Training and Placement Cell

Training and Placement Policy

1.0 Introduction

Training & Placement activities are considered an integral process at the Dibrugarh University since the year 2008. This Cell is consistently engaged in providing training and placement support to the students of the University. The cell is equipped with separate office space, computing facility and well-furnished separate interview room and conference hall etc. to cater to the need of the various departments of the University related to training and placement activities. The cell endeavours to provide placement assistance to the final semester students who are pursuing different programmes of studies in the University. It also facilitates summer and winter internship, skill development training, specialised lectures, career counselling programs etc. for the benefit of the students. The cell also strives to promote strong network with corporate organizations and other external agencies for maximising opportunities for the students of the University. The cell consistently endeavours on continuous learning by enhancing professional competencies of the students by way of providing enhanced coaching on personality development programs.

The Cell has strived to make the students of the University employable and find meaningful opportunities in their respective disciplines. Special emphasis is being given to enhance the soft skills of the students along with their hard skills. The University has also signed several MOUs with PSU corporate entities like BCPL (Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymers Ltd.) and NRL (Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.) for providing live industrial exposures to the students from different disciplines. The students are also assisted to find placement opportunities across multiple verticals. Apart from the association with the industrial enterprises, the cell has also forged strong kinship with the non profit organizations like Azim Premji Foundation, Gandhi Fellowship Program, UNICEF etc. for opening significant opportunities in the evolving social sectors too.

Thus the core thrust areas of the cell encompasses the following:

  • To organize on/off campus recruitment.
  • To obtain slots for Summer & Winter internship and organize industrial visits.
  • To forge strong alliance between the University and industrial enterprises for maximising opportunities for the students.
  • To increase the employability of the students by imparting skill based training programs.
1.1 Dibrugarh University Campus Placement Policy

In order to streamline the placement procedure and afford equal, just and fair opportunity to all categories of students (High / Average / Poor), the following guidelines shall be observed:

  1. Students appearing for final semester examination will be considered by the placement cell, only through the individual registration in the ‘placement database’.
  2. Final semester students, who cleared all the earlier courses (i.e. both in-sem & end –sem exam) of the concerned programme will only be allowed to participate in the placement activities (on /off campus).
  3. Once a student is confirmed by a company as selected, he / she will not be allowed to participate in any further placement activity of equivalent company.
  4. B. Tech students, if selected by a company other than their core competency company, will be allowed a second chance for participating in campus placement by a core company. For example, if a B. Tech (Mech) student gets selected by an IT company (say Infosys, TCS), he will be allowed a second chance whenever a Mechanical company (say JBM or Shriram Pistons) conducts a placement event.
  5. To be fair to the students already selected, a second chance will be afforded to participate in the selection process of all those companies which offer a package of minimum of Rs. One Lac (p.a.) more than the package offered by the company they have been earlier selected. This is applicable for the routine recruitment drives.
  6. All students who get selected on their own effort, if desirous, will be afforded opportunity to participate in all campus placement events till finally selected, irrespective of package differential.
  7. A student, who confirms participation in a placement event (on/off campus) and thereafter absents himself without valid reasons, will not be allowed to participate in the next placement event (one time debarring). This is to discourage absenteeism, which causes embarrassment to the Faculties and T&P Cell of the University. This penalty may be waived off at the sole discretion of the concerned authority of the University based on the merit of a case.
  8. All students will be permitted to appear for the recruitment and selection process as and when the ‘Dream Company’ (PSUs, Navaratna companies etc.) organizes a recruitment drive, even if they have been selected earlier by a different company.
  9. MBA students, with dual specialization, have to specify their preference in advance. While registering, the sequence of specialization entered in the registration form will be considered to be the order of preference. If a student gets selected during campus placement in the non- preferred specialization, he/she would not be allowed to appear for further campus recruitment drives till selected in the preferred field, irrespective of salary differential. However, this facility can only be availed by those students, who are yet to join a company. Once a student has joined a company, even in the non-preferred profile, he/she can switch to preferred specialization, if deemed necessary, on his/her own and not through campus placement.
List of Recruiters of Dibrugarh University
  1. Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd.
  2. Airtel
  4. Azim Premji Foundation
  5. Bandhan Bank
  6. Bitchem Asphalt Technologies Limited
  7. Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL)
  8. Capgemini
  9. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation
  10. Dalmia Cement
  11. Godrej
  12. HDFC Life
  13. ICICI Bank
  14. Indian Army
  15. Indian Navy
  16. ITC Food
  17. MphasiS IT Services
  18. North-Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFI)
  19. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. (NRL)
  20. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  21. Oil India Limited (OIL)
  22. SAP Lab India
  23. Sun Pharma
  24. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  25. TCG Life Sciences
  26. TOPCEM
  28. UNICEF
  29. VKV, Arunachal Pradesh Trust
  30. Vodafone
  31. Volkswagen
  32. Wipro Technologies
  33. Zaloni Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
Summer/Winter Industrial Training Organizations
  1. Aircel
  2. Airtel
  3. All India Radio
  4. AMUL
  5. Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. (AMTRON)
  6. Assam Gas Company Limited (AGCL)
  7. Assam Gramin Vikash Bank (AGVB)
  8. Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited (APL)
  9. Assam Power Grid Corporation Limited (APGCL)
  10. Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC)
  11. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
  12. Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (BRPL)
  13. Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL)
  14. Cairn India
  15. Coal India Ltd
  16. Doordarsan Kendra
  17. EMAMI Ltd.
  18. Essar Oil Limited
  19. Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited
  20. Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
  21. Jay Bee Energy
  22. KARVEY Stock Broking Ltd.
  23. Korsa Energy & Infraservices Private Limited
  24. LGBI Airport, Guwahati
  25. Linux World Training and Development Centre
  26. Mobina Compu Academy Pvt. Ltd. (MCAPL)
  27. North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO)
  28. Northeast Frontier Railway
  29. Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL)
  30. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  31. Oil India Limited (OIL)
  32. Organic Majuli
  34. PRAG News
  35. Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN)
  36. Selan Exploration Technology Ltd
  37. State Bank of India (SBI)
  39. Tocklai Tea Research Institute
  40. TVS Motors
  41. Vodafone
  42. XESP, Kolkata

Mr. Monuj Tamuli

Training & Placement Officer

Dibrugarh University


Assam, India

Phone No. : 0373 2730053 (O), +918011050097(M)



How to Reach Dibrugarh
Dibrugarh, the industrial capital of upper Assam is well known for its vast treasure of minerals (including oil, natural gas and coal), flora and fauna and largest concentrations of tea plantations in the entire Assam.
The Dibrugarh University campus is well linked by roads, rail, air and waterways. The National Highway No. 37 passes through the University campus.

Where to stay?
We would be glad to make arrangements for your stay at the University guest house on prior intimation. Alternatively, there are several hotels at a five kilometer distance from the University campus.

City Regency
R.K.B. Path, New Market
Dibrugrah-786 001, Assam
Phone No. +91 373 2325 442/3/4

Hotel Rajawas
A.T. Road, Marwari Patty
Dibrugrah-786 001, Assam
Phone No. +91 373 2324 303/07

Hotel Little Palace
A.T. Road, Marwari Patty
Dibrugarh-786 001
Phone No. +91 373 2328 702/703

Should you require any help in this regard, Training and Placement Cell would be glad to be of assistance.


Training and Placement Policy

1.0 Introduction

Training & Placement activities are considered an integral process at the Dibrugarh University since the year 2008. This Cell is consistently engaged in providing training and placement support to the students of the University. The cell is equipped with separate office space, computing facility and well-furnished separate interview room and conference hall etc. to cater to the need of the various departments of the University related to training and placement activities. The cell endeavours to provide placement assistance to the final semester students who are pursuing different programmes of studies in the University. It also facilitates summer and winter internship, skill development training, specialised lectures, career counselling programs etc. for the benefit of the students. The cell also strives to promote strong network with corporate organizations and other external agencies for maximising opportunities for the students of the University. The cell consistently endeavours on continuous learning by enhancing professional competencies of the students by way of providing enhanced coaching on personality development programs.

The Cell has strived to make the students of the University employable and find meaningful opportunities in their respective disciplines. Special emphasis is being given to enhance the soft skills of the students along with their hard skills. The University has also signed several MOUs with PSU corporate entities like BCPL (Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymers Ltd.) and NRL (Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.) for providing live industrial exposures to the students from different disciplines. The students are also assisted to find placement opportunities across multiple verticals. Apart from the association with the industrial enterprises, the cell has also forged strong kinship with the non profit organizations like Azim Premji Foundation, Gandhi Fellowship Program, UNICEF etc. for opening significant opportunities in the evolving social sectors too.

Thus the core thrust areas of the cell encompasses the following:

  • To organize on/off campus recruitment.
  • To obtain slots for Summer & Winter internship and organize industrial visits.
  • To forge strong alliance between the University and industrial enterprises for maximising opportunities for the students.
  • To increase the employability of the students by imparting skill based training programs.
1.1 Dibrugarh University Campus Placement Policy

In order to streamline the placement procedure and afford equal, just and fair opportunity to all categories of students (High / Average / Poor), the following guidelines shall be observed:

