct Faculty, Selected as Associate of the prestigious Indian Academy of Science (IASc), Bangalore, 2020-2023.
  8. P. K. Bhuyan and B R Kalita jointly developed an Ionospheric Radar (Ionosonde) with SAMEER, IIT Mumbai. Results have been published in reputed international journal “Radio Science”.
  9. P. K. Bhuyan received Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Academy of Science and Research, Kolkata in the International Multidisciplinary Rsearch Conference held in January 2019.
  10. P. K. Bhuyan, Elected Fellow of the International Academy of Science and Research, Kolkata in the year 2019.
  11. T. Subba, Ph. D. scholar under the joint supervision of Prof. P K Bhuyan in the Centre for Atmospheric Studies, Dibrugarh University and Dr. Mukunda M Gogoi, Scientist in the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum have completed the Fulbright-Kalam Climate  Fellowship, 2017-2018 for Doctoral research. She is among three scholars from India to bag the fellowship in its inaugural year. The US-India Climate Fellowship programme named ‘Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship’ to build long term capacity to address Climate Change related issues in both the countries was launched in pursuance of the Joint Statement made by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of India in September 2014. Ms Subba will pursue her research in either Penn State, Washington University or Washington State University in the academic session 2017-18 as part of her current Doctoral programme in Dibrugarh University. Her work in the United States will basically be focused on the quantification of complex climate forcing due to aerosols and their impact on climate change.
  12. A. Saikia received Ph. D student fellowship, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal for the year 2015
  13. L. Chutia, recieved INSPIRE Fellowship, May 2015
  14. T. Subba, A. Parottil, P. Dahutia, B. Pathak, L. Chutia and P.K. Bhuyan, Best Poster Presentation, Academia and Students Interaction Meet, NESAC – Department of Space, Govt of India, Meghalaya
  15. T. Subba, B.Pathak, M.M.Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan, 3rd Prize, Oral Presentation, IASTA- 2016
  16. G. Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika, Best Poster Presentation, NSSS-2016
  17. T. Subba, M.M. Gogoi, B. Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan, Best Oral Presenatation, NSSS-2016
  18. P. K. Bhuyan, C. Bharali, B.Pathak, G. Kalita, The role of precursor gases and meteorology on temporal evolution of O3 at a tropical location in North East India,  Environmental Science and Pollution Research,  doi:10.1007/s11356-014-2587-3,Listed 1st in top 20 articles in BioMedLib, LLC.Research Scholars.
  19. P. K. Bhuyan, Chief Editor, Varenya Vigyani Book series, Dibrugarh University.
  20. B. Pathak, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering
  21. B. Pathak, Appointed as Junior Associate, ICTP, Italy for the period 2015-2020
  22. P. K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika, First Prize in Oral Presentation, NSSS-2014
  23. P. K. Bhuyan, Outstanding Reviewer, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, 2014
  24. P. K. Bhuyan, Invited member, COSPAR Task Group on Earth Observation, 2014 onwards
  25. M. M. Gogoi, P. K. Bhuyan, K. K. Moorthy, 2009 ~ 2010 Best Article Award, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, Taiwan.
  26. P. K. Bhuyan and S. Bora, First Prize in Poster Presentation, NSSS-2012
  27. P. K. Bhuyan, Editorial Board Member, ISRN Meteorology
  28. B. Pathak, FAST TRACK Young Scientist Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, 2012

Prof. P. K. Bhuyan 

 (M.Sc., Ph.D)

Prof. Department of Physics

UGC Emeritus Professor 2016-2018

Former Registrar, Dibrugarh University (May 2008- May 2011)

Ph.D completed: 22; Ph.D ongoing: 2

  1. Tech.: 3

M.Phil completed: 6

Completed Projects: 12; Ongoing Projects: 3

Publications: 130


h-index: 22, i10: 51

Telephone: 9435030690(M)

RESEARCH AREA & INTEREST: General: Atmospheric sciences

Aeronomy: Ionospheric characterization and dynamics,Ionospheric model development

Lower Atmosphere: aerosols and trace gases characteristics, dynamics and climatic impact

Model simulation of aerosols, gases


Ph.D, Aeronomy, 1986 National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, Kurukshetra University

Thesis Title: Satellite Radio Beacon studies of the Ionosphere

M.Sc., Physics (Electronics & Radio Physics), 1971, Gauhati University, Assam

B.Sc., Physics, 1969, Gauhati University, Assam


Position Institution Period
Lecturer D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 20-07-1972-15-01-1979
UGC Fellow National Physical Laboratory, NewDelhi 16-01-1979-15-07-1982
Lecturer D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 16-07-1982-31-12-1985
Lecturer [Selection grade] D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 01-01-1986-24-05-1989
Reader Dibrugarh University 25-05-1989-19-11-1996
Professor Dibrugarh University 20-11-1996-15-05-2008
Registrar Dibrugarh University 16-05-2008-30-06-2011
Professor Dibrugarh University 01-07-2011 -2016
Emeritus Professor Dibrugarh University 2016-2018



Nature of work Institution Duration
Instrumentation, acquisition and analysis of satellite radio beacon data National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 16-01-1979-15-07-1982


Continuation of the work done at NPL D.K.D College, Dergaon, Assam 16-07-1982-24-05-1989
Research in Aeronomy and Atmospheric Physics, Supervision of research carried out by Ph. D and M. Phil, M Tech students Dibrugarh University 25-05-1989 till date



Senior Associate of the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, India) in 1995-1998


Winter School, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1990



(i) Best Article Award,

Mukunda M. Gogoi, P. K. Bhuyan, K. Krishna Moorthy, 2009 ~ 2010

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, an International SCI journal published from Taiwan.

(ii) Best Presentation

  • P. K. Bhuyan and S. Bora,

First Prize in Poster Presentation, National Space Science Symposium (SV University Tirupati) 2012.

  • RumaJyoti Hazarika and P K Bhuyan

National Space Science Symposium 2014, Dibrugarh University

  • G. Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika

Best Poster Presentation in National Space Science Symposium 2016, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram

  • T. Subba, M.M. Gogoi, B. Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan Best oral Presentation in National Space Science Symposium 2016, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram
  1. Subba, B.Pathak, M.M.Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan

Third prize in oral presentation IASTA-2016, PRL, Ahmedabad

  • T. Subba, A. Parottil, P. Dahutia, B. Pathak, L. Chutia and P.K. Bhuyan

Best Poster Presentation, Academia and Students Interaction Meet, NESAC – Department of Space, Govt of India, Meghalaya

(iii) Outstanding Reviewer, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, 2014



18th National Space Science Science Symposium, 29 January-1 February 2014, Dibrugarh University (Convenor)



(i) Elected Member, URSI COSPAR IRI Working Group from Asia (Since 2004)

(ii) Invited Member, COSPAR Task Group on Earth Observation (2014-Present )

(iii) Formerly Regional Editor of IRI news published under the auspices of URSI (Editor, K I. Oyama)



(i) Member Editorial Board, ISRN Meteorology

(ii) Reviewer, International Journals: Journal of Geophysical Reaserch, Journal of Atmospheric Solar Terrestrial Physics, Annales Geophysicae, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Advances in Space Research, Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society etc.



Ionospheric Research

(i) Principal Investigator, Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the equatorial ionization anomaly along 95⁰E through a network of GNSS receivers, DST, 2014- 2017

(ii) Principal Investigator, Design and Development of Digital Ionosonde Radar with Ionospheric data analysis software and collection and analysis of Ionospheric data in NE region of India for Ionospheric studies, DIT, Govt. of India, DeITY, 2013- 2018

(iii) Co-ordinator, ISRO-Space Science Promotion scheme, 2009-2013

(iv) Principal Investigator, Development of a theoretical model for investigation of the Indian equatorial and low latitude ionosphere, ISRO RESPOND, 2004-2007

(v) Principal Investigator, Development of a regional TEC model for India, ISRO SAC, 2003-2006

(vi) Principal Investigator, Computerized Tomographic investigation of ionospheric structure using GPS satellites, ISRO- RESPOND, 1999-2002

(vii) Principal Investigator, Derivation of electron and ion densities and temperatures over Indian low latitude sector from SROSS C2 measurements, ISRO Space Science, 1997-1998

(viii) Principal Investigator, Development of a low latitude ionospheric model, ISRO RESPOND, 1997-2001

Atmospheric aerosols and trace gases

(ix) Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP DRS-II , University Grant Commission, 2013-2017

(x) Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP DRS-I , University Grant Commission, 2007-2012

(xi) Principal Investigator (station-Dibrugarh), Atmospheric Trace gases, Chemistry, Transport and modelling, 2011-present

(xii) Principal Investigator (station-Dibrugarh), Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India, ISRO, 2007- present

(xiii) Principal Investigator, Measurement of aerosol optical depth over Dibrugarh, ISRO GBP-ACE, 1999-2006





URSI Asia Pacific Conference, New Delhi, 2019

URSI-RCRS 2017 , 3rd Regional Conference on Radio Science, 2017, Tirupati

  • Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA)2016, 6-8 December 2016, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmadabad, India
  • 39th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, Mysore, 2012
  • Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 6th Annual Conference, Hyderabad, 2010
  • International MST workshop MST11 held at Tirupati, 2006
  • International Union of Radio Science (URSI) general assembly, New Delhi, 2005
  • International Symposium on Computer and Devices for Communication 2004, Calcutta University, Calcutta, 2004
  • INCURSI, Calcutta University (1996) INCURSI, Burdwan University (1999),.
  • International Conference of Astronomy and Astrophysics held at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, 1993.
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, New Delhi, 1983
  • National Space Science Symposiums at VSSC, Trivandrum 2016, Dibrugarh University 2014, Tirupati 2012, Andhra University 2006, Barkatulla University, Bhopal 2002, Puri, 2000, PRL, Ahmedabad 1997, PRL, Ahmedabad 1992, Gauhati University 1986, Pune University 1983, IISC, 1982, BHU 1980,



  • International workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Summer Monsoon, China,2017
  • 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, 2014
  • Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2013.
  • International Reference Ionosphere workshop, Kagoshima Japan, 2009
  • Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 6th annual conference, Singapore, 2009
  • Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 4th annual conference, Bangkok, 2007 
  • International Reference Ionosphere Workshop, Prague, 2007
  • International Reference Ionosphere workshop, Tortosa, Spain, 2005
  • 35th COSPAR General Assembly, Paris, 2004
  • 33rd COSPAR General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 2000
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Aberystwyth, UK, 1994
  • Second college on Theoretical and Experimental Radio Propagation Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1991
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Tucuman, Argentina, 1990

Ph. D. Alumni with present status 

  1. Dr Mrinmayee Barua, Associate Professor, D. C. B. Girls College, Jorhat
  2. Dr Sourav Baruah, Head, Geoscience Division, NEIST, Jorhat
  3. Dr Paresh Baruah, Principal, Dibru college, Dibrugarh
  4. Dr Prasanta Kakoty, Controller of Examinations, Dibrugarh , Assam
  5. Dr Minakshi Chamua, Assistant Professor, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia, ASsam
  6. Dr Kalyan Bhuyan, Professor, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University
  7. Dr. Mukunda M. Gogoi (PhD, 2007), Scientist, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruananthapuram.
  8. Dr. Rashmi Rekha Bora (M. Phil, 2002; PhD, 2008), Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam.
  9. Dr. Arup Borgohain (M.Tech. 2009, PhD, 2011), Scientist, North-Eastern Space Application Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya.
  10. Dr. Binita Pathak (PhD, 2011), Assistant Professor-Department of Physics, Adjunct faculty- Centre for Atmospheric Studies, DU/ Junior Associate, ICTP-Italy
  11. Dr. Gayatry Kalita (M. Phil, 2009; PhD, 2013), Women Scientist, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune.
  12. Dr. Saradi Bora (PhD, 2014), Lecturer, LTK College, North Lakhimpur.
  13. Dr. Rumajyoti Hazarika, (PhD, 2016), (OPDF-2018, New Castle University, UK)
  14. Dr. Jhuma Biswas, (PhD, 2016), Assistant Professor, Pandu college, Guwahati, Assam
  15. Dr Chandrakala Bharali, (PhD, 2016), Women Scientist, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University (formerly NPDF: 2017-19, VSSC-Thiruananthapuram).
  16. Dr Bitap Raj Kalita, (PhD, 2017), Assistant Professor-Department of Physics, Adjunct faculty- Centre for Atmospheric Studies, DU.
  17. Dr Barsha Dutta Kakoty (PhD, 2019), Asst. Professor, DUIET , DU
  18. Dr Papori Dahutia (PhD, 2019)
  19. Ms. Tamanna Subba, (PhD, 2020), Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US; (formerly Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship 2017-18, Pennsylvania State University) (Joint supervisor- Dr Mukunda M Gogoi (VSSC, Trivandrum)
  20. Dr Lakhima Chutia (PhD, 2021), Postdoctoral fellow, in the Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab, University of Iowa (Formerly INSPIRE fellow) (Joint Supervisors- Dr Binita Pathak)
  21. Dr. Geetashree Kakoti (PhD, 2022), Formerly CSIR-SRF (Joint Supervisors: Dr Saurabh Baruah, NEIST, Jorhat)
  22. Ajay Parottil (Thesis submitted), Postdoctoral fellow, Vikram Sarabhai Space Station, Trivandrum-(Joint Supervisors: Dr Binita Pathak)


Space Weather and Climate Change Drivers: North-East India Perspectives, LTK College, North Lakhimpur, ISBN: 978-81-939507-5-3

Joint Editors: Dr Saradi Bora & Dr Binita Pathak


Publications: please visit Publications tab



Welcome to the Centre for Atmospheric Studies (CAS). CAS was established in the year 2006 to carry forward the decades-long space science research program in this university with newer initiatives and now is one of the constituents of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Our primary focus is research in the area of climate change and climate variability and its impact on the Environment (or Biosphere and Geosphere). We have a robust observational program of aerosol and trace gas thanks to generous support from the Indian Space Research Organisation, the DST and the University Grants Commission.
Space weather is another area of prime focus in the Centre and we currently operate a chain of GNSS receivers in NE India and the only Ionosonde now operational since 2010 in the whole of east and northeast India. The ISRO and the DST support space research in CAS. We have also undertaken the task of the development of an Indigenous Ionosonde in collaboration with SAMEER, IIT Mumbai with financial support from DEITY.
CAS, Dibrugarh University is one of the eight participating Centres /institutions in India for implementation of ISRO’s Space Science Promotion Scheme for 2009-2019. Student fellowships are awarded to two selected M. Sc. Physics students each year under this program. The majority of the student fellows have opted to pursue research in Atmospheric Science in the Centre and are either pursuing or have graduated with Ph. D degrees.
Recently the Centre has participated in the Human and Institutional Capacity Building (HICAB) Network Programmes as part of the National Mission on Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) Strategic Programmes, Large Initiatives and Coordinated Action Enabler (SPLICE), CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME (CCP), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India (

We undertake collaborative research programs with national and international institutions and faculties from these institutions are supervising Ph. D students in the Centre. We offer Research fellowships to the students under the ongoing funded projects.
Students get an exposure to International courses like Advanced Post Graduate diploma courses in Space and Atmospheric Sciences offered by the United Nations and organised by Centre for Space Science & Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP) in Physical Research Laboratory, and in the Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad followed by M.Tech. from Andhra University. A number of students have completed this course successfully. Further, couple of students have obtained Diploma in ‘European Research Course on Atmospheres’, from the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France in recent years.

We publish in all prestigious atmospheric and space science journals and the total citation index has crossed the 2K mark.
Numbers of alumni working in the field of Space and Atmospheric Sciences have now occupied senior scientist positions in ISRO and CSIR laboratories. The two recent alumni are currently working at the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa as Post Doctoral fellows. One of them was awarded the Fulbright-Kalam Climate research fellowship in the inaugural year. Another student has completed a tenure at the ICIMOD, Kathmandu. An Adjunct Faculty has been selected as the ‘Associate’ of the Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore in 2020 and was also awarded the Junior Associateship of the ICTP, Italy for the period 2015-2021.


Faculty Members
Programmes & Curriculum

Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral Research

  • Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate Science; Aeronomy, Ionospheric Instrumentation

Postgraduate Course

  • DSE papers to M.Sc. Physics 3rd and 4th semesters in Atmospheric and Space Physics respectively
  • GE and AEC papers in Meteorology to 2nd and 3rd semester M.Sc. Physics students (Multidisciplinary)
  • Theme Based Multidisciplinary Course on ‘Climate Change, Adaptation and Prediction’ to M.Sc. Physics 1st -3rd semester students comprising of two AEC and two GE papers.

