Faculty of Science & Engineering

Department of Statistics


The Dept. of Statistics was established in 1967 with Dr. S.N.N. Pandit as the founder Professor & Head. Currently the department has seven (7) full time well qualified faculty members – four Professors and three Assistant Professors. The department has been recognized for its contribution towards the cause of the subject and has so far received financial assistance under DST-FIST (2004-2009), UGC Innovative Programme (2007-2012), SAP-DRS-I of UGC (2009-2014), SAP-DRS-II of UGC (2015-2020). Thrust areas of research of the department include Discrete Probability Distribution, Medical Statistics, Statistical Inference, Simulation, Quality Control, Demography, Econometrics and Statistical Ecology. The department has its own peer reviewed research journal “Assam Statistical Review” (ASR) since 1987.

Infrastructure Facilities

(i) Library (Departmental) Total no. of Books            :    544 Nos.
(ii) Journal (Departmental)                                         :     01 No.
(iii) Total no. of class rooms                                      :      04 Nos.
(iv) Total no. of Seminar Halls with LCD                    :     02 Nos.
(v) Total no. of Computers for Students Researchers and Teachers      :     30 Nos.
(vi) Computer Lab.                    :    02 Nos.
(vii) Lavatories                         :     05 Nos.


Assistant Professors

Programmes Offered

  1. M.A., M.Sc.
  2. Ph.D.

M.A. (Statistics) and M. Sc. (Statistics) are one and the same Programme. If the student has taken B.A. degree, he/she is given M.A; if he/she has taken B. Sc., he/she is given M. Sc. Thus, there is no separate reservation for M. A. or M. Sc. in Statistics.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. M. A./M.Sc. : Graduate of any UGC recognized University securing (a) At least 40% marks in Major at the Degree Examination, Or (b) At least 50% marks in the subject and 45% marks in aggregate in case of Graduate offering general course.

Duration of the Programmes

  1. M.A./M.Sc. : 2 years (4 Semesters),

Intake Capacity

  1. M.A./M.Sc. : 20 (twenty)

Seminars / Workshops / Training Programmes organized by the Department (2003 onwards):

  1. National Seminar on “Recent Development in Statistical Methods and Operations Research” March, 20-21, 2003, Sponsored by RBI, Mumbai, DST, OIL, ONGC.
  2. Regional Workshop on “Survival Analysis, June 12-13,2003 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  3. Regional Workshop on “SQC and OR Concepts and Methodology” Oct. 04-06, 2004 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  4. Two days Regional workshop on Bioinformatics, March, 2004, Sponsored by UGC and ICMR, New Delhi.
  5. State level workshop on “Application of Statistics in Social and basic Sciences”, 14th Dec., 2006, Sponsored by Dibrugarh University.
  6. Workshop on Mathematical Programming and Related Topics on Optimization – Methods, Applications and Practices, Nov. 12 –14, 2007 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
  7. Organized one Refresher course for UG/PG teachers of Indian Universities during 2004
  8. One week Training Programme in Actuarial Science, Dept. of Statistics, D.U. March 25 – 29, 2008
  9. Training Programme on Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Organized by Department of Statistics, D.U., in Association With SPSS, South Asia, Bangalore, September 19 – 20, 2008
  10. DST sponsored Summer School 1 – 30 July, 2009.
  11. Certification programme on Six-Sigma Green Belt in collaboration with I.S.I., Bangalore, 2010
  12. State level workshop onWorkshop on Statistics in Industries and Health Sciences with Special Reference to North-East India, Sponsored by Dibrugarh University, 2010
  13. National Seminar on Bio- statistics, under SAP, Sponsored by UGC, February, 2010.
  14. Certification programme on Six-Sigma Green Belt in collaboration with I.S.I., Bangalore, 2011
  15. Training programme in Numerical and Statistical computation using MATLAB Software, March 21-25, 2011.
  16. Workshop on “Statistics in Clinical Trial” (November 17-18, 2011) organized by Dept. of Statistics, Dibrugarh University.
  17. National Seminar on “Biostatistics” (November 26th, 2011) organized by Dept. of Statistics, D.U. (Under DRS-I, SAP of the UGC).
  18. One Day Workshop on “Creating Awareness about Official Statistics in India” (March 3rd, 2012) organized by Dept. of Statistics, Dibrugarh University and sponsored by National Academy of Statistical Administration (NASA), Greater Noida, UP.
  19. A two-day national seminar entitled “Recent Trends in Theoretical and Applied Statistics – I (RTTAS – I)” under the UGC SAP DRS – II was organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University during 11 – 12 March, 2016
  20. A three day national workshop entitled “Basics of Software Development” under the UGC SAP DRS – II was organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University from 29th to 31stMarch, 2016.
  • Prof. J. Hazarika : Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by the Cancer Research Foundation, India for promoting Cancer Research in the North East India on 6th June, 2016.
  • Prof. S. Chakraborty : Member of the International Scientific committee of the 3rd ISM International Statistics Conference, ISM-III, 9-11 August 2016, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Phone No +91-373-2370334 ,
Email : e-mail :



