IPR Cell

The protection of the intellectual property is an important issue nowadays. Intellectual property may be any creation of the human mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce; for which a set of exclusive rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights, and trade secrets are recognized under the corresponding fields of law. To create awareness among people on intellectual property rights, the Patent Information Centre (PIC) at the Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), Govt. of Assam set up the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell at Dibrugarh University in 2009. Since then, the cell is continuously been working on creating awareness of the intellectual property and facilitating necessary services in protecting the innovations of the university fraternity.


  • Prof. Dipak Chetia, Dean, Research and Development


  • Dr. Rupam Saikia, Director, CDC, DU
  • Dr. S. A. Khan, Deputy Director, ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh
  • Dr. Sanjib Gogoi, Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat
  • Dr. Silpee Talukdar, ASTEC, Guwahati
  • Prof. Diganta Sarma, Dept. of Chemistry, D.U.
  • Dr. Pranjal Samrah, Dept. of Mech. Engg, DUIET, D.U.
  • Mr. Arshad Hussain, CMS, D.U.
  • Sri Devraj Sarmah, Public Information cum Law Officer, D.U.


  • Dr. Md. Kamaruz Zaman, Dept. of Pharm. Sciences, D.U.

(i) Workshop on “Patenting Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights
A workshop on “Patenting Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights” was organized on 29th and 30th March 2022, which was catalyzed and supported by the Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), Govt. of Assam. The workshop was held at the Conference Hall of the Department of Bodo, Dibrugarh University.

Prof. Dipak Chetia addressing the gathering in the inaugural session

The session was attended by the faculty members of the university along with 60 registered participants of the workshop. The vote of thanks was given by the Secretary of the IPR Cell Dr. Pankaj Chetia.

Prof. L.K. Nath, Vice Chancellor i/c inaugurating the Workshop

Prof. A. Das, Dr. R. Saikia, Mr. D. Dutta and participants

(ii) Webinar on “Innovative Ideas are Worth Millions, Only if They are Patent Protected”
A webinar on the topic “Innovative Ideas are Worth Millions, Only if They are Patent Protected” was organised on 25th October 2021 at 11:30 AM in collaboration with M/S IPLOEA, an Expert IPR & Patent Firm of India. Ms. Latika Khanduja, Patent Expert and Lawyer delivered the talk.

(iii) Awareness Programme
Organised an online awareness and training programme on intellectual property (IP) was organised in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University, and Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India on 27th Dec (Monday) 2021. Expert resource person Shri Md Atiqullah (Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Ministry of Commerce & Industry-DPIIT, Govt. of INDIA) delivered a talk on the occasion.

(iv) Awareness Programme by NIPAM, IPO Kolkata
An awareness program on Intellectual Property Rights was organized in collaboration with the NIPAM Cell, Indian Patent Office(IPO), Kolkata, on 17 February 2022 (online mode) through the CISCO Webex platform, where teachers and research scholars of Dibrugarh University participated.

(v) One day Awareness Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 15th May, 2017

A one-day Awareness Workshop on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ for research scholars, faculty members of Dibrugarh University and teachers from its affiliated colleges was organized by the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell of Dibrugarh University on 15th May 2017. For detailed report click here.

(vi) Patent Search Workshop on 23rd November 2015

The IPR Cell, DU has organized a one-day workshop on patent search on 23rd November 2015 at the Indira Miri Conference Hall.  The main aim of this workshop was to create awareness about patent literature amongst researchers of Dibrugarh University. Sixty five participants mainly research scholars and young faculty members of various departments had attended this workshop. Prof. Prabuddha  Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University and Mr. Yashawant Dev Panwar, Head,  Patent Facilitating Centre, TIFAC, New Delhi were the resource persons.

(vii) GI Camp on Muga Silk at Dhokuakhana College, on 30th April 2016 in collaboration with Tezpur University and ASTEC, Assam 

The IPR Cell of Dibrugarh University in collaboration with the IPR Cell of Tezpur University and Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), has organized a one-day Muga camp for Geographical Indications (GI) registrations on Muga Silk at Dhokuakhana college on 30th April 2016. Prof. Alak Kumar Buragohain, Former Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University, Prof Prabuddha Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University, Mr. C. G. Naidu, Asst. Registrar, GI office, Chennai. Prof. Pankaj Das, Coordinator, IPR Cell, Dibrugarh University, Dr Pritam Deb, Coordinator, IPR Cell, Tezpur University, Dr. Taranath Duarah, Mr Bipul Saikia, Dr. Suchibrata Goswami, Dr. Juri Borbora Saikia were present in the Camp.

(viii) Patent filing and awareness lecture on 2nd May 2016

The IPR cell, DU has organized special lectures on “how to file patents” on 2nd May 2016. Prof. Prabuddha Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University has delivered the lectures. About 130 in-house researchers including faculty members from various science and Engineering departments, centres had attended the lecture.