Ongoing Research Projects

Sl No Title of the Project Funded by Date of


Amount Name of PI/Co PI Date of completion proposed
1 Aerosol Radiative forcing over India (ARFI) ISRO 1999 >2 Cr P K Bhuyan (PI)

B Pathak (Co-PI)

2 Environmental Observatoty Project (Formerly, Atmospheric Trace gases,  Chemistry, Transport & Modelling) ISRO Mar 2011 ~1Cr P K Bhuyan (PI)

B Pathak (Co-PI)

3 Observational and modeling study of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) along 95ºE meridian ISRO RESPOND Mar 2019 26.12 Lacs B R Kalita (PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)

4 Modeling the impact of aerosols/gases on regional climate and weather extremes over Sub Himalayan North East Region DST-HICAB Mar 2019 75 Lakhs B Pathak (PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)



Research Projects(Recently Completed)

1 Characterization of biological aerosols in north-east India with reference to the overall atmospheric environment and possible impact on microclimate and human health DST-ECR January 2017 44 Lacs B Pathak (PI)

Debajit Borah (Co-PI)

A K Buragohain (Co-PI)

P K Bhuyan (Co-PI)


2 Design and Development of Digital Ionosonde Radar with Ionospheric data analysis software and collection and analysis of Ionospheric data in NE region of India for Ionospheric studies MeitY, Govt. of India, Jointly with SAMEER, IIT, Mumbai Mar 2013 128.27 Lacs

Dib Unv


18.6 Lacs

P K Bhuyan (PI)

B R Kalita (Co-PI)

3 Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the equatorial ionization anomaly along 95⁰ E through a network of GNSS receivers DST-SERB Apr 2014 98.64 Lacs P K Bhuyan (PI)

B R Kalita (Co-PI)

B Dutta  (Co-PI)



Students’ Activities


  1. Rimpy Kakoty, Tamanna Subba, Geetashree Kakoti, Lakhima Chutia, Ajay Parottil, and Prantika Nath participated in NSSS 2019, during 29- 31 Jan, 2019 at SPPU-Pune, India.
  2. Barsha Dutta, Rimpy Kakoty, Papori Dahutia and Angita Hazarika participated in URSI AP-RASC, 9-15 march, 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India.
  3. Arshini Saikia, Participated in IGAC-MANGO training school on atmospheric chemistry, 28-30 Nov, 2019, ARIES, Nainital, India.
  4. Lakhima Chutia participated and presented paper in “Earth System Modelling (ESM) summer school 2019, held at Bad Aibling, Germany, 9-19 September 2019.
  5. Lakhima Chutia participated and presented paper in INAC-4 (4th ISSE National conference) held at SAC, Ahmedabad, 26-27 September, 2019.
  6. Lakhima Chutia and Papori Dohutia participated and presented paper in ACAM 2019, held at UKM, Malaysia, 26-28 June, 2019.


  1. Lakhima Chutia and Ajay Parottil participated and presented papers in IASTA-2018, held at IIT Delhi, 26th to 29th Nov, 2018
  2. L. Chutia and A. Saikia participated and presented papers in TROPMET-2018 held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 24th- 27th Oct, 2018
  3. R. Kakoty, G. Kakoti, A. Hazarika, P. Nath participated and presented papers at15th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-15) at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India held from 2226 October 2018
  4. Ajay P. participated in ninth ICTP workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy from 28 may-8June, 2018
  5. T. Subba Completed Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral Research Fellow at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA on 28 May 2018.
  6. L. Chutia participated in the European Research Course on Atmosphere (ERCA) 2018 organized by the Joseph Fourier University and CNRS, Grenoble, France, in January -February 2018.
  7. Ajay P. participated in the Joint NESAC-Dibrugarh University campaign mode observation of atmospheric aerosols over the Arunachal sub Himalayan region from 30th Jan- 21st Feb, 2018.


  1. G. Kakoti participated in URSI-RCRS 2017 Tirupati, India from 1-4 March
  2. S. Nath participated in URSI-ICTP School on Radio Physics at ICTP, Trieste,Italy from 27 -31 Mar 2017.
  3. T. Subba attended Aethalometer Inter-Comparison Experiment, IISc, Bengaluru, 3-4 april, 2017.
  4. A. Saikia and T. Subba visited Divecha centre for Climate change, IISC, Bangalore during June- July, 2017
  5. L. Chutia visited Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, Trivandrum during May-October, 2017
  6. Ajay P. visited North East Space Application Centre (NESAC), Shillong during 18-24 June 2017
  7. T. Subba joined as 2017 Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral Research Fellow at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA on 21 August 2017
  8. G. Kakoti participated in the International Reference Ionosphere 2017 Workshop at National Central University (NCU), Taiwan, from 6 -17 November 2017
  9. A. Saikia participated in the Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution, Climate, and Health in South Asia and the Hindu Kush Himalaya, taking place at ICIMOD Headquarters in Kathmandu, Nepal from 27-30 November 2017


  1. T. Subba participated in ERCA 2016, Grenoble, France.
  2. Ajay P., B. Kakoty, G. Kakoti, L. Chutia, P. Dahutia, R. Hazarika and T. Subba participated in NSSS 2016, SPL-VSSC, Trivandrum, India.
  3. Regular (every Friday) Dr. Pisharoty Sonde (Radiosonde) launches was initiated on 18th March 2016 for the upper layer meteorological study under ISRO-GBP-ARFI.
  4. L. Chutia participated in short course on weather forecasting using numerical prediction models, 2016, IIRS, Dehradun, India.
  5. P. Dahutia participated in course on Remote Sensing 2016, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India.
  6. Ajay P participated in the IIRC CORDEX 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.
  7. G. Kakoti participated in the short course on space weather Course 2016, PRL Ahmedabad, India.
  8. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in IC3MTA 2016, Meghalaya, India.
  9. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in NESAC- Academia and Students Interaction Meet, 2016, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, India.
  10. R. Hazarika and G. Kakoti participated in International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2016, ICTP, Italy.
  11. G. Kakoti participated in the International Workshop on Use of Ionospheric GNSS Satellite Derived TEC Data for Navigation, 2016, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
  12. P. Dahutia participated in remote sensing and GIS course, USTM, 2016, Meghalaya, India.
  13. A. Saikia (PhD Scholar; presently) participated in Generation of Regional Climate Data derived from Statistical Downscaling Techniques, APEC Climate Center from Aug 21 to Aug 27,2016 and 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress and 9th CAA Better Air Quality Conference 2016 at Busan,South Korea.
  14. Ajay P. and L.Chutia visited SPL-VSSC (2016) for training under ARFI group.
  15. G. Kakoti, P. Dahutia, R. Kakoty and T. Subba participated in PANE 2016, Shillong Meghalaya, India.
  16. P. Dahutia and T. Subba participated in IASTA-2016, PRL, Ahmedabad, India.


Papers in Referred Journals


  1. Lakhima Chutia; Narendra Ojha; Imran Girach; Binita Pathak; Lokesh K. Sahu; Chandan Sarangi; Johannes Flemming; Arlindo da Silva; Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Trends in sulfur dioxide over the Indian subcontinent during 2003–2019, ATMENV-D-21-01961R2, Atmospheric Environment.
  2. Tamanna Subba, Mukunda M. Gogoi, K. Krishna Moorthy, Pradip K. Bhuyan, Binita Pathak, Anirban Guha, Manoj Kumar Srivastava, B.M. Vyas, Karamjit Singh, Jayabala Krishnan, T.V. Lakshmikumar, S. Suresh Babu, New Estimates of Aerosol Radiative Effects over India from Surface and Satellite Observations, Atmospheric Research,
  3. Binita Pathak, Ankita Khataniar, Barlin Das, Sristisri Upadhyaya, Ankita Medhi, P K Bhuyan, A K Buragohain, and Debajit Borah (2022), Spatio‑temporal diversity of biological aerosols over Northeast India: a metagenomic approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
  4. Binita Pathak and P K Bhuyna, Characteristic of atmospheric pollutants over the northeastern region of India, Asian Atmospheric Pollution, 367-392, ISBN: 9780128166932.


  1. Geetashree Kakoti,Bitap Raj Kalita, P. K. Bhuyan, S. Baruah and K. Wang (2020), Longitudinal and Interhemispheric Ionospheric Response to 2009 and 2013 SSW Events in the African‐European and Indian‐East Asian Sectors, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 112169-9380, 10.1029/2020JA028570
  2. PATHAK B, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Arshini Saikia, Kalyan Bhuyan, Ajay P., Shankar Jyoti Nath, Shyam Luchan Bora (2021), Impact of lockdown due to COVID 19 outbreak on O3 and its precursor gases, PM and BC over North-East India, Current Science (special issue: Environmental impact of COVID-19), Vol: 120(2) (IF: 1.102).
  3. Mukunda M Gogoi, .Binita Pathak et al., (2021), Response of ambient BC concentration across the Indian region to the nation-wide lockdown: results from the ARFINET measurements of ISRO-GBP, Current Science (special issue: Environmental impact of COVID-19), Vol: 120(2) (IF: 1.102).
  4. Ajay P., Binita Pathak, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Fabien Solmon, Filippo Giorgi (2021), Sectoral emissions contributions to anthropogenic aerosol scenarios over the Indian subcontinent and effects of mitigation on air quality, climate, and health, 85: 21–33, 2021 Climate Research (IF: 1.972).


  1. Borgohain A, S S Kundu, N Barman, P L N Raju, R Roy, B Saha, P Ajay, B PATHAK, P K Bhuyan (2020), Investigation of physical and optical properties of aerosol over high altitude stations along the sub-Himalayan region of North-Eastern India, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(2),383-392 (IF:4.352).
  2. T Subba, MM Gogoi, B Pathak, PK Bhuyan, SS Babu, Recent trend in the global distribution of aerosol direct radiative forcing from satellite measurements, Atmospheric Science Letters, (IF:2.415).
  3. PATHAK B., Borah, D., Khataniar, A., Bhuyan, P.K., Buragohain, A. K. (2020), Characterization of bioaerosols in Northeast India in terms of culturable biological entities along with inhalable, thoracic and alveolar particles, Journal of Earth System Science, J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020) 129:141, (IF: 1.371).
  4. Chutia L, Narendra Ojha, Imran A. Girach, Binita Pathak, Lokesh K. Sahu, and Pradip K. Bhuyan (2020), Seasonal evolution of sulfur dioxide over the Indian subcontinent, Ursi Radio Science Letters, VOL. 2, 2020, DOI: 10.46620/20-0046.


  1. J Gogoi, K Bhuyan (2019), Spectral analysis on the solar parameters and empirical orthogonal functions of foF2 data obtained by singular value decomposition, Advances in Space Research 64 (9), 1712-1731.
  2. B R Kalita, S J Nath, P K Bhuyan, A Khandare, A Kulkarni, (2019) SAMEERDU‐digital ionosonde: Brief system description and initial results from a low latitude location Dibrugarh, Radio Science, 54, 10.1029/2019RS006813.
  3. B. R. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, P. Nath, A. Hazarika, K. Wang, (2019) The longitudinal and hemispherical variation of the IRI’s foF2 estimates at ±40° dip angle around 95°E and 130°E sector under fluctuating solar flux conditions, Advances in Space Research, 63(6), 1914-1925,ISSN 0273-1177,
  4. Arshini Saikia, Binita Pathak, Prashant Singh, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Bhupesh Adhikary (2019), Multi-model evaluation of meteorological drivers, air pollutants and quantification of emission sources over the Upper Brahmaputra basin, Atmosphere, 10(11), 703;
  5. Ajay P, B Pathak, F Solmon, P K Bhuyan, F Giorgi (2019). Obtaining best parameterization scheme of RegCM 4.4 for aerosols and chemistry simulations over the CORDEX South Asia. Climate Dynamics,


  1. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Bianchi I and V cosmologies with Hu-Sawicki f (R) gravity in Palatini formalism, Journal of Physics Communication, 2(2018)115017.
  2. Debika K. Banik, Sebika K. Banik, and Kalyan Bhuyan (2018), Dynamical System Approach to Born-Infeld f (R) gravity in Palatini Formalism, Physical Review D, P. R. D. – 97,124041(2018) DOI: -10.1103/PhysRevD.97.124041
  3. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), A dynamical system approach to Bianchi III cosmology for Hu-Sawicki type f(R) gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation, 50:24, DOI: 10.1007/s10714-017-2345-9.
  4. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan ((2018)), Bianchi V Cosmological model in Palatini f(R) gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation, 50:13, DOI: 10.1007/s10714-017-2334-4.
  5. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Phase portraits of Higher Dimensional FRW Cosmology in Rp exp(fR) Gravity filled with Non-perfect fluid, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 203, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73171-1_76.
  6. S. K. Banik, D.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2018), Bianchi III Cosmologies for the form using the Palatini formalism, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 203, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73171-1_160.
  7. Lakhima Chutia, Binita Pathak, Ajay P, P. K. Bhuyan (2018). Impact of microphysics parameterizations and horizontal resolutions on simulation of “MORA” tropical cyclone over Bay of Bengal using Numerical Weather Prediction Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,
  8. B. Dutta, B. R. Kalita, P. K. Bhuyan, S Sarmah, R C Tiwari, K Wang, et al. (2018), Spatial features of L-band equinoctial scintillations from equator to low midlatitude at around 95°E during 2015–2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.
  9. Subba, T., Gogoi, M.M., Pathak, B., Ajay P., Bhuyan, P.K., Solmon F. (2018), Assessment of 1D and 3D model simulated radiation flux based on surface measurements and estimation of aerosol forcing and their climatological aspects,Atmospheric Research, 204, Pages 110-127, ISSN 0169-8095,
  10. Kakoti, G., Kalita, B.R., Hazarika, R., Bhuyan, P.K., Sharma, S., Tiwari, R., (2018), Temporal evolution of the EIA along 95_E as obtained from GNSS TEC measurements and SAMI3 model. Adv. Space Res.
  11. Dahutia, P., Pathak, B., Bhuyan, P. K. (2018). Aerosols characteristics, trends and their climatic implications over North-East India and adjoining South-Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 1234-1256. doi: 10.1002/joc5240
  12. Kalita, B.R., Das, S.K., Neog, P., Bhuyan, P.K., Kulkarni, A., Khandare A. (2018) Software for Autoscaling Ionograms: Preliminary Results, International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, ISSN 2394-3386
  13. Rimpy Kakoty, Saradi Bora, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan (2018). Spatial asymmetry in topside ion density and vertical E x B plasma drift velocity within 75°E–95°E. Adv. Space Res.


  1. D. K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan, Anisotropic Bianchi type III model in Palatini f(R) gravity, Astrophysics and Space Science 362:51, DOI: 10.1007/s10509-017-3031-1.
  2. Dynamics of Higher Dimensional FRW Cosmology in Rp exp(R) Gravity S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan Pramana-Journal of Physics, DOI 10.1007/x12043-016-1335-2.
  3. Kalita, B.R., Nath, S., Bhuyan, P.K., Kulkarni, A., Khandare, A. (2017) Automatic extraction of profile from an ionogram using digital image processing, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XI, Issue XII, Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469.
  4. Kalita, B.R. and Bhuyan P.K. (2017) Vertical Electron Density Profile Estimation using Ground based Ionosonde and in-situ Density Measurement over Dibrugarh, International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, Volume XI, Issue XII, Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469.
  5. Barsha Dutta, Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan (2017), L-band nighttime scintillations at the northern edge of the EIA along 95°E during the ascending half of the solar cycle 24, Advances in Space Research, Volume 61, Issue 7,2018, Pages 1744-1760, ISSN 0273-1177,
  6. Mukunda M. Gogoi , S. Suresh Babu , K. Krishna Moorthy , Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Binita Pathak , Tamanna Subba , Lakhima Chutia, Shyam Sundar Kundu , Chandrakala Bharali , Arup Borgohain , Anirban Guha , Barin Kumar De , Brajamani Singh and Mian Chin (2017), Radiative effects of absorbing aerosols over Northeastern India: Observations and model simulations Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025592, Volume 122, Issue 227.
  7. Biswas J, B Pathak, F Patadia, P K Bhuyan, M M Gogoi, S Suresh Babu (2017), Satellite retrieved direct radiative forcing of aerosols over North-East India and adjoining areas: climatology and impact assessment, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5004.
  8. G Kakoti, P K Bhuyan, Rumajyoti Hazarika (2016), Seasonal and solar cycle effects on TEC at 95°E in the ascending half (2009–2014) of the subdued solar cycle 24: Consistent underestimation by IRI 2012, Advances in Space Research, ISSN 0273-1177,
  9. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan and Akimasa Yoshikawa (2015), NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014, 67:186, DOI 10.1186/s40623-015-0355-3.


  1. D.K. Banik, S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2016), Dynamics of Bianchi I cosmology in f(R) gravity in Palatini formalism, Indian Journal of Physics, DOI 10.1007/s12648-016-0898-6.
  2. S.K. Banik and K. Bhuyan (2016), Dynamics of Bianchi I Cosmology in exp(fR) gravity, Indian Journal of Physics, November 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12648-015-0697-5.
  3. J Biswas, B Pathak, F Patadia, P K Bhuyan, M M Gogoi, S Suresh Babu, Satellite retrieved direct radiative forcing of aerosols over North-East India and adjoining areas: climatology and impact assessment, International Journal of Climatology, (Accepted for Publication) (IF-3.609).
  4. B.R. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Variations of the ionospheric parameters and vertical electron density distribution at the northern edge of the EIA from 2010 to 2015 along 95_E and comparison with the IRI-2012. Advances in Space Research (2016), (IF -1.409).
  5. Hazarika, B R Kalita and P.K. Bhuyan; Ionospheric response to X-class solar flares in the ascending half of the subdued solar cycle 24; Journal of Earth System Science, 125(6), 1235-1244, (IF- 0.85).
  6. G Kakoti, P K Bhuyan, Rumajyoti Hazarika (2016), Seasonal and solar cycle effects on TEC at 95°E in the ascending half (2009–2014) of the subdued solar cycle 24: Consistent underestimation by IRI 2012, Advances in Space Research, ISSN 0273-1177, -1.409).
  7. B R Kalita, R. Hazarika, G Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan, Chakrabarty, D, G. K. Seemala, K. Wang, S. Sharma, T. Yokoyama, P. Supnithi, T. Komolmis, C. Y. Yatini, M. Le Huy, P. Roy (2016), Conjugate hemisphere ionospheric response to the St. Patrick’s Day storms of 2013 and 2015 in the 100°E longitude sector, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA023119 (IF -3.44).
  8. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan and Akimasa Yoshikawa (2015), NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014, 67:186, DOI 10.1186/s40623-015-0355-3 (IF: 1.38).
  9. Aerosol characteristics in north-east India using ARFINET spectral optical depth measurements, Pathak B., T. Subba, P. Dahutia, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishna Moorthy, M.M. Gogoi, S. Suresh Babu, L. Chutia, P. Ajay, J. Biswas, C. Bharali, A. Borgohain, P. Dhar, A. Guha, B.K. De, T. Banik, M. Chakraborty, S.S. Kundu, S. Sudhakar, S.B. Singh, Atmospheric Environment, 125B, 461–473, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.07.038 (IF-3.78).
  10. Continental export efficiencies and delineation of sources for trace gases and black carbon in North-East India: Seasonal variability, Pathak B., L Chutia, C Bharali, P K Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, 125B, 474–485, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.09.020 (IF-3.78).


  1. Climatology of columnar aerosol properties at a continental location in the upper Brahmaputra basin of North East India: diurnal asymmetry and association with meteorology, PATHAK B., P K Bhuyan, Advances in Space Research, 56(7), 1469-1484, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.07.004 (IF-1.358).
  2. NmF2 and hmF2 measurements at 95° E and 127° E around the EIA northern crest during 2010-2014. Bitap Raj Kalita, Pradip Kumar Bhuyan, Akimasa Yoshikawa. Earth Planets and Space, 67, 186, ISSN: 0022-1392, (IF 1.328).
  3. Spring and summer night-time high Ozone episodes in the upper Brahmaputra valley and their association with lightning, C Bharali, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, 109, 234-250 (IF 3.78).
  4. Short term introduction of pollutants into the atmosphere at a location in the Brahmaputra Basin: A case study, Pathak B., J Biswas, C Bharali, P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi: 10.5094/APR.2015.026. (IF: 1.371).


  1. Spatial heterogeneity in near surface aerosol characteristics across the Brahmaputra Valley, B Pathak, A Borgohain, P.K. Bhuyan, S S Kundu, S Sudhakar, M Gogoi, T Takemura, Journal of Earth System Science, 123, No. 4, pp. 651-663. (IF: 1.04).
  2. The role of precursor gases and meteorology on temporal evolution of O3 at a tropical location in North East India, P.K. Bhuyan, C Bharali, B Pathak, G Kalita,  Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-014-2587-3, pp-1-18. (IF: 2.85).
  3. Absorbing and scattering properties of boundary layer aerosols over Dibrugarh, North     East India, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Doi:10.1080/01431161.2014.926424. (IF: 1.652).
  4. Effects of prolonged southward IMF Bz on low latitude ionospheric electron density, Mala S. Bagiya, RumajyotiHazarika, Fazlul I. Laskar, Surendra Sunda, S. Gurubaran, D. Chakrabarty, P.K. Bhuyan, R. Sridharan, B. Veenadhari, D. Pallamraju, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2014JA020156, 2014. (IF=3.426).
  5. distribution of TEC across India in 2005, seasonal asymmetries and IRI prediction,  Rumajyoti Hazarika and P.K. Bhuyan, Advances in Space Research, 54 1751-1767. (IF=1.358).


  1. Solar cycle effect on temporal and spatial variation of topside ion density measured by SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 over the Indian longitude sector, P.K. Bhuyan, S Bora, Advances in Space Research, (IF=1.358).
  2. GPS TEC near the crest of the EIA at 95°E during the ascending half of solar cycle 24 and comparison with IRI simulations, P.K. Bhuyan, R. Hazarika, Advances in Space Research (IF=1.358).
  3. Long term climatology of Particulate Matter and associated microphysical and optical properties over Dibrugarh, North-East India and inter-comparison with SPRINTARS simulations, Pathak B., P.K. Bhuyan, J. Biswas, T. Takemura, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.12.032. (IF-3.78).
  4. Near Surface atmospheric response to the Total Solar Eclipse at Dibrugarh on 22 July,2009, K G Rao, N N Reddy, G Ramakrishna, P.K. Bhuyan, K Bhuyan, G Kalita, B Pathak, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 95-96, Pages 87–95. (IF-1.671).
  5. Firework Induced Large Increase in Trace Gases and Black Carbon at Dibrugarh, India, Pathak B., C K Bharali, J Biswas, P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No. 8, 2013. (Citation: 1).
  6. Trends in aerosol optical depth over Indian region: Potential causes and impact indicators, S. Suresh Babu, M. R. Manoj, K. Krishna Moorthy, Mukunda M Gogoi, Vijaya kumar S. Nair, Sobhan Kumar Kompalli, S.K. Satheesh, K. Niranjan, K. Ramagopal, P.K. Bhuyan, and Darshan Singh, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, VOL. 118, 1–13, doi:10.1002/2013JD020507. (IF=3.44).


  1. Seasonal heterogeneity in aerosol types over Dibrugarh-North-Eastern India, Pathak, B., P.K. Bhuyan, M.M. Gogoi, K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.10.061. (IF-3.78, citation-21).
  2. Effect of solar cycle on topside ion temperature measured by SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 over the Indian equatorial and low latitudes, Borgohain A., P.K. Bhuyan, Annales Geophysicae, doi: 10.5194/angeo-30-1645-2012. (IF 1.741)


  1. Multi-year investigations of near surface and columnar aerosols over Dibrugarh, northeastern location of India: Heterogeneity in source impacts, M M G ogoi, B Pathak, K Krishna Moorthy, P.K. Bhuyan, S Suresh Babu, K Bhuyan and G Kalita, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.12.056. (IF-3.78, citation-23).
  2. Impact of zonal wind on latitudinal variation of total columnar ozone over the Indian Peninsula, Kalita G., B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan and K Bhuyan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2011.564221. (IF=1.652).
  3. Aerosol optical properties in dynamic atmosphere in the northwestern part of the Indian Himalaya: A comparative study from ground and satellite based observations, R P Guleria, J C Kuniyal, P S Rawat, H K Thakur, M Sharma, N L Sharma, M Singh, K Chand, P Sharma, A K Thakur, P P Dhyani and P.K. Bhuyan, Atmospheric Research, 101, 726-738, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.04.018. (IF= 2.872)
  4. Spatial heterogeneity in Tropospheric Ozone over the Indian Subcontinent: Long-term climatology and possible association with natural and anthropogenic activities, Kalita G., P.K. Bhuyan, Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 924516, doi:10.1155/2011/924516 (IF=0.946).


