Faculty of Commerce and Management Science

Centre for Management Studies


The Centre for management Studies (CMS), Dibrugarh University is one of the reputed academic centres established by Dibrugarh University.  The Centre is the easternmost management institute of India located within the campus of India’s easternmost University, Dibrugarh University. It came into existence with a formal notification issued on November 25, 2002. The notification additionally declared the constitution of a Board of Management (BoM) where the Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University, was made the Chairperson. The classes in this Centre started officially from February 3, 2003 which is celebrated as the Foundation day of the Centre. Prof. Kumud Goswami has been presiding over the Centre as the Chairperson since 20th November 2018.

The Centre has the Vision – “Challenging the Challenges” and the following Missions:

  1. To achieve academic excellence and knowledge creation through teaching, research and consulting and become a role model for newly emerging centres of quality management education in the country
  2. To develop professionals who are committed to excellence in their personal and professional endeavours and who have the vision, courage and dedication to initiate and manage change
  3. To cater to the emerging needs of business enterprises in both traditional and new economy
  4. To groom future business leaders as well as entrepreneurs
  5. To strengthen development process with human face

To achieve the said Visions and Missions, the Centre has been working with the following objectives:

  1. To run Postgraduate and Undergraduate Management Programmes
  2. To take up Developmental Studies in Areas of Future Growth
  3. To run Executive Education Programmes
  4. To offer tailor-made specific Management Programmes suitable for the Industries of the Region
  5. To develop and run Programmes for different Levels of Government Employees
  6. To harness the intellectual and experiential Capital for the Development of the Region by Developing and Investing in the Human Capital
  7. To Review, Research and Articulate Best Practices in Management at all levels.

Programmes and Curriculam


The Centre offers the following programmes at present:

  • 2-year, 4-semester Master of Business Administration (MBA) [ Full Time ]
  • 3-year, 6-semester Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • 3-year Master of Business Administration (MBA) [ Part Time ]
  • 2-year Masters in Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM) [ Full Time ]
  • Research Programme (Ph. D.)

Centre for Management Studies

Dibrugarh University
Dibrugarh 786004
Assam, India
Telephone :+91-373-2370045
Fax: +91-373-2370323


Samannay – the Alumni Association

Samannay – the alumni association of Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University has been formed to serve as a platform for activities, sharing of ideas, mutual help, and networking among the alumnus of the Centre. It hopes to be a medium for the past and the present students of the Centre and thereby contribute towards its growth and development.

The Association was formally formed in 2006 when the 2nd Alumni Meet was held. Over the past 11 years of its existence, the Association has contributed to the growth and development of the Centre in many ways. It is committed to serving the Centre with zeal and enthusiasm in the days ahead. The Samannay web portal may be viewed at


Bhubaneswar Barman Memorial Award is presented to the topper amongst girls of the MBA (FT) programme run at the Centre. It carries an amount of ₹ 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) only, a trophy and a certificate. It was instituted by Himadri Barman in the name of his father, Late Bhubaneswar Barman by creating an endowment of ₹ 1,30,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Thirty Thousand) only.

The Centre for Management Studies, being a part of Dibrugarh University; encompasses all the vital and essential facilities that are universally needful in an academic centre. This includes a fully equipped Auditorium, Students’ Counseling and Guidance Cell, Library and reading room facilities, accommodation for both boys and girls, medical facilities, Gymnasium and other sports facilities, Computer Centre, Internet access Centre, cafeteria and canteens, etc. For more details, the University Information Brochure can be referred. Besides these, the Centre also has its own exclusive facilities.

Exclusive facilities

Computing Resources
Computing facilities with 30 dedicated operational systems and supportive resources like contemporary software and packages are provided to the students through the Computing Unit (CU). Laptops are provided for the faculty members for official use as well as to the students for audio-visual aid. The premises of the Centre are Wi-Fi enabled.

Learning Resources
Learning Resources of about 3608 books, 25 numbers of Print Journals/Periodicals along with a number of online journals/periodicals are made available to students and faculty members are through a dedicated unit namely‘the Learning and Information Resources’ Unit (LIRU). Individual Library IDs are also provided for online access to the same.

Student’s Accommodation
The Centre has been providing limited accommodation facilities for male students since its inception. A three-storied Boys’ Hostel has been constructed, which provides single room accommodation to 56 students. Female students are being accommodated in the university hostels.

Smart Classroom
The Centre has the provision for smart classroom with the following audio-visual aids:

  • LED televisions
  • Sound systems
  • LED Projectors
  • Interactive tablets
  • Supportive essential electronic equipment.
  • Video Conferencing Room

The Centre also boasts a Video Conferencing facility with a seating capacity of 25 along with a provision for additional seats. The facility is well-equipped with an efficient LAN enabled audio visual system to conduct live talks, video conferences and long distance meetings conveniently, with delegates and guest lecturers from varied fields of expertise.

Training & Placement

The Centre has a full-fledged Training and Placement (T & P)  Cell to look after the Training and Placement needs of the students. A faculty-student committee is entrusted to overseeing the functionality of the same. Past records are reviewed periodically and consistent efforts are being made to strengthen the placement records.