  1. Students appearing for final semester examination will be considered by the placement cell, only through the individual registration in the ‘placement database’.
  2. Final semester students, who cleared all the earlier courses (i.e. both in-sem & end –sem exam) of the concerned programme will only be allowed to participate in the placement activities (on /off campus).
  3. Once a student is confirmed by a company as selected, he / she will not be allowed to participate in any further placement activity of equivalent company.
  4. B. Tech students, if selected by a company other than their core competency company, will be allowed a second chance for participating in campus placement by a core company. For example, if a B. Tech (Mech) student gets selected by an IT company (say Infosys, TCS), he will be allowed a second chance whenever a Mechanical company (say JBM or Shriram Pistons) conducts a placement event.
  5. To be fair to the students already selected, a second chance will be afforded to participate in the selection process of all those companies which offer a package of minimum of Rs. One Lac (p.a.) more than the package offered by the company they have been earlier selected. This is applicable for the routine recruitment drives.
  6. All students who get selected on their own effort, if desirous, will be afforded opportunity to participate in all campus placement events till finally selected, irrespective of package differential.
  7. A student, who confirms participation in a placement event (on/off campus) and thereafter absents himself without valid reasons, will not be allowed to participate in the next placement event (one time debarring). This is to discourage absenteeism, which causes embarrassment to the Faculties and T&P Cell of the University. This penalty may be waived off at the sole discretion of the concerned authority of the University based on the merit of a case.
  8. All students will be permitted to appear for the recruitment and selection process as and when the ‘Dream Company’ (PSUs, Navaratna companies etc.) organizes a recruitment drive, even if they have been selected earlier by a different company.
  9. MBA students, with dual specialization, have to specify their preference in advance. While registering, the sequence of specialization entered in the registration form will be considered to be the order of preference. If a student gets selected during campus placement in the non- preferred specialization, he/she would not be allowed to appear for further campus recruitment drives till selected in the preferred field, irrespective of salary differential. However, this facility can only be availed by those students, who are yet to join a company. Once a student has joined a company, even in the non-preferred profile, he/she can switch to preferred specialization, if deemed necessary, on his/her own and not through campus placement.
List of Recruiters of Dibrugarh University
  1. Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd.
  2. Airtel
  4. Azim Premji Foundation
  5. Bandhan Bank
  6. Bitchem Asphalt Technologies Limited
  7. Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL)
  8. Capgemini
  9. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation
  10. Dalmia Cement
  11. Godrej
  12. HDFC Life
  13. ICICI Bank
  14. Indian Army
  15. Indian Navy
  16. ITC Food
  17. MphasiS IT Services
  18. North-Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFI)
  19. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. (NRL)
  20. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  21. Oil India Limited (OIL)
  22. SAP Lab India
  23. Sun Pharma
  24. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  25. TCG Life Sciences
  26. TOPCEM
  28. UNICEF
  29. VKV, Arunachal Pradesh Trust
  30. Vodafone
  31. Volkswagen
  32. Wipro Technologies
  33. Zaloni Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
Industrial Trainning of Students
Summer/Winter Industrial Training Organizations
  1. Aircel
  2. Airtel
  3. All India Radio
  4. AMUL
  5. Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. (AMTRON)
  6. Assam Gas Company Limited (AGCL)
  7. Assam Gramin Vikash Bank (AGVB)
  8. Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited (APL)
  9. Assam Power Grid Corporation Limited (APGCL)
  10. Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC)
  11. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
  12. Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (BRPL)
  13. Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL)
  14. Cairn India
  15. Coal India Ltd
  16. Doordarsan Kendra
  17. EMAMI Ltd.
  18. Essar Oil Limited
  19. Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited
  20. Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
  21. Jay Bee Energy
  22. KARVEY Stock Broking Ltd.
  23. Korsa Energy & Infraservices Private Limited
  24. LGBI Airport, Guwahati
  25. Linux World Training and Development Centre
  26. Mobina Compu Academy Pvt. Ltd. (MCAPL)
  27. North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO)
  28. Northeast Frontier Railway
  29. Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL)
  30. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  31. Oil India Limited (OIL)
  32. Organic Majuli
  34. PRAG News
  35. Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN)
  36. Selan Exploration Technology Ltd
  37. State Bank of India (SBI)
  39. Tocklai Tea Research Institute
  40. TVS Motors
  41. Vodafone
  42. XESP, Kolkata
Placement Brochure

Mr. Monuj Tamuli

Training & Placement Officer

Dibrugarh University


Assam, India

Phone No. : 0373 2730053 (O), +918011050097(M)



How to Reach Dibrugarh
Dibrugarh, the industrial capital of upper Assam is well known for its vast treasure of minerals (including oil, natural gas and coal), flora and fauna and largest concentrations of tea plantations in the entire Assam.
The Dibrugarh University campus is well linked by roads, rail, air and waterways. The National Highway No. 37 passes through the University campus.

Where to stay?
We would be glad to make arrangements for your stay at the University guest house on prior intimation. Alternatively, there are several hotels at a five kilometer distance from the University campus.

City Regency
R.K.B. Path, New Market
Dibrugrah-786 001, Assam
Phone No. +91 373 2325 442/3/4

Hotel Rajawas
A.T. Road, Marwari Patty
Dibrugrah-786 001, Assam
Phone No. +91 373 2324 303/07

Hotel Little Palace
A.T. Road, Marwari Patty
Dibrugarh-786 001
Phone No. +91 373 2328 702/703

Should you require any help in this regard, Training and Placement Cell would be glad to be of assistance.