  1. Solar cycle variation of ion densities measured by the SROSS C2 and FORMOSAT 1 satellites over Indian low and equatorial latitudes, A. Borgohain, P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A04309, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014424. (IF-3.303).
  2. Aerosol temporal characteristics and its impact on radiative forcing at a location in the northeast India, B. Pathak, G. Kalita, K. Bhuyan, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishnamoorthy, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2009JD013462. (IF-3.303, citation-54).
  3. Variation of total columnar ozone characteristics over Dibrugarh and comparison with satellite observations over the Indian subcontinent, G. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan and K. Bhuyan, Indian Journal of Physics, 84(6), 635-639. (IF=0.291).


  1. An Investigation of Aerosol Size Distribution Properties at Dibrugarh: North-Eastern India, M. M. Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Krishnamoorthy, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 20(3), 521-533, doi:10.3319/TAO.2008.06.11.01. (IF=3.883).
  2. Climatology of Columnar Aerosol Properties and Influence of Synoptic Conditions-First Time results from the northeastern region of India, M M Gogoi, K Krishnamoorthy and S Sureshbabu P.K. Bhuyan, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 114, D08202, doi.10.1029/2008JD010765. (IF=3.082).



  1. T Subba, M M Gogoi, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Dynamics of aerosol radiative forcing over the Brahmaputra River Basin: synergy of model and ground based observation, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  2. C Bharali, L Chutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Temporal variation of trace gases over NE India, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  3. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Aerosols characteristics, periodicities and its regional climatic implication over the North-East India, National Space Science Symposium, Trivandum, 9-12 February, 2016.
  4. T Subba, B. Pathak, M M Gogoi, Ajay P, P K Bhuyan. Long term climatology of aerosol radiative forcing in the Brahmaputra valley and its implications International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  5. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Long term study of absorbing aerosols over North East India and its association with Cloud Optical Depth and Net Shortwave Flux. International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  6. C Bharali, L Chutia, B. Pathak, G Kalita, P K Bhuyan. Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Implication on regional Climate. International Conference on climate change mitigation and technologies for adaptation, Meghalaya, 20-21 June 2016.
  7. T Subba, A Parottil, P Dahutia, B. Pathak, L Chutia, P K Bhuyan. Impacts of local boundary layer processes during premonsoon, North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) – Academia and Students Interaction Meet, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, 24 June 2016.
  8. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Aerosol climate interaction in pre-monsoon season over north-east India, North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC) – Academia and Students Interaction Meet, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Meghalaya, 24 June 2016.
  9. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Precipitation and temperature anomaly in North East India: Role of aerosols and clouds, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  10. T Subba, B Pathak, M M Gogoi, P K Bhuyan. Climatic implications of aerosols over the Brahmaputra valley: a climatological (2000-2015) study from observational and modeling approach, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  11. B. Pathak , T. Subba, C. Bharali , L Chutia, J Biswas, P. K. Bhuyan, Recent trends in aerosols and trace gas environment over Dibrugarh, Xth Biennial Conference on Physics Academy of North East (PANE), St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 10-12 November, 2016.
  12. T Subba, B. Pathak, M.M. Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan. Implication of aerosols on the photosynthetically active radiation balance over north-east India, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.
  13. P Dahutia, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Vertical distribution of aerosols over north east India: spatio-temporal variatibity, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.
  14. J Biswas, B. Pathak, P K Bhuyan. Spatial-Temporal variability of aerosols and trace gases over north-east India by using remote sensing data, Indian Science and Technology Association, Ahmedabad, 6-9 December, 2016.


  1. Total Electron Content perturbations during Solar Eclipses as observed from Dibrugarh, K Bhuyan, R Hazarika, P.K. Bhuyan, B R Kalita, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 23-28.
  2. Preliminary Results of ionospheric F-Region variability using CADI in Dibrugarh, B R Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Conference Proceeding, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 5-8.
  3. Temporal Characteristics of Boundary Layer Aerosols over Dibrugarh, B Pathak, J Biswas, P.K. Bhuyan, Conference Proceeding, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 29-33.
  4. Solar cycle variation of total ion density during solar cycle 23 over Indian low latitude topside ionosphere, S. Bora and P.K. Bhuyan, Proc. Recent Developments in Natural Sciences, ISBN 978-81-924389-0-0, pp 55-59
  5. Export efficiency of atmospheric black cabron and trace gases over North-East India, B Pathak, Lakhima Chutia, C Bharali, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 599-602.
  6. Extensive study of scattering properties of aerosols at a location in Brahmaputra basin, North East India, Tamanna Subba, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 219-223.
  7. Assessment of the impact of aerosols on shortwave radiation and rainfall in North-East India, B Pathak, P Dahutia, Geetashree kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 230-235.
  8. Temporal characterization of black carbon aerosols and theircontribution to radiative     forcing over Dibrugarh, J Biswas, T Subba, B Pathak, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 21, Issue 1 & 2, pp 214-218.
  9. Studies of near surface atmospheric aerosols during the Diwali festival over Dibrugarh, North-East India, National Seminar on Recent Trends of Research in Science and Technology, Jhuma Biswas, Binita Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan, 59th Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society, ISBN: 13-978-81930041-2-8, Vol 15, Page No: 634-641.


  1. Heterogeneity in the vertical distribution of aerosols over Dibrugarh, Pathak B., P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, pp-273.
  2. Aerosol optical and radiative properties over north-east India derived from MODIS and CERES, Pathak B., J. Biswas and P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, 277.
  3. Temporal characteristics of particulates, black carbon and trace gases over Dibrugarh, north-east India, Bharali C., Pathak B., G. Kalita, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, ISSN NO-0971-4510, Vol 20, pp-117.


  1. Validation of Satellite Derived AOD by Ground Observation over Dibrugarh, Pathak, B., P.K. Bhuyan, M.M. Gogoi, G. Kalita, K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-219-222,
  2. Properties of near surface Black Carbon Aerosols in a Rural Tropical Location, Kalita G., B. Pathak, K. Bhuyan, P.K. Bhuyan, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-444-447.
  3. Muliti-year Investigations of Near-surface and Columnar Aerosols over Dibrugarh, Northeastern Location of India, Gogoi M.M., K. K. Moorthy, P.K. Bhuyan, K. Bhuyan, B. Pathak, G. Kalita, S. S. Babu, Proceeding of Indian Science and Technology Association on AEROSOLS & CLOUDS: CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVES, 19, No 1& 2, pp-191-193.
  1. Angkita Hazarika, Best Presentation Award, in NSSS 2022
    Presentation Title: Performance evaluation of IRPlas & SAMI2 model during solar minima around 100 degree East.
  2. Krishnanka Baishya, Best Presentation Award (group presentation), in 10th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models
    Presentation title: Demonstrating added value of high resolution Regional Climate Modeling in simulating Tropical Cyclones “Amphan”
  3. Lakhima Chutia, Young Scientists Award, URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS) 2020, Rome, Italy.
  4. Lakhima Chutia, Honorable Mention Award, URSI GASS 2020, Rome, Italy.
  5. Lakhima Chutia, 3rd position,Student Paper Competition (SPC) at URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science 2020 at the Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, India, 2020
  6. Geetashree Kakoti, Received Young Scientists Award, URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 2021, Rome, Italy.
  7. Dr. B. Pathak, Adjunct Faculty, Selected as Associate of the prestigious Indian Academy of Science (IASc), Bangalore, 2020-2023.
  8. P. K. Bhuyan and B R Kalita jointly developed an Ionospheric Radar (Ionosonde) with SAMEER, IIT Mumbai. Results have been published in reputed international journal “Radio Science”.
  9. P. K. Bhuyan received Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Academy of Science and Research, Kolkata in the International Multidisciplinary Rsearch Conference held in January 2019.
  10. P. K. Bhuyan, Elected Fellow of the International Academy of Science and Research, Kolkata in the year 2019.
  11. T. Subba, Ph. D. scholar under the joint supervision of Prof. P K Bhuyan in the Centre for Atmospheric Studies, Dibrugarh University and Dr. Mukunda M Gogoi, Scientist in the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum have completed the Fulbright-Kalam Climate  Fellowship, 2017-2018 for Doctoral research. She is among three scholars from India to bag the fellowship in its inaugural year. The US-India Climate Fellowship programme named ‘Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship’ to build long term capacity to address Climate Change related issues in both the countries was launched in pursuance of the Joint Statement made by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of India in September 2014. Ms Subba will pursue her research in either Penn State, Washington University or Washington State University in the academic session 2017-18 as part of her current Doctoral programme in Dibrugarh University. Her work in the United States will basically be focused on the quantification of complex climate forcing due to aerosols and their impact on climate change.
  12. A. Saikia received Ph. D student fellowship, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal for the year 2015
  13. L. Chutia, recieved INSPIRE Fellowship, May 2015
  14. T. Subba, A. Parottil, P. Dahutia, B. Pathak, L. Chutia and P.K. Bhuyan, Best Poster Presentation, Academia and Students Interaction Meet, NESAC – Department of Space, Govt of India, Meghalaya
  15. T. Subba, B.Pathak, M.M.Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan, 3rd Prize, Oral Presentation, IASTA- 2016
  16. G. Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika, Best Poster Presentation, NSSS-2016
  17. T. Subba, M.M. Gogoi, B. Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan, Best Oral Presenatation, NSSS-2016
  18. P. K. Bhuyan, C. Bharali, B.Pathak, G. Kalita, The role of precursor gases and meteorology on temporal evolution of O3 at a tropical location in North East India,  Environmental Science and Pollution Research,  doi:10.1007/s11356-014-2587-3,Listed 1st in top 20 articles in BioMedLib, LLC.Research Scholars.
  19. P. K. Bhuyan, Chief Editor, Varenya Vigyani Book series, Dibrugarh University.
  20. B. Pathak, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering
  21. B. Pathak, Appointed as Junior Associate, ICTP, Italy for the period 2015-2020
  22. P. K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika, First Prize in Oral Presentation, NSSS-2014
  23. P. K. Bhuyan, Outstanding Reviewer, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, 2014
  24. P. K. Bhuyan, Invited member, COSPAR Task Group on Earth Observation, 2014 onwards
  25. M. M. Gogoi, P. K. Bhuyan, K. K. Moorthy, 2009 ~ 2010 Best Article Award, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, Taiwan.
  26. P. K. Bhuyan and S. Bora, First Prize in Poster Presentation, NSSS-2012
  27. P. K. Bhuyan, Editorial Board Member, ISRN Meteorology
  28. B. Pathak, FAST TRACK Young Scientist Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, 2012
Former Chairperson

Prof. P. K. Bhuyan 

 (M.Sc., Ph.D)

Prof. Department of Physics

UGC Emeritus Professor 2016-2018

Former Registrar, Dibrugarh University (May 2008- May 2011)

Ph.D completed: 22; Ph.D ongoing: 2

  1. Tech.: 3

M.Phil completed: 6

Completed Projects: 12; Ongoing Projects: 3

Publications: 130


h-index: 22, i10: 51

Telephone: 9435030690(M)

RESEARCH AREA & INTEREST: General: Atmospheric sciences

Aeronomy: Ionospheric characterization and dynamics,Ionospheric model development

Lower Atmosphere: aerosols and trace gases characteristics, dynamics and climatic impact

Model simulation of aerosols, gases


Ph.D, Aeronomy, 1986 National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, Kurukshetra University

Thesis Title: Satellite Radio Beacon studies of the Ionosphere

M.Sc., Physics (Electronics & Radio Physics), 1971, Gauhati University, Assam

B.Sc., Physics, 1969, Gauhati University, Assam


Position Institution Period
Lecturer D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 20-07-1972-15-01-1979
UGC Fellow National Physical Laboratory, NewDelhi 16-01-1979-15-07-1982
Lecturer D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 16-07-1982-31-12-1985
Lecturer [Selection grade] D.K.D.College, Dergaon, Assam 01-01-1986-24-05-1989
Reader Dibrugarh University 25-05-1989-19-11-1996
Professor Dibrugarh University 20-11-1996-15-05-2008
Registrar Dibrugarh University 16-05-2008-30-06-2011
Professor Dibrugarh University 01-07-2011 -2016
Emeritus Professor Dibrugarh University 2016-2018



Nature of work Institution Duration
Instrumentation, acquisition and analysis of satellite radio beacon data National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 16-01-1979-15-07-1982


Continuation of the work done at NPL D.K.D College, Dergaon, Assam 16-07-1982-24-05-1989
Research in Aeronomy and Atmospheric Physics, Supervision of research carried out by Ph. D and M. Phil, M Tech students Dibrugarh University 25-05-1989 till date



Senior Associate of the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, India) in 1995-1998


Winter School, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1990



(i) Best Article Award,

Mukunda M. Gogoi, P. K. Bhuyan, K. Krishna Moorthy, 2009 ~ 2010

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, an International SCI journal published from Taiwan.

(ii) Best Presentation

  • P. K. Bhuyan and S. Bora,

First Prize in Poster Presentation, National Space Science Symposium (SV University Tirupati) 2012.

  • RumaJyoti Hazarika and P K Bhuyan

National Space Science Symposium 2014, Dibrugarh University

  • G. Kakoti, P.K. Bhuyan and R. Hazarika

Best Poster Presentation in National Space Science Symposium 2016, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram

  • T. Subba, M.M. Gogoi, B. Pathak and P.K. Bhuyan Best oral Presentation in National Space Science Symposium 2016, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram
  1. Subba, B.Pathak, M.M.Gogoi, P.K. Bhuyan

Third prize in oral presentation IASTA-2016, PRL, Ahmedabad

  • T. Subba, A. Parottil, P. Dahutia, B. Pathak, L. Chutia and P.K. Bhuyan

Best Poster Presentation, Academia and Students Interaction Meet, NESAC – Department of Space, Govt of India, Meghalaya

(iii) Outstanding Reviewer, Advances in Space Research, Elsevier, 2014



18th National Space Science Science Symposium, 29 January-1 February 2014, Dibrugarh University (Convenor)



(i) Elected Member, URSI COSPAR IRI Working Group from Asia (Since 2004)

(ii) Invited Member, COSPAR Task Group on Earth Observation (2014-Present )

(iii) Formerly Regional Editor of IRI news published under the auspices of URSI (Editor, K I. Oyama)



(i) Member Editorial Board, ISRN Meteorology

(ii) Reviewer, International Journals: Journal of Geophysical Reaserch, Journal of Atmospheric Solar Terrestrial Physics, Annales Geophysicae, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Advances in Space Research, Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society etc.



Ionospheric Research

(i) Principal Investigator, Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the equatorial ionization anomaly along 95⁰E through a network of GNSS receivers, DST, 2014- 2017

(ii) Principal Investigator, Design and Development of Digital Ionosonde Radar with Ionospheric data analysis software and collection and analysis of Ionospheric data in NE region of India for Ionospheric studies, DIT, Govt. of India, DeITY, 2013- 2018

(iii) Co-ordinator, ISRO-Space Science Promotion scheme, 2009-2013

(iv) Principal Investigator, Development of a theoretical model for investigation of the Indian equatorial and low latitude ionosphere, ISRO RESPOND, 2004-2007

(v) Principal Investigator, Development of a regional TEC model for India, ISRO SAC, 2003-2006

(vi) Principal Investigator, Computerized Tomographic investigation of ionospheric structure using GPS satellites, ISRO- RESPOND, 1999-2002

(vii) Principal Investigator, Derivation of electron and ion densities and temperatures over Indian low latitude sector from SROSS C2 measurements, ISRO Space Science, 1997-1998

(viii) Principal Investigator, Development of a low latitude ionospheric model, ISRO RESPOND, 1997-2001

Atmospheric aerosols and trace gases

(ix) Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP DRS-II , University Grant Commission, 2013-2017

(x) Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP DRS-I , University Grant Commission, 2007-2012

(xi) Principal Investigator (station-Dibrugarh), Atmospheric Trace gases, Chemistry, Transport and modelling, 2011-present

(xii) Principal Investigator (station-Dibrugarh), Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India, ISRO, 2007- present

(xiii) Principal Investigator, Measurement of aerosol optical depth over Dibrugarh, ISRO GBP-ACE, 1999-2006





URSI Asia Pacific Conference, New Delhi, 2019

URSI-RCRS 2017 , 3rd Regional Conference on Radio Science, 2017, Tirupati

  • Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA)2016, 6-8 December 2016, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmadabad, India
  • 39th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, Mysore, 2012
  • Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 6th Annual Conference, Hyderabad, 2010
  • International MST workshop MST11 held at Tirupati, 2006
  • International Union of Radio Science (URSI) general assembly, New Delhi, 2005
  • International Symposium on Computer and Devices for Communication 2004, Calcutta University, Calcutta, 2004
  • INCURSI, Calcutta University (1996) INCURSI, Burdwan University (1999),.
  • International Conference of Astronomy and Astrophysics held at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, 1993.
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, New Delhi, 1983
  • National Space Science Symposiums at VSSC, Trivandrum 2016, Dibrugarh University 2014, Tirupati 2012, Andhra University 2006, Barkatulla University, Bhopal 2002, Puri, 2000, PRL, Ahmedabad 1997, PRL, Ahmedabad 1992, Gauhati University 1986, Pune University 1983, IISC, 1982, BHU 1980,



  • International workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Summer Monsoon, China,2017
  • 40th Cospar Scientific Assembly, Moscow, 2014
  • Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2013.
  • International Reference Ionosphere workshop, Kagoshima Japan, 2009
  • Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 6th annual conference, Singapore, 2009
  • Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 4th annual conference, Bangkok, 2007 
  • International Reference Ionosphere Workshop, Prague, 2007
  • International Reference Ionosphere workshop, Tortosa, Spain, 2005
  • 35th COSPAR General Assembly, Paris, 2004
  • 33rd COSPAR General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 2000
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Aberystwyth, UK, 1994
  • Second college on Theoretical and Experimental Radio Propagation Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1991
  • International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Tucuman, Argentina, 1990

Ph. D. Alumni with present status 

  1. Dr Mrinmayee Barua, Associate Professor, D. C. B. Girls College, Jorhat
  2. Dr Sourav Baruah, Head, Geoscience Division, NEIST, Jorhat
  3. Dr Paresh Baruah, Principal, Dibru college, Dibrugarh
  4. Dr Prasanta Kakoty, Controller of Examinations, Dibrugarh , Assam
  5. Dr Minakshi Chamua, Assistant Professor, Tinsukia College, Tinsukia, ASsam
  6. Dr Kalyan Bhuyan, Professor, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University
  7. Dr. Mukunda M. Gogoi (PhD, 2007), Scientist, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruananthapuram.
  8. Dr. Rashmi Rekha Bora (M. Phil, 2002; PhD, 2008), Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam.
  9. Dr. Arup Borgohain (M.Tech. 2009, PhD, 2011), Scientist, North-Eastern Space Application Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya.
  10. Dr. Binita Pathak (PhD, 2011), Assistant Professor-Department of Physics, Adjunct faculty- Centre for Atmospheric Studies, DU/ Junior Associate, ICTP-Italy
  11. Dr. Gayatry Kalita (M. Phil, 2009; PhD, 2013), Women Scientist, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune.
  12. Dr. Saradi Bora (PhD, 2014), Lecturer, LTK College, North Lakhimpur.
  13. Dr. Rumajyoti Hazarika, (PhD, 2016), (OPDF-2018, New Castle University, UK)
  14. Dr. Jhuma Biswas, (PhD, 2016), Assistant Professor, Pandu college, Guwahati, Assam
  15. Dr Chandrakala Bharali, (PhD, 2016), Women Scientist, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University (formerly NPDF: 2017-19, VSSC-Thiruananthapuram).
  16. Dr Bitap Raj Kalita, (PhD, 2017), Assistant Professor-Department of Physics, Adjunct faculty- Centre for Atmospheric Studies, DU.
  17. Dr Barsha Dutta Kakoty (PhD, 2019), Asst. Professor, DUIET , DU
  18. Dr Papori Dahutia (PhD, 2019)
  19. Ms. Tamanna Subba, (PhD, 2020), Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US; (formerly Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship 2017-18, Pennsylvania State University) (Joint supervisor- Dr Mukunda M Gogoi (VSSC, Trivandrum)
  20. Dr Lakhima Chutia (PhD, 2021), Postdoctoral fellow, in the Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab, University of Iowa (Formerly INSPIRE fellow) (Joint Supervisors- Dr Binita Pathak)
  21. Dr. Geetashree Kakoti (PhD, 2022), Formerly CSIR-SRF (Joint Supervisors: Dr Saurabh Baruah, NEIST, Jorhat)
  22. Ajay Parottil (Thesis submitted), Postdoctoral fellow, Vikram Sarabhai Space Station, Trivandrum-(Joint Supervisors: Dr Binita Pathak)


Space Weather and Climate Change Drivers: North-East India Perspectives, LTK College, North Lakhimpur, ISBN: 978-81-939507-5-3

Joint Editors: Dr Saradi Bora & Dr Binita Pathak


Publications: please visit Publications tab

External Supervisors

Dr Saurabh Baruah, Geoscience Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat (Specialization- Aeronomy, Seismology)

Dr Bhupesh Adhikary, ICIMOD, Nepal (Specialization- Air quality)

Dr Arup Borgohain, NESAC-ISRO, Shillong (Specialization- Aeronomy, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences)

Research Scholars

  1. Arshini Saikia (Thesis submitted)- Presently Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Clean Air Program (NCAP)
  2. Angkita Hazarika, Doctoral Researcher
  3. Prantika Nath, Doctoral Researcher
  4. Krishnanka Jyoti Baishya, JRF, ISRO GBP ARFI
  5. Manas Kalita, Technical Assistant, ISRO GBP ARFI


  1. Ms. Tamanna Subba, (PhD, 2020), Presently Research Scientist in Brookhaven National Laboratory, Formerly Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US; (formerly Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship 2017-18, Pennsylvania State University) – Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan (Dibrugarh University) & Dr Mukunda M Gogoi (VSSC, Trivandrum)
  2. Dr Lakhima Chutia (PhD, 2021), Postdoctoral fellow, in the Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab, University of Iowa (Formerly INSPIRE fellow)-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan & Dr Binita Pathak
    For her present details, please click
  3. Dr. Geetashree Kakoti (PhD, 2022), Formerly CSIR-SRF-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan (Dibrugarh University) & Dr Saurabh Baruah (NEIST, Jorhat)
  4. Ajay Parottil (Thesis submitted), Postdoctoral fellow, Vikram Sarabhai Space Station, Trivandrum-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan & Dr Binita Pathak

Current Vacancies

  1. Winter/summer internship to UG/PG students in Physics and relevant discipline
  2. Post Doctoral Research (without fellowship), Women Scientist, NPDF are welcome.

Intended students can send a Motivation letter along with CV to

External Supervisors

External Supervisors

Dr Saurabh Baruah, Geoscience Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat (Specialization- Aeronomy, Seismology)

Dr Bhupesh Adhikary, ICIMOD, Nepal (Specialization- Air quality)

Dr Arup Borgohain, NESAC-ISRO, Shillong (Specialization- Aeronomy, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences)

Research Scholars

Research Scholars

  1. Arshini Saikia (Thesis submitted)- Presently Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Clean Air Program (NCAP)
  2. Angkita Hazarika, Doctoral Researcher
  3. Prantika Nath, Doctoral Researcher
  4. Krishnanka Jyoti Baishya, JRF, ISRO GBP ARFI
  5. Manas Kalita, Technical Assistant, ISRO GBP ARFI


  1. Ms. Tamanna Subba, (PhD, 2020), Presently Research Scientist in Brookhaven National Laboratory, Formerly Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US; (formerly Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship 2017-18, Pennsylvania State University) – Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan (Dibrugarh University) & Dr Mukunda M Gogoi (VSSC, Trivandrum)
  2. Dr Lakhima Chutia (PhD, 2021), Postdoctoral fellow, in the Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab, University of Iowa (Formerly INSPIRE fellow)-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan & Dr Binita Pathak
    For her present details, please click
  3. Dr. Geetashree Kakoti (PhD, 2022), Formerly CSIR-SRF-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan (Dibrugarh University) & Dr Saurabh Baruah (NEIST, Jorhat)
  4. Ajay Parottil (Thesis submitted), Postdoctoral fellow, Vikram Sarabhai Space Station, Trivandrum-Supervisors: Prof P K Bhuyan & Dr Binita Pathak
Current Vacancies/Opportunities

Current Vacancies

  1. Winter/summer internship to UG/PG students in Physics and relevant discipline
  2. Post Doctoral Research (without fellowship), Women Scientist, NPDF are welcome.

Intended students can send a Motivation letter along with CV to

Contact Info

Head, Department of Physics

Dibrugarh University

Dibrugarh – 786004

Phone: 0373-2370224

Email :

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