Prof. Dipak Chetia


IPR Cell

Dibrugarh University



The protection of the intellectual property is an important issue nowadays. Intellectual property may be any creation of the human mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce; for which a set of exclusive rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights, and trade secrets are recognized under the corresponding fields of law. To create awareness among people on intellectual property rights, the Patent Information Centre (PIC) at the Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), Govt. of Assam set up the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell at Dibrugarh University in 2009. Since then, the cell is continuously been working on creating awareness of the intellectual property and facilitating necessary services in protecting the innovations of the university fraternity.



  • Prof. Dipak Chetia, Dean, Research and Development


  • Dr. Rupam Saikia, Director, CDC, DU
  • Dr. S. A. Khan, Deputy Director, ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh
  • Dr. Sanjib Gogoi, Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat
  • Dr. Silpee Talukdar, ASTEC, Guwahati
  • Prof. Diganta Sarma, Dept. of Chemistry, D.U.
  • Dr. Pranjal Samrah, Dept. of Mech. Engg, DUIET, D.U.
  • Mr. Arshad Hussain, CMS, D.U.
  • Sri Devraj Sarmah, Public Information cum Law Officer, D.U.


  • Dr. Md. Kamaruz Zaman, Dept. of Pharm. Sciences, D.U.

(i) Workshop on “Patenting Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights
A workshop on “Patenting Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights” was organized on 29th and 30th March 2022, which was catalyzed and supported by the Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), Govt. of Assam. The workshop was held at the Conference Hall of the Department of Bodo, Dibrugarh University.

Prof. Dipak Chetia addressing the gathering in the inaugural session

The session was attended by the faculty members of the university along with 60 registered participants of the workshop. The vote of thanks was given by the Secretary of the IPR Cell Dr. Pankaj Chetia.

Prof. L.K. Nath, Vice Chancellor i/c inaugurating the Workshop

Prof. A. Das, Dr. R. Saikia, Mr. D. Dutta and participants

(ii) Webinar on “Innovative Ideas are Worth Millions, Only if They are Patent Protected”
A webinar on the topic “Innovative Ideas are Worth Millions, Only if They are Patent Protected” was organised on 25th October 2021 at 11:30 AM in collaboration with M/S IPLOEA, an Expert IPR & Patent Firm of India. Ms. Latika Khanduja, Patent Expert and Lawyer delivered the talk.

(iii) Awareness Programme
Organised an online awareness and training programme on intellectual property (IP) was organised in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University, and Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India on 27th Dec (Monday) 2021. Expert resource person Shri Md Atiqullah (Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Ministry of Commerce & Industry-DPIIT, Govt. of INDIA) delivered a talk on the occasion.

(iv) Awareness Programme by NIPAM, IPO Kolkata
An awareness program on Intellectual Property Rights was organized in collaboration with the NIPAM Cell, Indian Patent Office(IPO), Kolkata, on 17 February 2022 (online mode) through the CISCO Webex platform, where teachers and research scholars of Dibrugarh University participated.

(v) One day Awareness Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 15th May, 2017

A one-day Awareness Workshop on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ for research scholars, faculty members of Dibrugarh University and teachers from its affiliated colleges was organized by the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell of Dibrugarh University on 15th May 2017. For detailed report click here.

(vi) Patent Search Workshop on 23rd November 2015

The IPR Cell, DU has organized a one-day workshop on patent search on 23rd November 2015 at the Indira Miri Conference Hall.  The main aim of this workshop was to create awareness about patent literature amongst researchers of Dibrugarh University. Sixty five participants mainly research scholars and young faculty members of various departments had attended this workshop. Prof. Prabuddha  Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University and Mr. Yashawant Dev Panwar, Head,  Patent Facilitating Centre, TIFAC, New Delhi were the resource persons.

(vii) GI Camp on Muga Silk at Dhokuakhana College, on 30th April 2016 in collaboration with Tezpur University and ASTEC, Assam 

The IPR Cell of Dibrugarh University in collaboration with the IPR Cell of Tezpur University and Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), has organized a one-day Muga camp for Geographical Indications (GI) registrations on Muga Silk at Dhokuakhana college on 30th April 2016. Prof. Alak Kumar Buragohain, Former Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University, Prof Prabuddha Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University, Mr. C. G. Naidu, Asst. Registrar, GI office, Chennai. Prof. Pankaj Das, Coordinator, IPR Cell, Dibrugarh University, Dr Pritam Deb, Coordinator, IPR Cell, Tezpur University, Dr. Taranath Duarah, Mr Bipul Saikia, Dr. Suchibrata Goswami, Dr. Juri Borbora Saikia were present in the Camp.

(viii) Patent filing and awareness lecture on 2nd May 2016

The IPR cell, DU has organized special lectures on “how to file patents” on 2nd May 2016. Prof. Prabuddha Ganguli, MHRD IPR Chair Professor, Tezpur University has delivered the lectures. About 130 in-house researchers including faculty members from various science and Engineering departments, centres had attended the lecture.

Contact Us

Prof. Dipak Chetia


IPR Cell

Dibrugarh University