The Dept. of Statistics was established in 1967 with Dr. S.N.N. Pandit as the founder Professor & Head. Currently the department has seven (7) full time well qualified faculty members – four Professors and three Assistant Professors. The department has been recognized for its contribution towards the cause of the subject and has so far received financial assistance under DST-FIST (2004-2009), UGC Innovative Programme (2007-2012), SAP-DRS-I of UGC (2009-2014), SAP-DRS-II of UGC (2015-2020). Thrust areas of research of the department include Discrete Probability Distribution, Medical Statistics, Statistical Inference, Simulation, Quality Control, Demography, Econometrics and Statistical Ecology. The department has its own peer reviewed research journal “Assam Statistical Review” (ASR) since 1987.

Infrastructure Facilities

(i) Library (Departmental) Total no. of Books            :    544 Nos.
(ii) Journal (Departmental)                                         :     01 No.
(iii) Total no. of class rooms                                      :      04 Nos.
(iv) Total no. of Seminar Halls with LCD                    :     02 Nos.
(v) Total no. of Computers for Students Researchers and Teachers      :     30 Nos.
(vi) Computer Lab.                    :    02 Nos.
(vii) Lavatories                         :     05 Nos.

Faculty Members


Assistant Professors

Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes Offered

  1. M.A., M.Sc.
  2. Ph.D.

M.A. (Statistics) and M. Sc. (Statistics) are one and the same Programme. If the student has taken B.A. degree, he/she is given M.A; if he/she has taken B. Sc., he/she is given M. Sc. Thus, there is no separate reservation for M. A. or M. Sc. in Statistics.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. M. A./M.Sc. : Graduate of any UGC recognized University securing (a) At least 40% marks in Major at the Degree Examination, Or (b) At least 50% marks in the subject and 45% marks in aggregate in case of Graduate offering general course.

Duration of the Programmes

  1. M.A./M.Sc. : 2 years (4 Semesters),

Intake Capacity

  1. M.A./M.Sc. : 20 (twenty)
Seminar/ Workshop

Seminars / Workshops / Training Programmes organized by the Department (2003 onwards):

  1. National Seminar on “Recent Development in Statistical Methods and Operations Research” March, 20-21, 2003, Sponsored by RBI, Mumbai, DST, OIL, ONGC.
  2. Regional Workshop on “Survival Analysis, June 12-13,2003 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  3. Regional Workshop on “SQC and OR Concepts and Methodology” Oct. 04-06, 2004 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  4. Two days Regional workshop on Bioinformatics, March, 2004, Sponsored by UGC and ICMR, New Delhi.
  5. State level workshop on “Application of Statistics in Social and basic Sciences”, 14th Dec., 2006, Sponsored by Dibrugarh University.
  6. Workshop on Mathematical Programming and Related Topics on Optimization – Methods, Applications and Practices, Nov. 12 –14, 2007 Sponsored by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
  7. Organized one Refresher course for UG/PG teachers of Indian Universities during 2004
  8. One week Training Programme in Actuarial Science, Dept. of Statistics, D.U. March 25 – 29, 2008
  9. Training Programme on Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Organized by Department of Statistics, D.U., in Association With SPSS, South Asia, Bangalore, September 19 – 20, 2008
  10. DST sponsored Summer School 1 – 30 July, 2009.
  11. Certification programme on Six-Sigma Green Belt in collaboration with I.S.I., Bangalore, 2010
  12. State level workshop onWorkshop on Statistics in Industries and Health Sciences with Special Reference to North-East India, Sponsored by Dibrugarh University, 2010
  13. National Seminar on Bio- statistics, under SAP, Sponsored by UGC, February, 2010.
  14. Certification programme on Six-Sigma Green Belt in collaboration with I.S.I., Bangalore, 2011
  15. Training programme in Numerical and Statistical computation using MATLAB Software, March 21-25, 2011.
  16. Workshop on “Statistics in Clinical Trial” (November 17-18, 2011) organized by Dept. of Statistics, Dibrugarh University.
  17. National Seminar on “Biostatistics” (November 26th, 2011) organized by Dept. of Statistics, D.U. (Under DRS-I, SAP of the UGC).
  18. One Day Workshop on “Creating Awareness about Official Statistics in India” (March 3rd, 2012) organized by Dept. of Statistics, Dibrugarh University and sponsored by National Academy of Statistical Administration (NASA), Greater Noida, UP.
  19. A two-day national seminar entitled “Recent Trends in Theoretical and Applied Statistics – I (RTTAS – I)” under the UGC SAP DRS – II was organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University during 11 – 12 March, 2016
  20. A three day national workshop entitled “Basics of Software Development” under the UGC SAP DRS – II was organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University from 29th to 31stMarch, 2016.
  • Prof. J. Hazarika : Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by the Cancer Research Foundation, India for promoting Cancer Research in the North East India on 6th June, 2016.
  • Prof. S. Chakraborty : Member of the International Scientific committee of the 3rd ISM International Statistics Conference, ISM-III, 9-11 August 2016, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Former Faculty Members
Contact Us

Phone No +91-373-2370334 ,
Email : e-mail :

  1. Applied Regression Analysis
  2. Applied Econometrics
  3. Bio Statistics
  4. Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution
  5. Medical Statistics
  6. Statistical Quality Control
  7. Statistical Inference

Current Ph. D. Scholars


Mr. Subash Chanda, Kotak Mahindra Inusurance, India.
Dr. Chakraborty, IIT, Guwahati, India.
Prof. Prasun Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Prof. Arup Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Prof. Alok Goswami, Theoretical Statistics Division, ISI Kolkata, India.
Prof. Anup Mazumdar, ISI, Kolkata
Prof. S.B. Nandi, Presidency College, Kolkata

Prof. B N Bharttcharjee, BHU, India
Prof. R C Yadav,BHU, India

Prof. A Roy Chowdhury, ISI, Banglore, India
Prof. Somnath Roy ISI, Bangalore, India
Mr. Sanjit Roy, ISI, Bangalore, India.
Dr. Prasun Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Dr. H. K. Chatuvedi, NIMS, New Delhi, India
Prof. R. N. Misra, Patna University, India
Prof. R. K. Narendra Singh, RIMS, Manipur, India
Prof. Alok Goswami, Theoretical Statistics Division, ISI Kolkata, India.

Prof. R. K. Narendra Singh, RIMS, Manipur, India
Prof. B N Bhatacharjee, BHU
Prof. A. Biswas, ISI, Kolkata
Prof. TES Raghavan, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Dr. S. Chakraborty

  1. Prof. R. S. Ambagspitiya of University of Calgary, Canada since 2006
  2. Prof. S. H. Ong, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia since 2009
  3. Prof. K. Shimizu, Dept. of Mathematics, Keio University, Japan, since 2009
  4. Mr. Subrata Sinha, Lecturer, Centre for Bio-informatics Studies, Dibrugarh University, since 2010

Prof. J. Hazarika

  1. Dr. R.K. Phukan of RMRC (ICMR) DBR
  2. Dr. P.K. Das North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST) 3. K.C. Borah, Dept. of Economics, D.U.

Dr. M. P. Barman

  1. Dr. R.K. Phukan of RMRC (ICMR) DBR
  2. Mr. Subrata Sinha, Lecturer, Centre for Bio-informatics Studies, Dibrugarh University
  1. Applied Regression Analysis
  2. Applied Econometrics
  3. Bio Statistics
  4. Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution
  5. Medical Statistics
  6. Statistical Quality Control
  7. Statistical Inference
Ph.D. Scholars

Current Ph. D. Scholars


Mr. Subash Chanda, Kotak Mahindra Inusurance, India.
Dr. Chakraborty, IIT, Guwahati, India.
Prof. Prasun Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Prof. Arup Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Prof. Alok Goswami, Theoretical Statistics Division, ISI Kolkata, India.
Prof. Anup Mazumdar, ISI, Kolkata
Prof. S.B. Nandi, Presidency College, Kolkata

Prof. B N Bharttcharjee, BHU, India
Prof. R C Yadav,BHU, India

Prof. A Roy Chowdhury, ISI, Banglore, India
Prof. Somnath Roy ISI, Bangalore, India
Mr. Sanjit Roy, ISI, Bangalore, India.
Dr. Prasun Das,. ISI, Kolkata, India.
Dr. H. K. Chatuvedi, NIMS, New Delhi, India
Prof. R. N. Misra, Patna University, India
Prof. R. K. Narendra Singh, RIMS, Manipur, India
Prof. Alok Goswami, Theoretical Statistics Division, ISI Kolkata, India.

Prof. R. K. Narendra Singh, RIMS, Manipur, India
Prof. B N Bhatacharjee, BHU
Prof. A. Biswas, ISI, Kolkata
Prof. TES Raghavan, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Research Collaboration

Dr. S. Chakraborty

  1. Prof. R. S. Ambagspitiya of University of Calgary, Canada since 2006
  2. Prof. S. H. Ong, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia since 2009
  3. Prof. K. Shimizu, Dept. of Mathematics, Keio University, Japan, since 2009
  4. Mr. Subrata Sinha, Lecturer, Centre for Bio-informatics Studies, Dibrugarh University, since 2010

Prof. J. Hazarika

  1. Dr. R.K. Phukan of RMRC (ICMR) DBR
  2. Dr. P.K. Das North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST) 3. K.C. Borah, Dept. of Economics, D.U.

Dr. M. P. Barman

  1. Dr. R.K. Phukan of RMRC (ICMR) DBR
  2. Mr. Subrata Sinha, Lecturer, Centre for Bio-informatics Studies, Dibrugarh University

Contact Info

Department of Statistics

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory