Four Year Under Graduate Programmes (FYUGP) [as per NEP-2020]

1. Dibrugarh University Regulations (Revised) for the Four Year Under Graduate Programmes (FYUGP) in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), 2024

2. Notification regarding the Revised Syllabi of the FYUGP w.e.f. the academic session 2024-2025

3. Syllabi of Four Year Under Graduate Programmes (FYUGP)

A. Arts (Revised Syllabi)
  1. Assamese
  2. Bengali
  3. Bodo
  4. Community Science
  5. Economics
  6. Education
  7. English
  8. Hindi
  9. History
  10. Philosophy
  11. Political Science
  12. Psychology
  13. Sanskrit
  14. Sociology
B. Science (Revised Syllabi)
  1. Anthropology
  2. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  3. Botany
  4. Chemistry
  5. Community Science
  6. Computer Science
  7. Electronics
  8. Geography
  9. Geology
  10. Mathematics
  11. Physics
  12. Statistics
  13. Zoology
C. Commerce (Revised Syllabi)
  1. Finance
  2. Marketing
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Banking and Insurance
D. Others
  1. Social Work (Revised)
  2. Mass Communication
  3. Women’s Studies (Minor Course offered by UGC Centre for Women’s Studies)
E. Multi-disciplinary Generic Elective Course

For the syllabi of the Multi-Disciplinary Generic Elective Courses offered by various Departments/Centres of Studies, please refer to the syllabi of the concerned Subject.

  1. Rural Development
F. Value Added Courses (VAC)
  1. Understanding India
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Environmental Science
  4. Yoga
  5. Digital Fluency (Option 1)
  6. Digital and Technological Solutions (Option 2)
G. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
H. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for Semester- I
  1. Aquarium Fish Keeping
  2. Baking and Confectionary
  3. Creative Writing
  4. DTP in Assamese
  5. Emerging Gender Issues
  6. Entrepreneuring Librarianship
  7. Food Preservation and Processing
  8. Foundation on Rupcharcha (Beautician)
  9. Fundamentals of Rural development
  10. Graphic Design
  11. Human Rights
  12. Knitting and Cutting, Stitching, Embroidery
  13. LED Bulb Repairing Technician
  14. Library and Information Literacy
  15. Logical Reasoning
  16. MS Excel and its Applications in Business
  17. Mushroom Cultivation
  18. Organic Farming
  19. Retail Management
  20. Self Defence
  21. Social Work
  22. Soft Skills-I
  23. Tourism Management
  24. Wildlife Photography
  25. Women and Entrepreneurship
I. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for Semester- II
  1. Agriculture and Rural Marketing
  2. Apparel designing for women and children
  3. Good Governance and E-Governance
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Digital Economy
  6. Electrical Wiring and Servicing
  7. Event Management-B
  8. Hospitality- Food and Beverage Service Steward
  9. Intermediate on Rupcharcha
  10. Management and Leadership
  11. Management of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
  12. Mass Media and Communication
  13. Mastering Productivity with Google Workspace
  14. Office Management & Secretarial Practices
  15. Photoshop and Animation
  16. Poly House and Protective Cultivation
  17. Preservation and Conservation of Library Documents
  18. Soft Skills-II
  19. Solar Energy Basics and System Design
  20. Startups and Enterpreneurship
  21. Translation and Transcription
  22. Vermicomposting Techniques
J. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for Semester- III and IV
  1. Advance Rupcharcha
  2. Agri Export Management
  3. Civil Service Foundation Course
  4. Cyber Security Management
  5. Early Child Care and Education
  6. A Comprehensive Guide to Small Tea Garden Management
  7. Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS
  8. Cultivation and Marketing of Hybrid Napier Grass
  9. Industrial Chemistry of Petrochemicals and Polymer Products
  10. MATLAB Programming
  11. Internet Technology & Computer Networks
  12. Catering Management
  13. Physics Laboratory Instrument Handling and Maintenance
  14. Soft Skills-III
  15. Weaving Artistry
  16. NSS (Semester III & IV)
  17. Practical Ethics
  18. Women in North- East India
  19. Women and Rural Development
Old Syllabi
a. Arts (Old Syllabi)
  1. Assamese
  2. Bengali
  3. Bodo
  4. Economics
  5. Education
  6. English
  7. Hindi (Modified)
  8. Hindi
  9. History
  10. Philosophy (Corrected)
  11. Political Science
  12. Psychology
  13. Sanskrit
  14. Sociology (Corrected)
  15. Women’s Studies
  16. Community Science
b. Science (Old Syllabi)
  1. Anthropology
  2. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  3. Botany (Corrected)
  4. Chemistry
  5. Computer Science (Corrected)
  6. Electronics
  7. Geography
  8. Geology
  9. Mathematics
  10. Physics
  11. Statistics (Corrected)
  12. Zoology (Corrected)
  13. Community Science
c. Commerce (Old Syllabi)
  1. Commerce (Corrected)
  2. Introduction of Principles of Insurance as Minor-2 in Semester-II in place of Cost Accounting under Banking & Insurance (Major) Programme
  3. Introduction to Stock Market as Minor-3 in Semester-III in place of Indian Banking Regulations under Finance (Major) Programme
  4. Introduction to Investing and Trading as SEC-3A in Semester-III in place of Introduction to Stock Market

**If you have any query or feedback regarding the Four Year Under Graduate Programmes (FYUGP) and implementation of NEP, 2020 in Dibrugarh University, please fill up this Google Form