College Development Council

The College Development Council was formed at Dibrugarh University as per decision of the Executive Council of the University on 21.01.1977 and since then it has been functioning for better coordination between the university and the Affiliated Colleges on the matters of development and academic governance. The Council was reconstituted on 30th June 2015 after framing of its Ordinance by the Executive Council of the University vide resolution no.38 of  its 325th Meeting held on 9th March, 2015.

Role of the C D C in the Affiliating System

The College Development Council of Dibrugarh University is the important wing of the University with the statutory mandate  for  providing guidance and fostering  better  coordination between the colleges and the University Grants Commission , Ministry Of Human Resource Development of Government of India, Government of Assam and other Regulatory Bodies   for raising academic standards in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Commission from time to time and also  according due importance to the priorities envisaged by the University Authorities. The council is committed to play an effective role for  raising standards of the academic governance  in the Affiliated/Permitted  Colleges in coordination with the Statutory Bodies of the University, U G C  and concerned  Regulatory Bodies .

An   Advisory Body

The Council is the Principal Advisory Body to the Executive Council, through the Academic Council of the University on the matters relating to the governance of the affiliated / permitted colleges. The Council is also the   channel of communication between the U G C and the colleges for   processing the proposals for academic and infrastructural development of the colleges in consonance with the Guidelines of U G C.

Composition of the Council:


Vice-Chancellor Chairperson


Four Professors of the Post-Graduate Departments, Of which one will be from Science Departments , one from Arts, One from Commerce and one will be from the Dept of Teacher Education.


Seven Principals of affiliated Degree Colleges representing Seven districts ,according due weight age to the segments, ( Women’s Colleges, Arts, Science, Commerce Colleges and at least one college located at a remote place)


Three Principals, representing at least one representative from the Professional Colleges(Law, Engineering, Management, Medical Sciences etc )


Ex Officio Members


Controller of Examinations


Director of sports/Physical education

Director ,C D C

Member Secretary


A  Brief Outline on the Functions of the Council

The Council being the nodal body in the  University for coordination, guidance and organizing meaningful interfaces in between the colleges and the University for sustainable quality development  by infusing vivacity in to the education system, the council has been assigned primarily the following responsibilities  for transformation of mandate into concrete achievements,

  1. to provide a forum for consideration of various aspects of education in the affiliated colleges of the University with a view to continuously  guiding the colleges for  improving the general educational standards, Sports, cultural and co curricular activities for enhancing the academic vibrancy .  It will also recommend to  the appropriate authority of the university  steps to be taken for the purpose, if necessary,
  2. to assess the development needs of the colleges, both academic and infrastructural
  3. to help the affiliated colleges to prepare developmental projects which may be financed internally by the Institutions, or which may be presented to other funding agencies such as University Grants Commission, etc.,
  4. to assess periodically the physical facilities in the affiliated colleges with reference to the number of students and the subjects taught and make recommendations for their improvement,
  5. to review the academic performance of affiliated colleges including results from time to time and make suggestions for improvement;
  6. to follow up the Inspection Reports of the committee(s) appointed by it on various colleges and suggest corrective measures wherever necessary;
  7. to suggest steps to be taken by the colleges for empowerment of the youths in consonance with guidelines issued by the U G C and Other agencies for the purpose,
  8. to conduct surveys of all the affiliated colleges with a view to preparing and maintaining an up-to-date profile on each college under the University, reviewing the existing facilities and identifying the needs and gaps that need to be filled for the development of colleges; and
  9. to ensure close and continued contact and interaction between the faculties at the University teaching departments, University Library and the colleges.
  10. The Council also take steps for organizing conferences/ seminars/ workshops in coordination with the I Q A C of the University /College(s) in the University Campus or college(S) from time to time on relevant subject(s) in consonance with the U G C’s Guidelines/NAAC/decisions of the University and other Regulatory Bodies, as may be necessary for maintenance of quality and for furtherance of National Policy on Higher Education.


The Director College Development Council also performs the duties and responsibilities of the Statutory Post of the Inspector Of Colleges  for looking after the matters pertaining to Affiliation of the Colleges as assigned by the 242nd Meeting  Executive Council of the University in its meeting held on 11.02.2000 vide Resolution No 14.

At present Dibrugarh University has 177 Colleges, both Affiliated and Permitted in seven districts of Upper Assam and also a few Colleges/Institutes beyond its normal jurisdiction as approved by the State Government of Assam within the Statutory Proviso of the Section 5(1) of The D.U. Act, 1965 (as amended up to date).


The College Development Council was formed at Dibrugarh University as per decision of the Executive Council of the University on 21.01.1977 and since then it has been functioning for better coordination between the university and the Affiliated Colleges on the matters of development and academic governance. The Council was reconstituted on 30th June 2015 after framing of its Ordinance by the Executive Council of the University vide resolution no.38 of  its 325th Meeting held on 9th March, 2015.

Role of the C D C in the Affiliating System

The College Development Council of Dibrugarh University is the important wing of the University with the statutory mandate  for  providing guidance and fostering  better  coordination between the colleges and the University Grants Commission , Ministry Of Human Resource Development of Government of India, Government of Assam and other Regulatory Bodies   for raising academic standards in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Commission from time to time and also  according due importance to the priorities envisaged by the University Authorities. The council is committed to play an effective role for  raising standards of the academic governance  in the Affiliated/Permitted  Colleges in coordination with the Statutory Bodies of the University, U G C  and concerned  Regulatory Bodies .

An   Advisory Body

The Council is the Principal Advisory Body to the Executive Council, through the Academic Council of the University on the matters relating to the governance of the affiliated / permitted colleges. The Council is also the   channel of communication between the U G C and the colleges for   processing the proposals for academic and infrastructural development of the colleges in consonance with the Guidelines of U G C.

Composition of the Council:


Vice-Chancellor Chairperson


Four Professors of the Post-Graduate Departments, Of which one will be from Science Departments , one from Arts, One from Commerce and one will be from the Dept of Teacher Education.


Seven Principals of affiliated Degree Colleges representing Seven districts ,according due weight age to the segments, ( Women’s Colleges, Arts, Science, Commerce Colleges and at least one college located at a remote place)


Three Principals, representing at least one representative from the Professional Colleges(Law, Engineering, Management, Medical Sciences etc )


Ex Officio Members


Controller of Examinations


Director of sports/Physical education

Director ,C D C

Member Secretary


A  Brief Outline on the Functions of the Council

The Council being the nodal body in the  University for coordination, guidance and organizing meaningful interfaces in between the colleges and the University for sustainable quality development  by infusing vivacity in to the education system, the council has been assigned primarily the following responsibilities  for transformation of mandate into concrete achievements,

  1. to provide a forum for consideration of various aspects of education in the affiliated colleges of the University with a view to continuously  guiding the colleges for  improving the general educational standards, Sports, cultural and co curricular activities for enhancing the academic vibrancy .  It will also recommend to  the appropriate authority of the university  steps to be taken for the purpose, if necessary,
  2. to assess the development needs of the colleges, both academic and infrastructural
  3. to help the affiliated colleges to prepare developmental projects which may be financed internally by the Institutions, or which may be presented to other funding agencies such as University Grants Commission, etc.,
  4. to assess periodically the physical facilities in the affiliated colleges with reference to the number of students and the subjects taught and make recommendations for their improvement,
  5. to review the academic performance of affiliated colleges including results from time to time and make suggestions for improvement;
  6. to follow up the Inspection Reports of the committee(s) appointed by it on various colleges and suggest corrective measures wherever necessary;
  7. to suggest steps to be taken by the colleges for empowerment of the youths in consonance with guidelines issued by the U G C and Other agencies for the purpose,
  8. to conduct surveys of all the affiliated colleges with a view to preparing and maintaining an up-to-date profile on each college under the University, reviewing the existing facilities and identifying the needs and gaps that need to be filled for the development of colleges; and
  9. to ensure close and continued contact and interaction between the faculties at the University teaching departments, University Library and the colleges.
  10. The Council also take steps for organizing conferences/ seminars/ workshops in coordination with the I Q A C of the University /College(s) in the University Campus or college(S) from time to time on relevant subject(s) in consonance with the U G C’s Guidelines/NAAC/decisions of the University and other Regulatory Bodies, as may be necessary for maintenance of quality and for furtherance of National Policy on Higher Education.


The Director College Development Council also performs the duties and responsibilities of the Statutory Post of the Inspector Of Colleges  for looking after the matters pertaining to Affiliation of the Colleges as assigned by the 242nd Meeting  Executive Council of the University in its meeting held on 11.02.2000 vide Resolution No 14.

Members & Committee

At present Dibrugarh University has 177 Colleges, both Affiliated and Permitted in seven districts of Upper Assam and also a few Colleges/Institutes beyond its normal jurisdiction as approved by the State Government of Assam within the Statutory Proviso of the Section 5(1) of The D.U. Act, 1965 (as amended up to date).

Notification/ Document