The Centre for management Studies (CMS), Dibrugarh University is one of the reputed academic centres established by Dibrugarh University.  The Centre is the easternmost management institute of India located within the campus of India’s easternmost University, Dibrugarh University. It came into existence with a formal notification issued on November 25, 2002. The notification additionally declared the constitution of a Board of Management (BoM) where the Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University, was made the Chairperson. The classes in this Centre started officially from February 3, 2003 which is celebrated as the Foundation day of the Centre. Prof. Kumud Goswami has been presiding over the Centre as the Chairperson since 20th November 2018.

The Centre has the Vision – “Challenging the Challenges” and the following Missions:

  1. To achieve academic excellence and knowledge creation through teaching, research and consulting and become a role model for newly emerging centres of quality management education in the country
  2. To develop professionals who are committed to excellence in their personal and professional endeavours and who have the vision, courage and dedication to initiate and manage change
  3. To cater to the emerging needs of business enterprises in both traditional and new economy
  4. To groom future business leaders as well as entrepreneurs
  5. To strengthen development process with human face

To achieve the said Visions and Missions, the Centre has been working with the following objectives:

  1. To run Postgraduate and Undergraduate Management Programmes
  2. To take up Developmental Studies in Areas of Future Growth
  3. To run Executive Education Programmes
  4. To offer tailor-made specific Management Programmes suitable for the Industries of the Region
  5. To develop and run Programmes for different Levels of Government Employees
  6. To harness the intellectual and experiential Capital for the Development of the Region by Developing and Investing in the Human Capital
  7. To Review, Research and Articulate Best Practices in Management at all levels.
Faculty Members
Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes and Curriculam


The Centre offers the following programmes at present:

  • 2-year, 4-semester Master of Business Administration (MBA) [ Full Time ]
  • 3-year, 6-semester Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • 3-year Master of Business Administration (MBA) [ Part Time ]
  • 2-year Masters in Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM) [ Full Time ]
  • Research Programme (Ph. D.)
Contact Us

Centre for Management Studies

Dibrugarh University
Dibrugarh 786004
Assam, India
Telephone :+91-373-2370045
Fax: +91-373-2370323

Other Details


Samannay – the Alumni Association

Samannay – the alumni association of Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University has been formed to serve as a platform for activities, sharing of ideas, mutual help, and networking among the alumnus of the Centre. It hopes to be a medium for the past and the present students of the Centre and thereby contribute towards its growth and development.

The Association was formally formed in 2006 when the 2nd Alumni Meet was held. Over the past 11 years of its existence, the Association has contributed to the growth and development of the Centre in many ways. It is committed to serving the Centre with zeal and enthusiasm in the days ahead. The Samannay web portal may be viewed at


Bhubaneswar Barman Memorial Award is presented to the topper amongst girls of the MBA (FT) programme run at the Centre. It carries an amount of ₹ 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) only, a trophy and a certificate. It was instituted by Himadri Barman in the name of his father, Late Bhubaneswar Barman by creating an endowment of ₹ 1,30,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Thirty Thousand) only.


The Centre for Management Studies, being a part of Dibrugarh University; encompasses all the vital and essential facilities that are universally needful in an academic centre. This includes a fully equipped Auditorium, Students’ Counseling and Guidance Cell, Library and reading room facilities, accommodation for both boys and girls, medical facilities, Gymnasium and other sports facilities, Computer Centre, Internet access Centre, cafeteria and canteens, etc. For more details, the University Information Brochure can be referred. Besides these, the Centre also has its own exclusive facilities.

Exclusive facilities

Computing Resources
Computing facilities with 30 dedicated operational systems and supportive resources like contemporary software and packages are provided to the students through the Computing Unit (CU). Laptops are provided for the faculty members for official use as well as to the students for audio-visual aid. The premises of the Centre are Wi-Fi enabled.

Learning Resources
Learning Resources of about 3608 books, 25 numbers of Print Journals/Periodicals along with a number of online journals/periodicals are made available to students and faculty members are through a dedicated unit namely‘the Learning and Information Resources’ Unit (LIRU). Individual Library IDs are also provided for online access to the same.

Student’s Accommodation
The Centre has been providing limited accommodation facilities for male students since its inception. A three-storied Boys’ Hostel has been constructed, which provides single room accommodation to 56 students. Female students are being accommodated in the university hostels.

Smart Classroom
The Centre has the provision for smart classroom with the following audio-visual aids:

  • LED televisions
  • Sound systems
  • LED Projectors
  • Interactive tablets
  • Supportive essential electronic equipment.
  • Video Conferencing Room

The Centre also boasts a Video Conferencing facility with a seating capacity of 25 along with a provision for additional seats. The facility is well-equipped with an efficient LAN enabled audio visual system to conduct live talks, video conferences and long distance meetings conveniently, with delegates and guest lecturers from varied fields of expertise.

Training & Placement

The Centre has a full-fledged Training and Placement (T & P)  Cell to look after the Training and Placement needs of the students. A faculty-student committee is entrusted to overseeing the functionality of the same. Past records are reviewed periodically and consistent efforts are being made to strengthen the placement records.

Contact Info

Centre for Management Studies

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory