Technology Innovation and Incubation

Vision and Mission
Who can apply
How to apply

The Centre for Technology Innovation and Incubation (CTII) of Dibrugarh University was set up in the year 2013, to promote innovative and executable ideas from various disciplines of basic sciences, engineering and creative fields and help them to realize the ideas into products, processes or services for the benefits of society as well as industry.With a vision to provide a platform for promoting and culturing innovative ideas, the CTII has adopted innovation and incubation policy.


To promote and realize product orientated innovative and executable ideas and concepts from students, faculties, and members of the society with a focus on enhancing the quality of life through entrepreneurship development”


  •  Exploration, invitation and collection of innovative and creative thoughts, ideas, or concepts from students, research scholars, faculties, and members from various domains of society as well as industry.
  • To develop and provide a platform for the creative aspirants, where their innovative ideas and concepts will be incubated and realized.
  • To incubate, culture, and refine the ideas or concepts with a support from technical as well as creative experts of the concerned fields.
  • Realization of technological or creative innovation into product level.
  • To support and provide assistance to the eligible product or any creation of the aspirants to make it their intellectual property.
  • Promotion and networking for commercialization and marketing of the product
  • Skill and entrepreneurship development.

Innovation and Incubation Policy

The innovation and incubation policy of Dibrugarh University comprises of the following procedures and processes.

Initial screening process
The CTII will accept ideas focusing on technological innovation from students, research scholar, teachers, and from the members of the society towards fulfilling the diverse needs and having marketable potentials. The expert team of CTII from various disciplines will evaluate the innovative ideas or concepts on the basis of originality and its possibilities of realization into a product, process or services which must have a significant impact on the quality of life of the society or industry. A mentor will be assigned for the recommended project work by the team of experts. The mentor will evaluate the financial, technical as well as time requirement to execute the proposed project work. The CTII will extend possible technical as well as infrastructural support for the project wherever necessary.
Recommended project work will be enrolled in the following stages
Stage 1: Ideation
Stage 2: Innovation
Stage 3: Prototype phase
Stage 4: Intellectual Property Rights evaluation for filing patent
Stage 5: Commercial and Marketing Phase

Categories of idea and innovation

  • Basic science and technology
  • Biotech, Pharma, and Health science
  • Mechanics, Automobiles and Robotics
  • Creative writing and Artistry
  • Electronics and Communication
  • Computer Science, Information technology, and Mass Communication
  • Farming and Agricultural technology
  • Energy and Environment

The Innovation and Incubation Policy is subject to periodical review and amendments. It will be the responsibility of the users, collaborator or partners of CTII to update themselves from time to time on amendments in the innovation and incubation policy and procedures.CTII, Dibrugarh university reserves the rights to make an exception of all or any of the terms of the policy for a particular innovator, entrepreneur or a promoter on a case to case basis. Those who enrolled under the scheme must abide by the rules and regulations of CTII, Dibrugarh University.

Intellectual Property Rights

A cell for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) was set up at Dibrugarh University, in the year 2013, for protecting the rights of the creator or inventor. The CTII will evaluate the projects for potential scope of new patent and communicate the same to the IPR cell of Dibrugarh University for necessary support.

Promotional and outreach activities

The CTII will organize promotional and outreach programs to encourage, motivate and guide aspiring creative minds to convert their innovative idea into reality and taking it to a product level.



The program is open to all irrespective of education, age, gender and locality which may include Faculties and students of all disciplines, entrepreneur, or any motivated person with creative/innovative ideas.

Applications need to be submitted in the form of written document clearly mentioning, title, objective, procedure/working plan, and its impact on the society or industry. The applicant has to mention the requirement of technical, infrastructural, and financial support if necessary. Application can be send by email, post or directly submitted to the coordinator.

Template for Project Application

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Centre for Technology Innovation and Incubation
DUIET, Core Building
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam-786004
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