Dibrugarh University Research Scholars' Association

Preamble of DURSA
Executive Member

The initial idea of framing an association for the Research Scholar’s of the University was first generated during the year 2010-2012. Finally the Association was approved as a full fledged Constitutional Body in the year 2013w.e.f 21st May 2014 (Approval by 322nd Meeting of Executive Council of DU vide Resolution No.31. The name of the Association as passed in the Executive Council (EC) as Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association abbreviated as DURSA. The members of the Association comprises of all full/part time Research Scholars of the University and its affiliated institutes as well as the Faculty Members engaged in PhD or M.Phil Programme. The association will be authorised by Core Committee selected from the members of the association by the process of voting/selection.


The Research Scholars of Dibrugarh University, organize into an association hereafterreferred to as Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association (DURSA), for mutual interaction and cooperation among the research scholars for promotion of research in allfields of duties and to cooperate in University’s endeavour to achieve its excellence in academics and research. The Association will be democratic and non political in nature.

The association will work primarily work on the objectives laid down below:

  1. To work for the mutual cooperation and welfare of the research scholars of the University.

  2. To strive for adequate research facilities to researchers of all disciplines in order to sustain and carry out quality research.

  3. To promote environment of multidisciplinary research within the University and in collaboration with other national and international institutions and agencies.

  4. To encourage proper teaching, learning and research environment in the University.

  5. To work towards establishing an organic linkage between academic research and societal needs.

  6. To engage in extension service for application and dissemination of research based findings.

  7. To promote create platform for reciprocity and generation of strategic solutions and innovative ideas.